We bring to your attention 6 interesting experiments for children with an explanation of what is happening. They can be carried out at home, in kindergarten, because they are completely safe. Science will help children see real miracles that can be done without a magic wand. Simple and interesting experiences for children will entertain the whole family, making the evening unforgettable.
Experience No. 1 "Rain in the package"
This is a real miracle! It is worthwhile to carry out such an interesting experience for children so that they can observe real rain in a small package. It will come in handy for creating a miracle quite a bit, this:
- plastic bag with zipper;
- blue food coloring
- a little imagination and time.
First of all, we propose to paint the bag with felt-tip pens to make it more interesting. After all, it will rain more likely to look if it pours out of a cloud, for example, into the sea or watered a forest. Draw clouds, the blue sea where the boat floats, or the green forest on the lake.
Pour a little water into the bowl, color it with food coloring, pour it into the painted bag so that it is filled with no more than 1/4 part. Close the bag with a zipper, and then tape all the edges tightly with tape so that the water does not evaporate. Next, you need to attach the package to the window, which is located on the sunny side. The result will need to wait, but it's really worth it. Soon both children and you will be able to watch how it is albeit a small but real rain in the package!
How does Rain in Packet work?
After you have had an interesting experience, an informative lesson will be needed for the children. Tell them about the water cycle in nature. The trick works like this: from a package under heating in the sun, the water should evaporate, but this will not happen, since you have sealed all the ways for its departure. Water will begin to evaporate, but will settle on the walls of the bag. Further cooling will go when the sun sits or hides behind the clouds. Condensation on the walls will begin to collect in droplets, which will drain from the walls and drip from the upper seam - real rain! This interesting experience for children is noteworthy in that its outcome can be observed for several days, because the water cycle will not stop. Every day the water will be heated, and in the evening it will return in the form of raindrops down.
Experience No. 2 "Tornado in the Bank"
You will say: "What is interesting in the experience for children with rain? It can be observed almost every day." Well, if you didn’t like such an experiment, it seems too simple, then let's try to create a real tornado in an ordinary glass jar. This experience is interesting for children of the senior group of kindergarten and schoolchildren of elementary grades. Kids will not understand such an experience, and it will seem uninteresting to older children.
So, what will you need to do to get a real tornado in the bank?
First, prepare the following things:
- a tall glass jar and a lid for it;
- the simplest dishwashing liquid or liquid soap, the main thing is to foam well;
- spangles and food coloring of any color;
- dexterous and strong hands.
Creating a tornado is very simple at home, for this, spend a simple and interesting experience for children with water. Pour ordinary tap water into the jar, filling the container three quarters. Put a few drops of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent (just not too much, it may not work), add sparkles and dye. Close the jar tightly with a lid. Lift the jar from the table, unwind it in a spiral, as if you want to rinse the walls, and put it back on the table. Next, just watch a tornado form in the water.
How to explain a tornado in a bank?
We needed dye and sparkles only in order to better see the tornado, and foam - for longer! Everything is done by the water itself. When you rotate the jar in a spiral, a whirlwind is created - a real tornado, only in nature is it much bigger and worse. A vortex is the center around which water revolves, and centrifugal force gives it the force to rotate. That's all miracles - physics.
Experiment No. 3 "Invisible Ink"
This interesting experience for children in kindergarten or at home is very simple. Invite your child to play spies and create your own invisible ink lab. Not a single child will refuse such a game; it will enthrall adults as well.
It will be required for the experiment:
- half a lemon;
- water;
- Blank sheet;
- lamp;
- cotton swabs;
- incredible curiosity.
Now create the ink:
- just squeeze the juice from the lemon into a bowl, pour the same amount of water there, stir well.
That's all! It remains only to dip a cotton swab in the liquid and write to your agent a secret message that no one can read except him.
When the inscription on the paper dries, you will notice that it is not visible, only small stains. To read the letter, you will need to bring the leaf close to the lamp, and the inscription will begin to appear brownish.
How does invisible ink work?
Everything here is very, very simple. This is an interesting chemical experience, for children to give an explanation is not difficult. Lemon is an organic that has the property of being oxidized. If you heat the organic matter, it will begin to darken. Water for ink was needed only to make lemon juice invisible on a white sheet.
In addition to lemon juice, in this interesting experience with children at home, you can use the following products:
- milk;
- wine (white);
- Orange juice;
- onion juice;
- honey.
Experience No. 4 "Dancing Worms"
If the children are sad, they start to be capricious, then funny marmalade worms will be able to cheer them up and laugh , they will fervently swim in a can of water, wriggling as if in a dance. An interesting chemical experience for children will help not only to cope with the blues, but also to know the simplest chemical reactions.
To make the worms dance, you will need to prepare several simple products that are available in every home, these are:
- a pair of marmalade worms;
- plain water;
- transparent jar;
- soda;
- vinegar.
Each worm needs to be cut lengthwise into 4 parts - thin ones dance better. So that the knife does not stick to the sweet marmalade, moisten it with cold water before each cut. Next, you need to dilute in a small amount of warm water three tablespoons of soda. Place in the worms solution for 15 minutes. During this time, marmalade is saturated with soda and will be able to react with vinegar.
