How to make and use a distributor in Minecraft?

Every Minecraft player knows that this game is full of surprises - there are a huge number of different items that you can use. Moreover, you can combine these items with each other, make them interact, which makes your time spent in the game invaluable. This is a sea of ​​pleasure and the realization of any potential. Therefore, everyone should try to play this masterpiece project and look at the wonderful objects that it offers. For example, a repeater is used here to make the electric signal go further than twelve blocks by wire, and the Minecraft distributor has the function of randomly dispensing items, which can be convenient in various situations.

What is a distributor?

Minecraft Distributor

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how to make a distributor in minecraft

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how to craft a distributor in minecraft

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how to use a distributor in minecraft

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, , . . - . , , . , . , , , ,which in Minecraft plays the role of fertilizer. You yourself can come up with the very method of using the distributor that will be the most comfortable - no one limits you here. Absolutely all objects can be placed in the dispenser, so turn on your imagination and adjust this mechanism to your needs.

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