Employees of kindergartens often need to inform parents about the expected events and activities that will be held in the kindergarten in the near future, bring to them information about class schedules, holidays and birthdays, give some tips on educating preschoolers and organize proper nutrition for babies.
The information corners for parents in kindergarten organized in each group are best suited for this purpose. Moreover, it is necessary to arrange them in a conspicuous place where mothers and fathers can easily get acquainted with the information on the routine of the child care institution and each individual group. From such a stand there will be little use if it is located in a distant place, parents will not see it, unless the controlling authorities will appreciate it in due measure.
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It will be quite good if inexperienced parents take note of these tips, because experience comes over the years, and they do not always know what to do in different situations. What is better to do if the child cries badly and cannot calm down in any way? How to protect your child from injury and where should I go in case of injury in the baby? What topics can be discussed with a baby? The number of questions is endless. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the advice of experienced educators and resort to the help of other specialists in difficult cases. The duties of the staff include regular replenishment, change of information material and adding it to the corners for parents in kindergarten. Only in this case will parents be able to get the information they need on time.