Sugarcane at Minecraft: gathering places, craft, own reed farm

Minecraft sugarcane blocks can be used to make useful items like paper and sugar. This plant is usually located near water sources, in sandy, earthy or grassy areas. The most amazing thing is that from one reed seedling you can create a real reed farm that will bring crops on an ongoing basis.

general information

Externally, the plant resembles several green stems, on which small processes are visible. In nature, the reed can grow up to 5 blocks in height, provided that it was automatically generated by the game itself. If you plant a plant yourself, then it will reach only 3 blocks.

As mentioned earlier, wild reeds at Minecraft can be found close to the water in areas covered with sand, earth or grass. Sometimes, though rarely enough, this plant is found in snowy biomes. Reed is a renewable resource that appears by accident. Sugarcane products at Minecraft can be controlled by building your own cane farm.

Cane Farm at Minecraft

Reed growing

Planting and cultivating sugarcane is a simple process available to players at any level. Reed seedlings do not need special beds and coexist on almost all standard sites. Some players also argue that you can use podzol or red sand to plant a plant, however, we cannot vouch for this information. In any case, everyone has access to sand, earth and grass blocks.

What does a simple reed farm look like at Minecraft? Suitable blocks should be close to water, which may be in liquid form or in the form of frozen ice. On sand blocks, reed matures at the same rate as on earth or grass.

A light source is also optional. The plant gains full growth of 3 blocks in a short period of time. Interesting fact: sugarcane takes root even under water. Under such conditions, an air bubble is created around it, known as an “air pocket,” which allows the hero to breathe.

Reed harvest

Sugarcane blocks at Minecraft

Sugarcane grows in 13-15 game minutes (to the size of the standard three blocks). In the BedrockEdition update, a plant can be immediately expanded to a maximum of five blocks using bone meal.

In ripened reeds, it is better to remove only the middle block - in this case, the upper one will collapse itself. The lower block can not be touched and then over time a new plant will grow from it. Thanks to this principle, the player will no longer have to worry about a new landing, since half of the work on the farm will already be completed. You can destroy blocks manually, without using any special tools. If the source of water disappears, the plant will deteriorate and collapse automatically.

What can be cooked from cane in Minecraft

As mentioned above, cane is actively used in the manufacture of such valuable items as paper and sugar. Of the three elements of the plant will turn out one sheet of paper, from one element - a cube of sugar. What is the usefulness of the latter? This element is very popular in cooking - it makes pumpkin pie and cake. Sugar is also a key ingredient in potions (producing a spider eye and creating several elixirs).

All About Sugarcane at Minecraft

What else is the usefulness of sugarcane at Minecraft?

  • A good water gate is obtained from this plant, as it is able to hold back water and lava flows.
  • Due to the fact that arrows do not get stuck in reed blocks, distributors often mask them.
  • And finally, sugarcane is a wonderful decoration for any garden interior.

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