Fish cockerel, or, as it is also called, fighting, is a representative of the labyrinth family. This name is not accidental for this species. The bright color, as well as the belligerent character of the "fighters" in some way resembles the same cocky and beautiful "earthly" roosters. If two males are placed in one aquarium, then a real cockfight with loose tails and fins can begin. You need to quickly separate the brawlers, otherwise one of them will die. Cockfights are extremely popular in their homeland.
Cockerel fish has its pedigree from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. There, these aquatic inhabitants live in small, warm bodies of water. Therefore, the optimum water temperature for this species is 22-26 degrees. There is little oxygen in the silted stagnant waters of Southeast Asia. Therefore, your aquarium does not need an aerator to saturate water with oxygen.
At home, nobody is particularly interested in what color of the cockerel fish. Their content boils down to preparing for battle. This is done by special trainers. A huge number of spectators come to see the fights. However, most often the death of the fish is not allowed, enough dangling fins.
Cockerel fish has an oval elongated body, slightly compressed on the sides. Its length is up to 5 cm in males and smaller, up to 4 cm, in females. By beauty and brightness, “fabulousness” of color there is no equal to them. At any turn, red, yellow, orange, pink, green colors sparkle and play, taking on all kinds of shades. Especially bright color in males when hassling with each other.
During spawning, the cockerel fish is also “filled” with paint. The females are a bit paler than their gentlemen, the fins of the "ladies" are short and not so luxurious. However, breeders are working in this direction. Not so long ago, females appeared in which the fins have a more elongated shape, and the body color is not inferior to males.
Cockerel fish has dark stripes across or along its body. The upper fin and tail of this species are rounded; the lower fin, starting from the head, reaches the tail. The pectoral fins of the males are spiky. It is interesting to observe the fish that are excited - the gills of the males swell, forming a protruding “collar” around the head.
The sex differences in these fish are obvious. The “boy” cockerel is more slender, it is brighter colored, its fins are much longer. Females are usually smaller, their fins are shorter. The main difference between a “chicken” and a cock will be the presence of a female individual near the anus of a small white spot - “grains”. This formation is a bit like a roe coming out. She becomes clearly visible from the age of three months.
What else do you need to know after cockerel fish appeared in your house? Keeping them is not such a difficult task.
You do not need to have academic knowledge or special conditions in order to get a cockerel. This species feels great even in a small aquarium. Some owners manage to keep one individual in a regular three-liter jar. But the two males in one "pond" can not get along. True, some owners share glass with long aquariums, settling their pets one at a time in different compartments. Many do the same thing because, seeing the rival, the males begin to become brighter, more colorful, they take warlike poses, trying to frighten and intimidate their counterpart. Females are not so aggressive, they can be kept several individuals at a time.
Rooster fish at home can live in an aquarium at the same time as other species. However, it is worth avoiding neighbors with veil fins. Otherwise, the "fighters" will certainly break them. It is better to settle larger fish with short fins, for example, barbs, to the males.
For tropical males, it is desirable to maintain the water temperature in the range from 24 to 28 degrees. Its periodic decrease to 18 degrees is allowed. Open areas should be left on the water surface, without floating vegetation. Fish need atmospheric air. Special aeration of the water is not needed, but it is desirable to pass water through the filter. It is recommended to place the aquarium so that during the day the sun will fall on it for several hours. It is undesirable to put it on a draft.
Periodically, thoroughly clean the pond. To do this, either partially or completely change the water. The fish is pre-caught with a special net and placed in a jar. Sanitation is carried out without the use of powders.
The labyrinth organ is a distinctive feature of the cockerel fish. This is not a simple addition to the gills - these babies breathe atmospheric air. Make sure that the surface of the water does not overgrow. Sometimes a bacterial film appears on it, it is easily removed if you attach a sheet of paper to the water, and then simply gently remove it.
Cockerels can jump out a lot. To prevent them from harming themselves, install a special cover with holes or a mesh.
For fish you need soft water. Do not use distillate for the aquarium, as it contains not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. Specialty stores sell special preparations to soften and purify water. Temperature should be controlled. To slightly reduce aggressiveness and stress, add a bit of therapeutic salt (half a teaspoon per four liters). Large aquariums need to be replaced once every two weeks. In the interval, it is necessary to change it partially. Small aquariums need to be cleaned and replaced twice a week. Be sure to remove the remaining food from the bottom - its decomposition products will poison the water.
