How to make a cat house with your own hands?

Recently, we are surrounded by these cute, but rather wayward fluffies. They live at home, sleep in our bed, sometimes they even eat our food and wear clothes that are designed for our children. We meet them on the street, see on TV. And even on the vast expanses of the Internet, we also see their smug faces.

Of course, we are talking about cats now. It is these funny fat belts that have become for many people the most expensive and important creatures on the planet, being considered full members of the family. Although cats are animals with character. In addition, unlike dogs, for example, they are used to walking on their own. But, despite this, more and more breeders give preference to these proud and independent minke whales and can no longer imagine their lives without their purrs.

Therefore, in this article we will look at how to make a house for a cat. After all, store options do not always meet all the requirements of the animal and the owner himself. And the owner of the pet, like no one else, knows what will appeal to his capricious, but still beloved fluff.

make the cat house itself

Where to begin?

Before proceeding with the implementation of the house for the cat, it is necessary, first of all, to assess their strength. That is, if you want to make a durable house of fiberboard, you will need at least elementary carpenter skills. Therefore, not every girl will be able to bring such an idea to life. And then it is more reasonable for her to use more affordable materials. For example, cardboard boxes.

It is also very important to determine the place where the future structure will be located and calculate its size. Suppose the reader of this article lives in an apartment whose area is quite limited. Then it would be foolish to build a castle for the cat - there simply will be nowhere to put it. As a result, the work will be in vain.

In addition, it is very important to equip the cat with a house that can meet all the habits and preferences of a particular animal. For example, if a pet leads an active lifestyle, his home should certainly be equipped with a scratcher and a playground.

how to make a house for a cat do it yourself

How to calculate the size of the house in which the cat will be comfortable?

How to make a cat house with your own hands? Such a question at a certain moment is faced by every loving owner. After all, he wants his pet to feel comfortable, and the purchased models of cat houses are carried out according to general standards, therefore they do not always suit a particular animal.

Sizes of a house for a cat:

  1. So, for the residential part of the house where it is planned to settle a medium-sized cat, a cube (for example, a cardboard box) with a width and height of forty centimeters is suitable.
  2. Cats are animals for which safety is of paramount importance. For this reason, the hole used to enter and exit the pet should be small. About twenty centimeters in diameter. However, when determining this value, it is necessary to build on the breed and fatness of your animal.
  3. If in the house you also want to make additional beds, in tiers, for example. Their size should be the same - 40x40 cm. They should not be placed too high from the ground or from each other. The cat should reach the next couch with its front paws while standing with its hind legs on the surface of the floor or the previous couch.

How to choose a material?

We already mentioned that the question "how to make a house for a cat with your own hands" is preceded by a different one - "from what material it will be made." The main criterion for answering it will be your own capabilities, knowledge, skills, and strength.

The house can be made from:

  • cardboard or cardboard box;
  • plywood or fiberboard;
  • foam rubber or felt.

Thus, the use of one or another material allows you to distribute the houses by strength. For example, it is clear that a plywood structure will be much stronger and withstand a greater onslaught than a felt.

how to make houses for domestic cats

However, it is important to note that unnatural and new material will not work. Since the cat or cat will not be comfortable in the first, the second will scare the animal away with an unpleasant, pungent odor. Therefore, the best option would be used material. But by no means iron. Because in such a house a pet can catch on six for “burrs” invisible to a person. In addition, from time to time he will have to endure rather painful electric shocks. After all, iron is an excellent current collector.

Cat house plan

Depending on the equipment and functionality, you can make a cat house yourself very quickly and simply, but you can, on the contrary, spend many hours and a lot of effort on it. That is, if a house means a simple bed, then a cat or a cat will be able to update a new place in a couple of hours. If you want to build a whole complex, in which there will be a house itself, and a playground for games, additional beds, a scratching post and many other areas of interest to the animal, then the pet will have to wait at least a whole day, and the owner will carefully think out and calculate the plan of the future cat’s the palace.

Since domestic cats were wild not so long ago, their most important instincts are still preserved. Therefore, it is very important to equip a cat house in such a way that the animal feels safe. To do this, pay attention to the behavior of the cat. Where she likes to be more: at a height, watching others and freely demonstrating herself, or, conversely, in a secluded place under the sofa away from prying eyes.

