Tartar in dogs: prevention and treatment

A good owner should carefully care for the teeth of his pet, because if this is not observed, the animal can have serious problems. Tartar in dogs is not only dangerous in itself - if untreated, the infection can affect the gastrointestinal tract. A significant argument for those who doubt the benefits of prevention is the high cost of dental care for animals.

tartar in dogs


Tartar in dogs most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect feeding with liquid food or dispersed feed.
  • Use of harmful products - flour and sweet.
  • Violation of the diet - "nibbling."
  • Low animal activity.
  • Lack of prevention.

With improper nutrition, food debris clogs the animal’s oral cavity, bacteria actively multiply with pathogenic organisms - all this leads to the formation of plaque, tartar and further infection migration.


Tartar in dogs, like many other diseases, is easier to prevent than to treat. Preventive measures include:

  • The use of granular feed.
  • A diet consisting of a double meal.
  • Brushing teeth regularly.
  • The use of bones, ropes, chewing toys - various cleaning products.
  • Visit to veterinary clinics that have dentistry for dogs.

dog brushing

If the animal eats liquid food, the rate of occurrence of tartar, like other dental diseases, increases. In order for the stomach to work better and at the same time for the prevention of tartar, nutrition should be combined, allowing the animal to chew food for a long time. Strong bones, raw vegetables and whole fruits should be given more often, which helps to clean the teeth.

Chewing ropes and toys are excellent prophylaxis. Often they are made of strong threads twisted into a knot - this will perfectly remove plaque and clean the gums. Toys can be made of rubber with spikes or of cattle skin. Such measures contribute to the removal of plaque. Frequent use of all kinds of toys does not allow its accumulation. In addition, modern products can be impregnated with mint flavors, thanks to which the breath of the animal will be fresh.

When choosing bones and toys, you must keep in mind the size of the animal. The condition of the teeth at the moment will also be important - too hard or large objects can damage the oral cavity.


The most effective anti-plaque remedy is regular tooth brushing in dogs. Depending on the breed, the procedure may be recommended daily. Usually this is done 1-2 times every month. In this case, the owner should constantly inspect the teeth and gums of the animal.

dentistry for dogs

An animal, especially a large one, must be taught from an early age to regular examinations, to teach the team “teeth”. Choosing care products is very easy today - every pet store has a huge selection of brushes and pastes. You can choose preparations based on aromas pleasant to the owner, or taste pleasant to the dog.

The brush should choose soft or medium. A great solution is to purchase two brushes. One of them will be used for cleaning, the second one can do gum massage. The dog’s teeth have a structure different from ours, so you should not buy her a “human” brush.

Also, teeth brushing in dogs at home is done with a bandage or gauze, on which a solution of hydrogen peroxide, drinking soda is applied. If the animal has heart or kidney disease, soda is not recommended.

Brushing your teeth at home is quite difficult, because the dog can resist the unpleasant procedure and the unpleasant taste of cleaning products. When brushing your teeth, your gums may bleed slightly.


Veterinarians claim that tartar in dogs is the most common disease. Its essence is a colony of bacteria living on the enamel of an animal’s tooth. Initially, it is a light coating, but over time it becomes denser and harder, acquiring a yellow or brown color. Reacting with calcium of teeth, this substance is gradually mineralized.

If the owner noticed an unpleasant smell from the jaws of the animal, dark plaque on his teeth, anxiety, fever - we can talk about the appearance of the disease. Most often it occurs in spaniels, Spitz, terriers, dachshunds and Pekingese.

dog tartar removal

Tartar affects the enamel, so there is irritation and inflammation of the oral mucosa. First of all, the posterior surface of the teeth suffers, where particles of food may remain.

The disease develops most often in middle-aged animals. The reasons are heredity and violation of the feeding regimen.


Removing tartar in dogs at home is possible in the early stages. To do this, use herbal medicine and folk remedies. Solutions of chamomile, sage, elderberry are used. Actively use phytovitamins. For physical exposure, soda solution on herbs is used.

To maintain the condition, it is often recommended to use specialized feeds that prevent the formation of plaque or significantly slow down its formation.

In no case should you use metal tools or hard brushes to remove. Such measures will lead to tooth decay and severe bleeding of the gums.


Removal of tartar in dogs that have passed into the middle and severe stage must be carried out in a clinic. Treatment includes professional stone removal, gum treatment, an antibacterial course, and in case of complications, the removal of badly damaged teeth.

Removal is performed under general anesthesia. This makes it possible to quickly and efficiently carry out the procedure, reducing discomfort for the animal.

Dentistry for dogs offers ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. This makes it possible to preserve color and natural enamel. After this procedure, the animal’s teeth are polished and coated with fluoride for prevention.

removal of tartar in dogs

The regularity of brushing, prophylaxis, and doctor's examinations are the key to the health of the animal’s teeth.

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