Early retirement

The right to accrue old-age pension is held by persons who have Russian citizenship,

reaching a certain age, falling in accordance with the current

legislation in certain social and professional categories.

Early retirement is provided for citizens employed in jobs in

hot workshops, with harmful working conditions, as well as performing medical,

pedagogical and creative activity. Conditions for early retirement include accounting for those periods of work when the activity was carried out during the whole working day, and at the same time there were deductions to the Pension Fund. All periods of such work are credited to the total length of service in a calendar order.

Early retirement is carried out on the basis of the work book, in

which must be entered all the necessary information about working. Besides

employment record, the basis for establishing a pension is an extract from the personal

accounts of the insured citizen. This account is based on

personified accounting.

The conditions for early retirement are described in detail in the Lists

professions, industries, work and requirements that give the right to retirement benefits. These lists are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. As a rule, early retirement pensions are granted 5 years earlier than the statutory retirement period, i.e. 55 for men and 50 for women. The right to early retirement is also provided for mothers with many children, people with disabilities and their parents, emergency workers and other professions and categories.

The main conditions for early retirement are:

- availability of sufficient insurance experience,

- experience in hazardous industries,

- recognition of a citizen as unemployed by the territorial bodies of the employment service,

- lack of employment opportunities for the unemployed,

- liquidation or termination of the enterprise.

In order for old-age pension payments to be assigned ahead of schedule,

a combination of all these conditions is needed. The absence of one of them is

grounds for refusing to retire before the due age. Unemployed citizens are offered retirement by the employment service, not their own initiative. Thus, the employment services authorities independently decide on the retirement of the unemployed.

The decision to accrue pensions is made by the territorial FIU based on a comprehensive and objective review of all documents submitted by the employee. All questions of accrual of pensions are regulated by the law “On Pensions of the Russian Federation”. In those cases where the documents confirming the information on the periods of work are lost due to some circumstances, they should be restored in the judicial procedure for special proceedings after submitting the application of the corresponding form.

The reform of the pension system involves the self-deduction of pension payments by the employee. In this case, it is proposed to cancel early retirement, and to pensioners who continue to work, reduce payments. In addition, it is also planned to increase the retirement age due to a sharp deficit in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. According to experts, more than 30 percent of people in Russia use the right to early retirement. At the moment, there are a total of more than 180 professions that make it possible to go on a well-deserved vacation earlier. A gradual increase in tariffs on deductions of enterprises with harmful production conditions at the expense of workers is expected. It is also planned that the employee, in addition to deductions from the enterprise for salaries, must independently make deductions from his salary.

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