Pour table vinegar to the top in a transparent jar or glass, carefully place the worms with a fork. First they will fall down, and then they will immediately be decorated with bubbles and begin to float to the surface, dancing. As soon as the bubbles are over, the worms will again fall to the bottom, grow with bubbles and rise up! This will continue until all the soda comes out of the marmalade.
How to explain dancing worms to a child?
Marmalade is well saturated with soda. When you lower the alkaline product in acidic vinegar, bicarbonate begins to stand out, and vinegar reacts with it. The worm falls to the bottom, and carbon dioxide bubbles form on it - the product of the reaction of bicarbonate with vinegar, which pull the marmalade up. Further, in contact with oxygen, carbon dioxide bubbles begin to burst and cease to hold heavy marmalade. The worm falls down, again bicarbonate and vinegar react, forming new vesicles.
Only this kind of experiment should be carried out in the presence of adults, the baby with his own hands should not touch vinegar. The caustic substance can accidentally get on clothes or skin, in the eyes, leave a severe burn. When you do such an experiment, pour the vinegar, and remove the leftovers in a place so that the child does not get it with all the desire, because there is no guarantee that he will not want to show such a trick to friends in your absence!
Experience No. 5 "Lava in a glass"
The most interesting experiments for children should not be dangerous. An experiment that allows a child to see a reaction resembling lava is done only with safe products. A child can do such a trick on his own, just once show him to him yourself.
For the experiment you will need:
- food coloring or bright colored juice;
- water;
- sunflower oil;
- transparent jar;
- any effervescent tablets;
- eerie interest in seeing lava with my own eyes.
If food coloring is used, then fill the transparent container two-thirds with plain water, tint it. If juice is used, fill it with the same amount. Fill the rest of the container with vegetable oil. You need to pour it carefully, along the wall, so that the oil remains at the top, and does not mix with the liquid. If this happened, you have to wait a bit until it separates back. Throw a pop into the glass and watch how a certain substance begins to rise, very reminiscent of lava during an eruption of a volcano.
How is lava created in a glass?
The oil remains at the top, while the juice or water remains at the bottom due to the difference in density, the oil has less. In a pop-up tablet there is citric acid and alkali, it is they that react with each other when wet. Carbon dioxide is released - a lot of bubbles that take particles of juice and quickly rise up with them. A movement begins that sways the oil, and the bubbles begin to mix with it. As soon as the tablet is completely dissolved, it will be possible to throw more, and until you get tired of watching this beautiful sight!
Experience No. 6 "Inside-Boiled Egg"
The easiest way to help make your child eat this healthy product. If the baby refuses, offer him a dispute: if the egg is ordinary, then you can not eat, if the yolk is on top of the protein, you will have to eat it. But this method of cooking eggs will appeal not only to children. You can cook such eggs to decorate the festive table, let the guests be surprised at such a miracle!
We will need:
- egg;
- old kapron stocking;
- Scotch;
- Lantern;
- pan with water.
First, illuminate the egg with a flashlight to see its initial state for comparison with the next. The shell is clearly visible, a round yolk is visible in the center. Next, you will need to gently wrap the entire egg shell with tape, covering up all the bumps. Then place the egg in the middle of the stocking, tie the edges, pulling so that the egg does not "walk" when pulling the fabric, but is tightly fixed.
Take the edges of the stocking, stretch them in different directions, start twisting quickly away from you. After a few seconds, unroll the stocking, illuminate the egg with a flashlight. If the inside is dark, the yolk is not visible in the center, then you can cook. Do not clean the tape, it is needed when cooking. Place the egg in cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 3-5 minutes, occasionally turning the egg on different sides. Cool the product under cold water, then remove the tape and remove the shell. You will see that the yolk is outside. Cut the egg and find the protein inside! It seems to be nothing complicated, but children will definitely like such a product!
How is an inside-boiled egg?
The yolk is much heavier than protein. When you unwind the egg in stockings with quick movements, the centrifugal force starts working again, which forces the heavier object out of the center. The yolk spreads, enveloping the protein, and in this form is cooked.
If you don’t turn the egg over during cooking, it can also be cooked very interestingly: half protein, half yolk, or in different parts. But today we had to boil it inside out.
There are various interesting experiences for children in the garden. Today we published only 6 experiments, which are very simple to do. But there are no less complex, just as interesting. For example, an egg in a bottle. Show the children how a boiled egg can be placed in a regular bottle with a thin neck, but it will not come back.
Physical experience with forks and a match is no less interesting - connect two forks with cloves using an airplane, put a match in the center, fixing it well. Such a structure can be placed on any surface - on the edge of the table, on the doorknob, fingertip, ordinary knob, and so on. Just carefully set the match, and the forks will remain on weight, but will not fall, even if you twist them quietly.
You can inflate the ball with a bottle in which you need to put water and pour vinegar. Put a balloon on the neck and watch it inflate.
Examples of experiments are very, very many. What is needed is only imagination and a great desire to show children why it is so necessary to study science. Experiments will help children love physics and chemistry!