Also, before you make a house for a cat, it is important to consider the layout regarding the gender of the animal. Because for the cat the invisibility of the lair is priority, because she is a mother whose goal is to protect her offspring at all costs. Even if it is not there at all. For these reasons, it is more reasonable to build a structure where the bed will not be combined with the house.

Another thing is a cat. He is a hunter, a getter. For him, the instinct of self-preservation is paramount. Therefore, a house on a hill is suitable for him, in which you need to jump, and not enter.

how to make a house for a cat at home

Color scheme

Many breeders who wondered “how to make a house for a cat” believe that the right color should be chosen for him. Indeed, otherwise, the animal will not be happy at all with the new thing. However, in reality, the color of her home does not make any difference to the cat. Because she does not distinguish color.

Thus, do not spend too much time on color or design. After all, this nuance is more important for the pet owner. The animal will appreciate only the functionality and equipment. Therefore, it is more correct to ponder these moments, and only then to pervert to your own taste.

The easiest cat house

The simplest of the simplest in terms of complexity is considered a cat house out of the box. Do it yourself elementary. He will need the following materials:

  • box suitable for the pet;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • paper tape;
  • PVA glue.

As noted above, there are no specific recommendations regarding the design. Therefore, the finished product, the owner can decorate, paste, sheathe at his discretion.


  1. First of all, you need to connect the two opposite parts of the lid, and on the other two mark unnecessary fields with a pencil.
  2. They need to be cut off, stepping back from the intended line, 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Now we draw a hole for entry on the future house.
  4. And cut it out.
  5. If desired, you can also add small windows.
  6. Or immediately start gluing. To do this, connect the parts of the cover. We coat the side ones with PVA, and glue the upper rib with paper tape.
  7. We paint with cloth, wallpaper, clippings from magazines, perform arbitrary sketches with a pencil or marker, etc. In other words, we create on our own.
  8. As a result, we get the first version of the house.
how to make a cat house out of boxes

So, here's how to make a cat house out of the boxes.

"Two-story building" for the pet

A two-story house looks very original and somewhat funny. Also made from ordinary cardboard boxes. But the pet feels much more comfortable and protected in it.

To implement this idea, not one, but two boxes of the same size will be required. Otherwise, the set of materials is identical to the previous master class. The execution technology of the upper part is also similar to the previous instruction.

So, to make such a house for cats step by step with your own hands is not difficult at all:

  1. You need to take the first box and make a hole in it for entry / exit. If you really want to add windows.
  2. Fold the box as usual.
  3. Lubricate the top wall with PVA (by glueing a symbolic snowflake with glue to make the structure better hold).
  4. And attach an ordinary one-story house, described in the previous paragraph.
  5. Decorate as you wish.
how to make a cat house out of boxes

Multi-tenant home

Another option on how to make a house for a cat out of boxes is presented for those breeders who have not one, but two or more fluffies. To build it is also quite simple. The main thing is to stock up on several cardboard boxes - one “apartment” for each pet. If you want to repeat the house shown in the picture below, you will need four more additional boxes - for support.

So, the instruction for the implementation of the "multi-apartment" house for cats and cats:

  1. In the boxes, make holes for entry / exit.
  2. Then stick them on top of each other in the form of a pyramid.
  3. And to equip the resulting couches with soft pillows so that it is more convenient for the animals to look around and just relax.
how to make a house for a cat do it yourself

Cardboard house for purrs

In fact, from cardboard or cardboard boxes you can make a lot of original and comfortable shelters for cats. And then we will consider another creative and easy-to-execute option, how to make a house for a cat yourself.

Necessary materials:

  • corrugated cardboard packaging;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • compass.


  1. First you need to measure circles on a cardboard four centimeters wide. Starting from the largest, which will serve as the bottom. And ending small, which is necessary for the roof.
  2. Now, carefully, so as not to get hurt, cut them out with an office knife.
  3. And finally we glue it together - first, large, after less, less and completely crumb.

Perhaps someone will more clearly explain the process of how to make a house for a cat with your own hands, the photo presented below.

how to make a cardboard house for a cat

Tent for cat

A tent for a beloved pet is very original and not too complicated. It can be built from old and unnecessary things. Such as:

  • T-shirt of a large size;
  • needle with thread, scissors;
  • strong, but rather flexible wire;
  • pliers;
  • PVA glue;
  • awl;
  • a piece of thick cardboard is the bottom of the house.

