Kids in kindergarten are all different, not like each other. Some are sociable and affectionate, others are silent, third are brawlers and bullies. It is through the game that children begin to understand how they should interact with others, what is good and bad, what actions lead to what consequences. This knowledge will be very useful to them in a big life, which means that the card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group should be familiar to every educator. It is thanks to these activities that children learn to live by common interests, to prove their point of view and to seek compromises, to show goodwill.
What are the challenges facing the teacher
Working with children is an ongoing creative process. There is no rigid framework, since each person is unique. But the teacher’s arsenal should have a card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group, so that the learning and development process can be structured. So, the teacher should:
- Teach your child to play to promote the unification of children in their common game.
- Lead the game process, teach them to follow the rules.
- Create the necessary gaming environment and develop the plot.
We’ll talk in more detail about creating a gaming environment, since without this a card file of role-playing games in the preparatory group is useless. A little later, we will analyze in detail the most important games that need to be entered into the program as a training element.
Game material
You will need a large set of "subjects of operation". These are toys that imitate real household items. These are tools, tools, means of human activity, which help to recreate the meaning of this action. These are toy dishes, household appliances, irons and hammers, various tools.
The second large group is character toys. With this moment everything is clear, these are dolls, figures of people and animals. They can depict a person as a representative of the profession, for this, elements of clothing are used: a doctor’s dressing gown, teacher’s pointer, fireman's helmet, and a postman bag.
Toy markers are another important group that creates a magical space. They allow you to create exactly the place in which the action will take place. This can be a paper model of a ship or a kitchen wall, a model of a rocket, a tent, and much more. At the same time, it is not advisable to use complete plot-forming sets (the model of the Lego castle), since this is a rigid scheme that leaves no room for the child to imagine. As you can see, the card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group also requires appropriate equipment so that the games can be put into practice.
Theme "School"
All children will soon leave for kindergarten, go to school and begin their journey into a big life. However, many have brothers and sisters who are already studying and tell a lot about their school everyday life. Of course, this topic is very interesting and attractive, which means that it has the corresponding role-playing games in the preparatory group. The card file presents to your attention the main activities that you can supplement and change as you wish. The objectives of these classes are to expand knowledge of the school among children, to foster a desire to learn, to instill respect for the work of teachers, to form the ability to communicate in a team.
In order to realize the goals, excursions to the real school are undertaken. Children are shown a school site and a future class, they are introduced to a first-class teacher. With the help of toys, you can organize a real lesson with a doll in the form of a first grader, a bouquet of color, a teacher and a blackboard. Very important is the game "Collecting a school bag." This allows the child to get acquainted with school supplies, to teach respect for them. To consolidate using learning poems ("To school", "Counting") and songs ("Teach at school"). The teacher reads the works “First of September”, “First Day” and “Girlfriends Go to School” to children. These are the role-playing games in the preparatory group. The card file can be regularly updated with new ones and supplemented as the educator's experience grows.
Theme "Railway"
The first journeys usually take place precisely on the train, as it is most easily tolerated by babies. The role-playing games in the preparatory group will allow children to get acquainted with the amazing railway. A card file (with goals) helps to deepen the children’s knowledge about the work of railway workers, as well as about other cities of the Motherland, and offers a set of games. First of all, it is recommended to conduct an excursion to the station, show the work of the switchman, train, and the device of the railway.
Upon returning to the group, it is very good to play the desktop railway. To do this, you will need to distribute the roles of passengers and conductor, hand out bags, caps, tickets, travel maps, and come up with a travel direction. On return, we thank the guide. In the end, the children themselves can prepare signal flags for switchmen.
Theme "Space"
Most children by this age are already actively interested in what is happening there, in the distant sky. Today there are a huge number of ways to show the baby how the universe works. One of the most interesting is a visit to the planetarium. If you do not have it in the city, it does not matter. There are home projectors with a tension dome. Such an excursion can be invited directly to the group. After that, lead role-playing games in the preparatory group. A card index (with goals) helps enrich the child’s knowledge and consolidate it. She offers the following classes. Take a look at space photos, tell the children about the first astronauts and the history of aeronautics. Invite them to draw space. To make the lesson more interesting, you can invite each kid to make an application on the theme "Rocket". A role-playing game involves the disclosure of any plot, a flight to the moon, a meeting with aliens, a return back or the arrival of guests from outer space. Be sure to pass a special training before the flight, as well as a medical examination. Such role-playing games in the preparatory group are a great success.
Theme "Steamboat"
From aeronautics, we turn to traveling across the seas and oceans. Children are very fond of steamboats, moreover, regardless of whether they had to sail on them. Thematic role-playing games in the preparatory group contribute to expanding children's knowledge of water transport workers. Children will find out what steamboats are, what they transport. As a preliminary work, you can watch a film about port workers. To consolidate the theme, conduct a creative lesson, during which each baby will become a real sailor, make binoculars, a shout, colored flags and a lifebuoy.
Everything is ready, you can go on a trip around the world. You still have so many things to do, you need to finish building or repairing the ship, collect edible supplies and water, prepare binoculars, a travel map and a compass. Roles are distributed - captain, boatswain, sailor, passenger. Be sure to give a name to your ship and think about the route.
Now the captain rises to the bridge and gives the command to raise the anchor. A friendly team obeys his orders, and the ship sets off for uncharted seas. Then it all depends on the imagination of the educator. We swim to Africa and buy bananas there, feed the monkeys and communicate with the locals. Then he goes to the North, polar bears and penguins walk here. And you can still wrap in Australia and look at the tailed kangaroo. In this case, the plot can be changed, for example, play a walk along the river or a fishing boat. Cognitive role-playing games in the preparatory group of the kindergarten are very useful, they broaden their horizons and provide new knowledge.
