In our article we will consider lop-eared breeds of dogs with photos and names. We describe some important features of each. In addition, we will briefly review the rules for caring for them.
Hanging ears are a breed feature that attracts many people. Therefore, some decide to buy such a pet. It is likely that because of the popularity of hanging ears, cartoon and toy dogs are βequippedβ with this element. Now we will consider the popular breed of lop-eared dogs. You will find the names and photos below.
This breed was bred in Germany. Representatives used to hunt badgers. This breed of small lop-eared dogs has recently become increasingly popular. Her representatives are small in size, with short but strong legs. The body of the dogs is long, the head is conical in shape.
Dachshunds are fairly stubborn dogs. Because of what, difficulties arise in studying. Therefore, when teaching a dachshund, be patient. The barking of these dogs is loud and deep. Note that dachshunds really like to bark.
You need to take care of the wool once a week with a brush. This way you remove the dead hairs.
Cocker Spaniel
A fold dog breed that was bred in the ninth century for bird hunting in England. In the eighteenth century in this country there were already two varieties of cockers: cocker spaniel and springer. In 1893, Great Britain established standards for each species.
The Cocker Spaniel is a small but strong and agile dog. Her head is conical, wide, and the muzzle is square in shape. Ears are covered with long and wavy hair, located low. The eyes of the spaniel are ovoid, large. The neck is muscular, long, and the coat is soft, silky.
The color of these dogs can be different. You can find dark and light red cocker spaniels. This breed of lop-eared dogs also has black-and-white and purely black representatives.
The character of the cockers is calm. They are very smart, gentle and affectionate. Get along well with children and other pets. Cocker Spaniel loves to be with his family, loneliness is not for him.
Such a dog needs careful grooming. It is necessary to ensure that it does not get confused, lumps do not form. Excess hair in the ears and between the paws should be removed. If necessary, you can trim the dog several times a year. It is advisable to trust this business to professionals.
Labrador Retriever: Description
The lop-eared breed of dogs (see photo below) has a lot of positive qualities. It was bred in the nineteenth century in a Canadian province. Representatives of the breed are excellent swimmers. They are also known around the world because of hard work and devotion to the owner.
These dogs are used in search and rescue operations, to help people with disabilities, to search for explosives and drugs. Also in all competitions, representatives of this breed excelled.
In size, this dog is medium, muscular, strong. The head is wide, the nose is trapezoidal in shape. Hazel eyes, medium size, round. The tail is medium in size, thin at the end, and thick at the base. Representatives of the breed can be black, brown. Fawn Labrador Retrievers are also found .
Representatives of this breed are very fond of eating. Therefore, if you overfeed, they are prone to obesity. Often these dogs may even eat inedible items, such as children's toys. These dogs are quite energetic, as they are bred for physically demanding jobs. Therefore, they need daily exercise. You need to do it within an hour.
The representatives of this breed are friendly, they can be safely selected as a pet for a family with children. Labradors are also great companions. These dogs are responsive, friendly, intelligent. Labradors are obedient, loyal to the owner, affectionate with children.
Labrador Retriever: Breed Care
You should regularly look after their thick coat. You need to comb it once a week, during the molting period more frequent combing is necessary. It is advisable to bathe your pet every 2 months. Once a month, it is worth trimming the claws if the dog does not comb them on their own.
It is necessary to monitor the ears, they must be checked once a week. If an infection is suspected, the dog should be shown to the doctor. After bathing and swimming, it is also worth cleaning the ears of the Labrador. This must be done to prevent infection.
Golden retriever
This is another breed of lop-eared dogs that was bred in the 1800s. Its representatives are excellent hunters, swimmers and companions. Such a dog has a wide flat skull, a trapezoidal muzzle. The build is slim. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, medium in size. The tail of the representatives of the breed is medium and straight, held high. Their ears are small, hanging. They are located high.
Representatives of the breed are energetic, they need long walks. They can live both in the apartment and in the house. Great for large families. Retrievers are very obedient, well-trained dogs. They have a balanced psyche. Need regular cleaning of wool, ears.
