As you know, Easter is one of the main holidays of Orthodox Christians. It was celebrated even during the existence of the Soviet Union, when the authorities tried to instill atheism in the people, believers were persecuted, and churches and temples were closed everywhere. However, this period did not pass without a trace. Moreover, today most people, both young and middle-aged, are poorly versed in Orthodox traditions. In this regard, everyone needs to learn how to celebrate Easter correctly. We will talk about this further.
We start preparing ahead of time
If you want to learn how to celebrate Easter by all the rules, then keep in mind that believers begin to prepare for it in advance. So, first of all, you should observe Lent. It lasts for 7 weeks and ends with an Easter celebration. Do not forget that fasting is not only a rejection of carnal and gastronomic pleasures, but also the cleansing of our souls from evil thoughts, cruelty, and evil. If your health does not allow you to fast, but you want to properly prepare for Easter, give up meat, fish, milk and eggs at least a week before the great holiday - during Holy Week.
Good Thursday
When considering how to celebrate Easter, increased attention should be paid to Holy (or as it is more often called - “clean”) Thursday. On this day, a festive meal of Jesus Christ was surrounded by his disciples. Today on this day it is customary to partake of communion, put in order your home, be sure to swim, as well as bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. It is recommended to cook more festive dishes. After all, eggs and Easter cakes will serve as gifts to your relatives and friends whom you visit or who will come to visit you on Easter.
Good Friday
The day after the “clean” Thursday, a shroud is taken out of the church - the fabric that wrapped Jesus' body. The priests conduct the rite of his burial, after which the shroud sweeps around the temple. This day is not recommended to engage in any important or serious matters.
Great saturday
On this day, believers bring eggs and cakes to the temple for their consecration. In the evening, a liturgy is held, after which a solemn worship service is held at night, which is the most magnificent and beautiful church action. If you have never attended Easter service, be sure to do it. Believe me, you will not regret it. After all, this action has no analogues in solemnity, spirituality and beauty. Therefore, one of the main answers to the question of how to celebrate Easter is the recommendation to attend a festive service.
Easter Sunday
If you spent the whole night from Great Saturday on the day of the Resurrection of the Lord in the church, then, having returned home, you should prepare a festive table for conversation. Along with consecrated Easter cakes and eggs, put other holiday dishes. As a rule, at Easter they bake a duck or a goose, prepare pies, jellies, etc. In addition, it is not forbidden to drink wine on this day. Answering the question of how to celebrate Easter, it would be useful to recall that on this bright day it is customary to greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen", which must be answered "Truly Risen."
Easter does not end on the same day. Following the Resurrection, six days according to religious canons are not inferior to him in importance. In general, the holiday lasts 40 days. During this time, it is customary to go to visit and give gifts.
How is Easter celebrated in Ukraine?
In general, the traditions of this Christian holiday in Ukraine do not differ from the Russian ones. They also observe Lent, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes on a “clean” Thursday, attend a solemn service and consecrate food on the night of Saturday to Sunday. However, in Ukraine there is another custom, rooted in the days of Ancient Greece. Despite the fact that priests do not approve of such a practice, people often arrange a festive Easter dinner at the graves of deceased relatives.
How is Easter celebrated in different countries?
Since this holiday is not only Orthodox, but also Catholic, it is celebrated almost throughout the world. And, of course, each country has its own special customs and traditions. So, for example, in Australia, Easter, as well as the following Monday, is a public holiday. It hosts crowded fairs and a variety of recreational activities.
But in the American metropolis, New York, on Easter there is a big parade, during which hundreds of thousands of residents and guests of the city parade in a colorful and brightly dressed procession through the city streets.
In Europe, the most important character on this day is the Easter bunny. So, according to tradition, it is believed that he brings brightly colored eggs. On this day, it is customary to give each other gifts, which, as a rule, are beautiful baskets with eggs and various sweets.