Outdoor games
Particularly important are the role-playing games in the preparatory group for a walk. The card catalog offers a huge number of classes, many of which are aimed at getting to know the outside world. If before bedtime you read a fairy tale about three piglets, then why don’t you bring it to life now. To do this, you only need to prepare materials for the construction of huts, and a brick house can be folded from large lego blocks.
Tell the children how the anthill or the hive works. Now they themselves can temporarily become ants or bees, collect nectar and build the most beautiful anthill in the world. It will be informative to play a flowerbed, where one gardener will grow flowers, but only those that receive watering and fertilizing will grow. Role-playing games in the preparatory group are great for a summer walk. Photos taken during the game will adorn the group for a long time. Do not forget about relay games, for example, you can hide a carrot on the site and invite the bunnies to collect it, and the wolves try to catch the bunnies.
Theme "Zoo"
All children, without exception, love animals and by this age they usually know all the domestic inhabitants. Let's get to know those who live in the wild forest. This can be done through a cartoon, a puppet theater or a whole performance, during which each kid will go out in the costume of an animal, and the other will talk about him. And where do wild animals live? Well, of course, at the zoo. Therefore, the card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group of the kindergarten contains games dedicated to this island of the kingdom of nature. As a preparatory work, you can organize a trip to the zoo or limit yourself to the listed options for exploring animals. After this, be sure to have a conversation with the children about why zoos exist and whether animals are good there. To consolidate the theme, you can create your own zoo on the table. To do this, you can sculpt or draw any animal that you especially liked.
Now go directly to the games. Builders must build cages out of cubes, zoo workers - put animals in them. Now they must feed and water the animals, clean them. Veterinarian examines and treats animals. The cashier will sell tickets, and the guide will conduct a tour. Such classes must contain a card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group for the GEF.
Theme "Clinic"
She is familiar to every child. From a very young age, they were observed by a district pediatrician and the kids were used to coming to the hospital, where a doctor in a white coat was waiting for them. Therefore, classes with such a familiar topic are very easy. The objective of these games is to expand knowledge about doctors, to develop respect for this profession and a good attitude to doctors. In the process of creativity you can make hats with crosses. Further development of the game depends on the planned plot. A scheduled visit to the pediatrician begins with the registry, and ends in the doctor’s office. If you take the plot of the patient’s admission to the outpatient clinic, then the nurse of the emergency room will initially examine him . Finally, an emergency case, when an ambulance is called to the patient’s house, which should deliver him to the hospital. Very important is the game "Pharmacy". It not only reveals the specifics of the work of pharmacists, but also allows you to convey to children a responsible attitude to medicines and herbs.
Theme "traffic rules"
Future students will soon begin to attend classes alone, without parents. This means that they must know in which place to cross the road and how to behave on the street. To do this, created a card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group for traffic rules. The goal is to systematize and enrich children's knowledge of the rules of the road. For this, a cartoon is selected that tells about the basic rules. As a creative task, the children are invited to make the application “traffic light”. Next, it is worth distributing the roles: a pedestrian, three traffic signals, a traffic cop, several car drivers. Crossroads, a road with a "zebra" and other options for crossing the carriageway can be made in the form of markings on paper. Such role-playing games in the preparatory group at the preschool educational institution contribute to the prevention of road accidents involving young children.
Theme "Mail"
Is it interesting to receive a letter? Any kid will say yes. That is why the corresponding games include a card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group. Mail - it's so interesting, the postman can deliver news, parcels and even letters to Santa Claus. Let’s tell the group how the letter delivery service works, who brings them before the entrance. You can recall the field, military postmen who brought important maps, correspondence and information. A creative task can be given to each kid, for example, to draw a card or write a letter to any friend from the group. It will need to be lowered into the mailbox, from where the delivery service will pick them up. Now the letters arrive at the post office, from where the postman will carry them to the addressees. For each letter received, the baby thanks the postman.
Theme "Service Industry"
All the children have already been to hairdressers, went to cafes, shops, visited amusement parks. Therefore, such classes do not cause difficulties, expand knowledge about service workers, and teach the necessary courtesy skills. Depending on the chosen scenario, you can distribute roles and simulate a variety of situations. You can create a combined complex in which mom can go to the hairdresser, dad to buy a newspaper, and a child to have a cocktail in a cafe. You can complicate the situation, a child can lose mom and dad in a huge supermarket. Who will he go to and what will he say? This skill can help in real life.
Games in the cafe can be very interesting and informative. Often children know only one side when a waiter brings an order. What happens on the other side of the rack remains a mystery. During the game, you can show the work of cooks and bakers, waiters and pickers, cleaners and dishwashers. Do not forget to have a conversation on the topic “How Mom Prepares”. Often the questions that mom needs help and say thanks are not discussed in the family.
Theme "Kindergarten"
Coming to the kindergarten day after day, the baby does not realize how much work adults put in to make him comfortable and well. Conduct a conversation with the children, in which they tell about the work of the head and the canteen, teachers and nannies, janitors, gardeners, laundresses, cleaners. All of them work daily so that the kids feel comfortable in the kindergarten. Try to create your own kindergarten, in which each child will be a teacher, charge, build children for a walk or resolve a quarrel between friends. This will help everyone to take a more responsible attitude to toys and things in the kindergarten, to respect the work of the whole team.