Often computer owners are faced with a problem when the hard drive knocks . The reasons why this can happen, in fact, are many, ranging from factory defects to an unstable voltage level. In today's article, we will examine in detail all the most common causes that cause a hard drive to knock, and also look at ways to deal with problems. Let's get started!
Lack of nutrition
The first reason why the hard drive is knocking is a lack of power. The “culprit” of this problem may be the computer’s power supply, which does not provide the necessary amount of power to the hard drive. But you should not immediately run to the store for a new PSU, because the problem may lie in the wire through which power is supplied to the hard drive. In order to check whether this is actually so, you need to connect another power cable to the hard drive. If the knocking stopped, it means that the cable was to blame, if not, then obviously the problem is in the power supply, because of which the hard drive is knocking.
What to do in this case? The most correct option would be to check the hard drive on another PSU, which is either less loaded or has more power. If there is no knocking with another PSU, then your current PSU can be safely changed, but if you still have knocks, the problem of their occurrence may be completely different.
The next reason why the hard drive is knocking is high temperature and overheating. Yes, this also happens very often, especially in small computer cases, where there is a weak cooling system and a very dense layout. A disk at high load starts to work very actively, as a result of which its temperature increases and knocks can appear.
To make sure that it is precisely overheating that causes knocking, you need to monitor the temperature of the hard drive. This can be done using special programs, for example, HDD Temperature or CrystalDisk. The usual operating temperature of the railway should be in the region of 20 to 40 degrees, possibly a little more. If the temperature on the disk reaches above 50, then this is not very good, because of this there may be problems.
How to deal with heating and overheating? There are special cooling systems for hard drives that are sold in stores. Also, replacing the computer case with a new, more spacious one with good and proper cooling can help correct the situation. Well, in the end, you can “attach” a regular 60-90-mm fan so that it blows around the hard drive.
Magnetic layer damage
The next reason why the hard disk is knocking is damage to the magnetic layer. This is a very unpleasant problem, since in most cases after such a hard drive very quickly becomes unusable. The magnetic layer can be damaged by the read head, which, when touched, begins to scratch it. In a fully operational railway, this, of course, should not be.
It is possible to check whether the knock is really caused by damage to the magnetic layer only by opening and thoroughly examining the surfaces of the disks. At home, you must perform this procedure very carefully, since dust particles and debris can also get inside, which can also cause problems. It is best in this situation to give the hard drive for diagnosis to a quality computer service, where professionals with rich experience work.
If the diagnosis of the problem is confirmed, and the magnetic layer is really damaged, the disk will need to be changed, because it will not work for a long time in any case.
Firmware malfunction
Often there is a problem when the hard drive knocks and is not detected in the system at all, due to malfunctioning firmware. Simply put, the firmware is responsible for the correct operation of the hard drive, so that all the parts and components correctly perform their function, the floating head reads information correctly, etc. When the firmware fails, any of the HDD elements may start working incorrectly, which may cause knocking.
To fix this problem at home is quite problematic, especially without the proper skills and without a clue about how the hard drive is generally arranged. But still there are those who decide to do an independent repair by flashing the firmware. This procedure is quite complicated, requires additional equipment, and it differs for each manufacturer of railway, so if you want to do such repairs personally, you will have to look for detailed information and instructions on the Internet.
Well, for those who do not want to take risks and even more so harm, there is a simpler advice - take the disk to a service center where it will be repaired, or exchange it for a new one, if the warranty still applies.
Head wear
And the last reason why the hard disk is knocking is the data read head, or rather, its wear. It must be remembered that the more the disk works, the more the heads that read the information wear out. For example, a user who has a computer running for only 10-12 hours a day will have a hard drive that will live much longer than if he worked 24/7 without interruptions. A long period of operation always reduces the life of the hard drive, and there is nothing to be done about it.
Under constant loads, the read head wears out and the hard drive eventually knocks. How to fix this problem? Well, fortunately, not everything is as sad as it might seem, because head wear is not always "fatal" for railway. An old, worn head can always be replaced with a new, suitable one, and some do it on their own, without contacting service centers. There are plenty of instructions on specialized forums and websites on the Internet, so if you want to fix everything yourself, you just need to find the right manual and a new head for the drive.
If you don’t feel like taking risks or there is some uncertainty, fear of harm, etc., then the right option would be to go to the service center, where the replacement is already done by the master.
Well, the last reason for knocking a hard drive is a manufacturing defect. Unfortunately, the hard drive is the most common device of all the components for the PC in which marriage occurs. There were even cases when a manufacturer produced entire batches of hard drives, which literally for several weeks or months showed any problems, including knocking. The only way out in this situation is to replace the faulty hard drive with a new one under warranty.