Features of a miniature schnauzer haircut at home

The Miniature Schnauzer is a fun and playful dog with a tough and fairly thick coat. It is necessary to constantly monitor it, regularly comb, trim and trim. This contributes to proper growth and a neat appearance of the animal. After a professional haircut, the miniature schnauzer looks noble, the hidden shades of the undercoat appear. It is very difficult to trim a dog. The grooming master must emphasize the merits and cover up all the shortcomings that the dog has. He gets acquainted not only with combing techniques and various types of haircuts, but also studies the anatomy of the body, how the dog looks in motion.

miniature schnauzer haircut

After a proper haircut, the miniature schnauzer looks very elegant. On a walk, all passers-by will admire the beauty of the dog, even people who are skeptical of them will not remain indifferent. When buying a puppy, be prepared that about 2-3 times a year you will have to deal with the "hair" of the pet.

Haircut features

Miniature Schnauzer for exhibitions trimmed. This is the process of plucking hard dead hair. From about 4 months in the warm season, the dog should be entrusted to a professional groomer for the first time. Even if the owner then wants to cut the dog on his own, you need to see how the master performs this procedure and listen to his advice.

Start from the neck and advance along the back and sides to the tail. From trimming, the new coat grows already shiny and healthy. If the owner does not exhibit the dog at shows, you can conduct a simple haircut. The classic version of such a haircut is considered to be a short trimmed back and neck, and from the bottom - on the stomach and on the legs - leave a long skirt. On the face of the dog emphasize the eyebrows, beard.

miniature schnauzer haircuts photo

Paws must be scissored between the fingers, giving them a rounded shape. The tail is also processed. Trimming from below, the upper side is trimmed with a machine. The head, ears and inner thighs are treated with a machine. On the face, the beard and eyebrows are carefully aligned with scissors parallel to the line of the lower jaw. The lower parts of the legs are also trimmed evenly. It is good to take a souvenir photo immediately after cutting the miniature schnauzer, because the beauty aligned with the hairdryer does not last long. Then the hairs will again be curly.

Necessary tools for work

If the owner of the miniature schnauzer decided on a haircut at home, then it is necessary to prepare the tools necessary for this. You will need a powerful machine with interchangeable blades, professional metal hairdresser scissors, a trimming knife, a thick metal comb, a brush for combing tundles.

Cars are mechanical and electrical, professional and amateur. If a master needs a machine for frequent haircuts, he buys, of course, a professional machine with a gear motor. If you need a miniature schnauzer clipper only at home, you need to buy a simple electric machine with a vibratory drive and a rigid knife mount. Also included are plastic nozzles on knives of different lengths, from 3 mm to 15 mm.

miniature schnauzer haircut at home

With a mechanical machine, you can trim the hair on the legs and face. She is silent, the dog will not be afraid of her. It is also convenient to take it with you to an exhibition where there is no power supply, in case you need to correct something at the last moment to your handsome miniature schnauzer.

Face cutting

The most crucial moment of the whole haircut is the processing of the muzzle. First, you briefly need to cut the hair over the eyebrows to the back of the head. Eyebrows should be thoroughly combed with a metal flat comb, it is advisable to wet long hair and take it between the fingers. Trim to a triangular shape. They should not be short. The hair on the chin is slightly trimmed, leaving the length untouched. The muzzle together with the beard forms a rectangle. It is necessary to cut, combing the beard forward, starting from the side of the neck along the hair growth forward. Extreme care must be taken to cut the miniature schnauzer between the eyes. This gap takes a V-shape.

miniature schnauzer clipper

What is rolling?

One of the methods of hair care is rolling, a form of trimming. Wool with such a haircut is stratified into a couple of layers. Suitable for dogs with very dense coat and salt-pepper color. The procedure is performed every 2 months, then the dog does not have to trim. The wool that freely leaves is removed, the remaining layers are still in place. After a while, it is the turn of the rest. The passages are repeated constantly, as new hair grows. With this method of grooming the wool, the miniature schnauzer will not shed, the wool will remain the same length all the time. Bald, they feel uncomfortable. After plucking the remaining coat, the dog must be washed so that there is no irritation on the skin. Drying wool is better with a compressor. It draws moisture and smoothes hairs.

How to work as a host?

Furminator is a special tool for combing dogs and cats. It consists of a pen with a comb attached to it with a blade. This is the most effective method for removing dead undercoat. It does not damage the rest of the hair during molting. At the moment of combing by the furminator, the teeth grab the hair and pull it, but the undercoat remains. Only dry hair needs to be combed out. No need to apply crushing force when working with the device.

miniature schnauzer haircut

But it is possible to injure the skin with careless use of the tool. You can’t drive in the same place many times. They are also not recommended to work for a long time, it is better for a little in a few days so that the dog is not afraid of a haircut. It is enough to use this method of getting rid of excess hair 1-2 times a month. Before you begin, you need to brush out the tangles with a brush.

Wool Care Rules

It is very important to comb the dog daily, and only in the direction of hair growth. Carefully work out the places with the cones. It is advisable to spray the coat with air conditioning before the procedure. Then combing will be easier. The brush should be taken wide and not sharp.

comb brush

Intimate places are also subject to monthly processing. Carefully trim the coat around the anus with scissors. In the ears, protruding hairs must be plucked. Do not forget about the claws. They need to be cut carefully, as the blood vessels pass through the center of the claw. If you bite off more, then the blood will go, and the dog will be hurt.

Listen to the recommendations of specialists, and your favorite miniature schnauzer will be the healthiest and most beautiful dog.

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