Hens in the compound today will not surprise anyone. However, rarely can anyone boast of such a miracle as the Jersey giant. The breed of chickens, still little known in Russia, but managed to be loved by many breeders, is rapidly gaining popularity. Giants combine the best characteristics of domestic chickens, they have established themselves as strong and hardy birds, resistant to a variety of diseases. They have a calm character, they easily get along with other poultry.
Breed history
Only in Russia a few years ago the first representatives of these birds appeared. So for the first time we saw what a Jersey giant is. The breed of chickens interested local breeders and soon began to rapidly gain popularity. In fact, they were bred a very long time ago, more than a century has passed since then. The American breeder in 1915 declared to the world that there is a new breed - the Jersey giant. The breed of chickens remained unknown for a long time, and only in 1922 the birds were officially recognized.
However, the history of these chickens is even more interesting. The fact is that in 1915 the official name of the breed was assigned, but they began to breed these birds back in 1870. In order to achieve excellent performance, breeders crossed chickens of the Orpington breed, dark brama, black Java and black langash. That is why the first black individuals were obtained. At first it was the only color in which the Jersey giant was known. The breed of chickens continued to improve; in the middle of the 20th century, white individuals appeared. A new round in the history of the breed occurred in England in 1980. Based on the introduced representatives of the breed, local breeders bred blue, lace birds. White and blue birds were officially recognized in Germany in 1994.
Breed exterior
What does a jersey giant look like? The breed of chickens is characterized by a long and deep body structure. They are very distinguished from other domestic chickens by a long, wide back and massive shoulders. Full breasts and strong legs complement their silhouette. The head is framed by a leaf-shaped crest and earrings of medium length. The earlobes are red, the eyes are dark brown. Color can be black, white or blue. If you intend to breed birds for meat, then weight characteristics will be more significant. A rooster averages 7 and a chicken 5 kilograms. Good rates and egg production. On average, a chicken produces 180 eggs per year. This is almost a record number for meat breeds.
The main differences
Why is the Jersey giant so good? The breed of chickens, reviews of which speak of exceptional endurance and precocity, cannot be left without attention of livestock breeders. This is the largest meat breed of chickens. In the first year of life, an impressive skeleton is formed and the main body mass is gained. If the bird is kept in a closed enclosure, then it is necessary to provide it with the necessary amount of protein and calcium.
In general, a fairly successful type of poultry is the Jersey giant. The breed of chickens, reviews of which are extremely positive, is increasingly gaining the attention of farmers and private farmsteads. With such a large body mass, high egg production is maintained. Each egg on average has a total of 70 g. Chickens begin to rush as early as 6-8 months. The bird is very good and profitable, since interest in this breed is only growing, the demand for a fertilized egg or hatched young is very large.
However, all those who first brought these wonderful birds to the farmstead have many questions: what to feed, how to keep and protect from diseases. We will try to answer these questions so that you can get yourself such a bird as the Jersey giant. The breed of chickens (the photo does not reflect all the beauty of this bird) is very promising, it is simply created for small farms and a private farmstead.
Since the bird is large enough, you need to thoroughly stock up on feed. This is especially true in cases where there is no possibility of open grazing, and hens are kept indoors. We’ll make a reservation right away, this way of keeping is quite possible and gives good results, but requires more feeding costs.
In principle, the feed base is fairly standard, if you kept any other chickens, then the Jersey giant will not be an exception. The breed of chickens, the photo of which shows a large, strong bird, refers to early ripening, which means that it requires full feeding. In a percentage ratio, these are 2/5 parts of corn, 2/5 parts of wheat, 1/5 of cake (this also includes chalk, shell rock and vitamin supplements).
If the bird is not given the opportunity of free grazing, then it is necessary to install separate feeders with additives. Usually for these purposes, narrow, wooden boxes are nailed to the wall and filled with crushed limestone or sand as a source of calcium and other minerals. Small stones are necessary for good digestion and help to avoid many problems. If the bird is fed whole, not steamed grain, then the presence of solid particles becomes vital.