How to feed a cockerel fish? These water inhabitants are not picky. They can eat both dry food and live. Most males love bloodworms. You can give the tubifex, cyclops, daphnia. Earthworms will do. To prevent the fish from overeating, remove the uneaten leftovers 15 minutes after the start of feeding. Food should be given once or twice a day.
If you see that the pets overeat, arrange for them one fasting day a week.
Cockerel Fish: Compatibility
As mentioned earlier, male males cannot be kept together. It is also undesirable to keep heterosexual individuals together. The male will constantly chase and lift the female.
Did you get a cockerel fish for the first time in your home? “Who does this species get along with?” - This question is often asked by beginners. Despite the “military” glory, the males behave peacefully enough towards their neighbors. Sometimes, however, the male can attack the male guppy, mistaking him for a relative.
It is undesirable to hook a cock to the owners of beautiful long fins and tails. This will definitely provoke a fighting fish, and it will begin to attack. It is unlikely that the cockerel will bring the opponent to death, but he can bite or cut off the tails and fins.
Often owners of aquariums hook snails to their pets. Fighting fish can feed on small specimens (for this they are usually planted). In larger individuals, males may bite their antennae. Keep this in mind for those who plan to decorate their aquarium with large snails.
Suitable neighbors for fighting fish
What kind of fish does the cockerel get along with? It can be neon iris, swordsmen, pecilia, ancytrus, brocade catfish, cockroaches, bots , gourami, grumbling, acanthophthalmus, pulpyripinnis, speckled catfish, gastromizones and some other species. It is advisable to consult with a sales assistant before purchasing fish.
Unwanted neighbors for cockerels
Acars, piranhas, tilapias, black- banded cichlosomes , ctenopomes, tetraodons, parrots, kupanusy, astronotus - it is impossible to settle males with these species of fish. Fighters can attack and break off fins to neighbors such as neons, zebrafish, guppies, cardinals, barbs, as well as spotted, pearl and marble gourami .
Reproduction of cockerel fish
Spawning should be carried out in a small separate aquarium (from seven liters). The height of the water column should be about 10-15 cm. Shelters from aquarium plants and artificial grottoes are arranged here. A rooster fish (female) will be able to hide here from a male, very aggressive during this period.
Producers before spawning should be fed all kinds of live food. Bright light is not needed. In a spawning aquarium, you should not do aeration - it will interfere with the construction of the nest.
Sexual maturity in fighting fish occurs in three to four months. Spawning can be stimulated by a large change of water. It is heated in the aquarium by 1-3 degrees. Previously, the fish are "introduced" to each other. To do this, they are placed in neighboring containers so that they can see their neighbors.
For the male, small floating plants are added so that he can strengthen the nest. At the beginning of spawning, starting to build a "dwelling", a male cockerel releases small air bubbles, then gluing them together with his saliva. About a day after the manufacturer was launched, the future mother is planted with him. After spawning begins, the male cockerel collects eggs by mouth and carries them to the nest.
At the end of spawning, he becomes aggressive, attacks the female. Therefore, it should be removed to another aquarium. The male grows offspring - he guards the nest, picks up the fallen eggs, placing them back. After the larvae hatch, the cockerel prevents them from spreading in different directions, collecting them.
The female is capable of sweeping 100-300 eggs at a time. Under normal conditions, spawning begins a day or two after a couple of males were placed together in the aquarium. It happens, however, that this process drags on for a week. After a day or three, larvae appear in the aquarium. After all the fry appear, and this will happen in 4-6 days, the male is planted, otherwise he is able to pass the fry spreading in different directions. In a spawning aquarium, a cockerel is usually fed with a bloodworm. Rinse the food well beforehand.
In male fry, a labyrinth organ will appear only after a few months. To create good conditions for growing young animals, it is necessary to establish aeration. You can lower the water level.
They feed the fry with ciliates - “living dust”. In exceptional cases, you can give a cool egg yolk. However, you should not abuse such lure. When the young grow up, you can transfer it to feeding artemia larvae. Next, the feed size is selected taking into account the size of the fry. You can enter into the diet cut tubule or specially designed industrial feed.
Fighting fish live for about three years. In the "old" age, it is undesirable to use them as producers.
To summarize
Bright and eccentric cockerels can decorate any home or office. Caring for them is simple. In return, they will give many pleasant minutes to their owner.