Having prepared the necessary materials, you can proceed directly to the description of how to make a house for a cat out of a T-shirt:

  1. Cardboard is a priority. In which you need, carefully, so as not to get hurt, with an awl, make small holes in the corners.
  2. Then, using pliers, cut off two pieces of wire one meter in length.
  3. Bend them in an arc.
  4. Insert into the holes on the cardboard.
  5. Bend the edges, pour PVA and leave to dry for several hours.
  6. After that, fix the arcs with a piece of wire, tape, thick threads at the intersection.
  7. Now it's the turn of the T-shirt. It must be put on the frame so that the collar serves as a way out for the cat.
  8. Cut off the unnecessary parts of the fabric with scissors, then pull them off with the help of threads - the T-shirt should not sag.
how to make a house for a cat yourself

Now the fluffy pet has a great tent. And the owner is no longer tormented by the question "how to make a house for a cat out of cardboard and a T-shirt."

Wigwam for a cat

According to the technology described for the previous house, you can make another one. The so-called wigwam. In it, the pet will also feel comfortable and protected.

To do it, you need to prepare the same materials as for the house from the old T-shirt. Except wire. Because in this case, you need four sticks of medium length.

make a house for cats with your own hands step by step

The progress is almost identical:

  1. We also take a square piece of cardboard.
  2. We make holes in the corners.
  3. Insert prepared sticks into them.
  4. We tighten them at the top with the help of threads, and pour glue at the bottom.
  5. Then we tighten with a cloth on which a small hole is necessary to be cut beforehand, which is necessary for the animal to enter and exit.

Felt cat house

All domestic cats love warmth and comfort. Therefore, many pets will certainly enjoy the next house. Which, due to the fact that it uses natural materials, will not shock the poor creature with electric current. It will also provide softness and comfort.

To complete the house should be prepared:

  • felt fabric;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • needle with threads;
  • foam rubber.

How to make a house for a cat at home:

  1. At the initial stage, you should fold a piece of felt in half and draw a half-length cat leading the cat in height, the width of which is at least forty centimeters.
  2. On one of them mark an oval hole of medium size. This will be the entry for the cat.
  3. Then cut out the details and sweep them around the edges. Do not touch the bottom yet.
  4. Then again take the felt fabric, put a stitched cone on it and draw a circle.
  5. Cut it and sew to the previously prepared part.
  6. Turn the resulting structure to the front side. The frame of the house is ready, you can go to the decoration.
  7. Cut two triangles and sew to the "crown" of the house.
  8. Now, with the help of threads over the entry / exit hole, embroider a cat's face: eyes, nose and mustache.

In the end, you should get a funny house for a cute fat cat, who looks very similar to himself. For example, such as presented in the following photo.

how to make a cat house photo

How to make a two-level house for a cat

If the reader of this article has basic carpentry skills, it will not be difficult for him to create an interesting design, presented in the picture below.

make a house for cats with your own hands step by step

This will require:

  • an old chair with a straight back;
  • two pieces of fiberboard or plywood suitable in size;
  • two slats;
  • hammer and nails;
  • material for tightening.

How to make a cat house:

  1. First of all, you should turn the chair over and beat two slats to its legs. This is necessary so that the future couch does not swing and the animals feel comfortable and safe.
  2. Then, using a hammer and nails, attach the first piece of plywood or fiberboard to the seat.
  3. Next, do the same with the second piece. But you need to attach it to the back.
  4. If desired, a claw-claw can be built on the legs of the chair (under a higher bed). For this you need to take another piece of plywood or fiberboard and cover it with an old palace. Then beat to the legs.
  5. At the end of the bed, cover with prepared material.

Two-level house is ready!

What else can you make a house for a cat?

The answer to the question, formed in the heading, can be quite commonplace phrase - whatever. And this is actually so.

make a house for a cat with your own hands photo

Because as soon as the owner determines what he intends to build for the pet - a simple house or a whole complex equipped with areas for:

  • recreation;
  • active pastime;
  • environmental monitoring;
  • claw turning;
  • shelter from prying eyes and other activities.

We can only give various instructions on how to make houses for domestic cats. And also provide photos with examples of finished products. Because each animal, and especially cats, is very individual. It is possible to determine his needs and preferences only during a long observation of him. Otherwise, there is a risk that the pet will not appreciate the gift, but will continue to live in the same place, not convenient for the owner.

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