Care Features
Feed the bird 2-3 times a day. Once a day it is necessary to give a wet mash. The basis can be steamed compound feed, various soaked cereals, bread, fresh herbs and other ingredients are additives. Well, if the composition of the feed will be coarse grain.
It is recommended to give such food at night so that a bird with full goiters sleeps. This will increase egg production and have a positive effect on the gain of young animals, which means that your Jersey giant will probably reach its optimal weight. A breed of chickens, the maintenance of which is not difficult, will not cause you any trouble if there is a space for grazing. In this case, care is minimized, in fact, only to evening feeding.
The nature of the birds is quite calm and peaceful. Despite the love of space, walks on fresh grass, and in a closed enclosure, the Jersey giant grows well. The breed of chickens, the description of which begins with the definition of meat, fully lives up to its purpose. Do not neglect the rules of placement in aviaries, its overpopulation can lead to high morbidity and mortality of birds.
These foreigners tolerate Russian winters very well. Even if the temperature in the coop drops to -5 degrees, egg production is maintained at a height. Do not forget that the litter should always be dry and warm. You can use sawdust, hay or straw, you must also remember the ventilation of the room. In summer, the bird can do with an open corral. As we have already said, the largest selling chickens is the Jersey giant. A photo of these beauties is able to interest any person who is remotely related to the backyard courtyard. For normal life, the number of birds in a closed enclosure should not exceed 2 individuals per square meter. Even with this amount, it is necessary to create good ventilation. For these purposes, a pipe with an outlet to the outside is mounted near the floor. It solves the problem of ammonia accumulation near the floor, where chickens spend their time. Do not forget to build an air pocket so that there is no direct draft, this will adversely affect the health of the bird.
Content Issues
Now you can roughly imagine what the Jersey giant is. Breed of chickens, the most egg-laying of all meat, capable of providing a family with both. But, as usual, everything is not perfect. Young hens tend to gain weight quickly, and with a lack of movement (closed keeping), they are obese. This is bad for egg production, such birds often suffer from prolapse of the oviduct, which leads to death.
Despite the high rates of health and vitality, birds are susceptible to a number of diseases. In Russia, the biggest trouble is mycoplasmosis. It spreads by airborne droplets and spreads quickly throughout the compound. Manifested by bronchitis, sinusitis and leads to a large mortality of birds. This disease is very insidious, you can get a bird that has been ill and survived, but continues to be a carrier. It will infect individuals without immunity. If you had an outbreak of disease, disinfection of the room does not help much, a newly launched bird runs the risk of getting sick.
Growing chicks
Get babies from reliable breeders, otherwise the risk of buying sick or non-viable individuals is high. It is safer to buy an egg and remove it in a home incubator. In the early days of yellowfish, it is better not to feed, because the esophagus will get rid of the egg yolk. But to drink warm, boiled water, on the contrary, you need as often as possible. The room should be warm, light and dry, drafts are especially fatal for babies. In the first few weeks, use only specialized formula for feeding, vitamins and antibiotics. This will significantly reduce the risk of losing livestock.
Where can I get a bird for divorce?
You need to buy both an egg and small chickens only from trusted suppliers. Be sure to check the certificates, otherwise you may be sold ordinary chickens at the price of thoroughbreds. In Russia, there are specialized farms that, at the request of the consumer, will prepare the order on time, you do not have to worry about the freshness of the eggs or the health of the chicks.
To summarize
These birds are recognized as the largest. The Jersey giant is a universal breed of chickens that is very convenient for small farms and a private farmstead. Judging by the reviews, these birds grow very quickly and rarely get sick. After 6 months, the hens begin to give eggs, after about 8 young males to slaughter. In this case, the impressive weight of the carcasses is very pleasing. It is especially convenient to breed this breed if there is area for free grazing. Then the cost of raising a bird is greatly reduced, as is the need for daily care.