What other fold dogs are there? The name of the next is Bloodhound. This breed is one of the oldest to date. Representatives in size are large. Their body is strong, muscular, while the skin is quite thin. The muzzle is long, the nose and lips are large. Ears are long enough, low located. The eyes are dark, deep set. The most common colors: fawn, red, red-brown, black with a red tan.
Representatives of this breed need long daily walks. It is advisable to keep such dogs not in an apartment, but in a house with a large but fenced yard. The nature of these dogs is quite mild. They are smart, active. Such a dog barks infrequently, but loudly.
How to care for a dog? Periodically brush off dead fibers with a brush. Ears should be cleaned regularly to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating. This must be done by each owner of the bloodhound, as such dogs are prone to ear infections.
Afghan hound
This is a fairly old breed of dog. Representatives were used for hunting deer, antelopes and rabbits. These dogs are big and strong. Their head is proportional to the body, covered with long strands of wool. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark. The muzzle is conical, long. Ears are covered with long hair, lowered. Paws are strong, large. They are covered with long, thick hair. Color is different. The most common: white, black and tan, red, fawn.
Representatives of the breed are beautiful and smart. Need training, as they can be naughty. The greyhound should be properly looked after, especially the coat. Often you have to turn to groomers.
Several times a week, you need to carefully comb the hair. The process should take about an hour. Once a quarter, you need to bathe a dog using special shampoos. Of course, do not forget about ear cleaning.
Basset Hound breed
This is one of the most popular fold dog breeds. It was developed in the nineteenth century. The dog is not very large in size, but it has a long body and short legs. Her nose is wide, black. The head of the breed is round, convex. Basset Hound's eyes are dark, large. The tail of the representatives of the breed is long, with a pointed tip. The ears of dogs are large, hanging, long, with sharp ends.
Basset hounds are stubborn, difficult to educate. Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity, as they are very fond of eating and often overeat. Such dogs are lazy, usually not particularly active. They are suitable for families.
It is necessary to brush their hair periodically with a brush to remove dead hairs. Check the ears of this dog every week. They must be cleaned at the same frequency to prevent ear infections.
Description of the appearance and nature of the beagle
Continuing to compile a list of lop-eared dog breeds with photographs, consider another. It is called a beagle. The breed was obtained by crossing with terriers in the seventeenth century. Now representatives are very common in France, the USA and England.
The size of the dog is small. Her paws are short, her ears are soft. This breed was bred for tracking rabbits, hares, as well as other small animals. The scent and tracking instinct in representatives of the breed are well developed. Now they are used as search dogs all over the world. Note that the beagles are smart enough. Representatives of this breed of lop-eared dogs are friendly and courageous. They have a balanced psyche and independent character. Perfectly suitable for living in apartments, in families. Although the beagles adapt to various conditions quickly enough.
Beagle Care Features
Brush their coat regularly. Ears should be cleaned every week. Representatives of the breed need daily long walks. Due to lack of physical activity and a great love for food, they are often obese, so the owners need to monitor the weight of the pet.
Irish setter
This is a hunting breed of lop-eared dogs. She was bred by crossing a spaniel and an English setter. This breed appeared in the eighteenth century. Originally used for hunting mountain birds.
Further in the article we will make a description of this breed of lop-eared dogs. Representatives are medium in size. They look very elegant. The head of the dogs is small, long, the skull is oval in shape, slightly rounded. Ears of medium length, low, rounded at tips. The color is chestnut, with a red tint. There are also light red and dark red representatives of the breed.
Irish setters are attached to people, suffer from long separation. They get along well with children, other animals. Even at the age of two, some representatives of this breed of lop-eared dogs remain βpuppiesβ. That is, they still play with great pleasure, play pranks.
Dogs need a lot of exercise. They like to do various exercises. They like walks, they will be happy to run with the owner in the mornings or wander through the forest, park. If we talk about grooming, then these dogs need to brush their hair often. This must be done at least every other day, so that it is always brilliant and not tangled. Excess hair between the legs should be removed.
In our article, we examined lop-eared dog breeds with photographs and names. We described their appearance, character, behavior. Also touched on some points of their content. We hope you find this information useful.