Gymnastics for the child (3 months): recommendations

The interaction of mother and child is a real mystery. Until recently, these two organisms functioned as one, but even today their psychological connection is still very strong. Therefore, the more time you spend together, stroking your baby, the better its development will go. Today we want to talk about one wonderful way to give your baby pleasure and at the same time prepare his muscles for important work. Very soon, he will need to learn to sit, crawl, and then walk. Gymnastics for a child (3 months) is not difficult at all. One has only to get acquainted with the theory, and every day you will be able to give each other many pleasant minutes, saving the family budget.

gymnastics for a child 3 months

Age aspect

Why did we choose this particular segment of the baby’s life? Because it is the most significant. Up to three months, massages are usually not prescribed, the child just needs to feel the warmth of his mother’s hands, her touch and love. Gymnastics for the child (3 months), this is already a necessary procedure, which allows you to harmoniously develop the baby. Right now, the child becomes more active, begins to hold his head, and daily gymnastics will further accelerate this process.

Fundamental rules

Massages should be performed at a time convenient for the crumbs, that is, mom needs to be guessed so that he is full (but not immediately after eating) and sleepy. The temperature regime in the room also plays an important role. To make the touch comfortable, you need to hold your hands for some time in warm water. For massage, you can take a gentle cream or baby oil, this will make it easier for your hands to slide on the skin and give it additional hydration. Gymnastics for a child (3 months) is carried out for 10-20 minutes. If the baby expresses dissatisfaction, then you can finish earlier. However, most often, children relate to this procedure very well.

The gymnastics complex at this age is based on innate reflexes. The task of the nurse or mother who performs it is to use muscle reflexes to strengthen the muscles. As you can see, the simple strokes and twists that you perform carry an important role. Massages have a preventive and therapeutic effect.

gymnastics and massage for a baby 3 months

Starting with pens

Now let's look at how gymnastics is performed for a child. 3 months is the age when the baby begins to be interested in everything that happens around him. And laying bare back on a nice mat is also a new experience. Especially when the mother, affectionately purring, begins to stroke the arms and legs. We start the massage with stroking movements, then proceed to rubbing, and end again with stroking.

So, let's take one of the crumbs pens. First, you need to perform 10 strokes along the child’s hand. After that, in circular motions, we pass it along the entire length up and down. All movements are performed from the brush to the shoulder. And it is also necessary to massage the child’s hands and fingers. After that, carefully do the mixing and breeding hands. This is especially liked by the kids, who so far themselves do not know how. Gymnastics and massage for a child (3 months) is an opportunity to feel their movements, because his muscles are still too weak to perform them independently.

Palms and fingers

After you have finished with both hands, you need to work with the smallest and most important parts of our body - these are the fingers. Not for nothing that psychologists and pediatricians today devote so much time to this. Finger gymnastics for children of 3 months is only the beginning, it will need to be performed later, up to three years, as well as in preschool childhood. Stimulation of the palm and thumb directly affects the development of the speech centers of the brain. Therefore, how often you stroke your little hands will depend on how quickly your baby speaks.

Finger gymnastics is a game. Today there are many short poems that can be followed by stroking each finger. But if you can’t remember anything, Forty Raven will do just as well.

gymnastics for children 3 to 4 months

We pass to the legs

Pediatricians recommend first to finish with the limbs, and only then engage in the torso. Do not forget to constantly monitor the condition and mood of the crumbs, as well as talk with him, hum funny songs. Gymnastics for children 3-4 months old is a game and communication, but not a boring medical procedure.

So, the legs in a similar way need to go along the entire length. To do this, first stroking, and then rubbing. The only rule is to get around the popliteal fossa. After you have finished with both legs, play a little with them. Make swings and scissors, crossing. The main thing is to do everything carefully and very carefully.

Foot massage is also very important. It starts with stroking, then they are bent and unbent. With the legs we are done, we can move on.

gymnastics for children 3 months on fitball

Back massage

Gymnastics for infants 3 months includes mandatory work on the back. Pediatricians note that it is necessary to turn the baby on the stomach at this age. What could be better than the gentle stroking of the back that mom performs.

Work begins on this site with the buttocks. Do not forget to add massage cream as needed. Stroking and rubbing with the fingertips is performed. After that, go to the spine. The baby is turned slightly to one side and held with the index and thumb in the direction from the coccyx to the neck. In response, the child bends the back, using the muscles of the back. After this, the exercise is repeated on the second side. Now it remains to perform gentle stroking and rubbing the entire surface of the back.

gymnastics for infants 3 months

We turn to fun gymnastics

First you need to finish the massage of the tummy. It is very beneficial for digestion. Turn the baby back and stroke the breast, and then the stomach itself. Rubbing or pressing in this case is not recommended, only gentle, caressing movements. All of them are performed clockwise, very carefully and without rushing. Now you can move on to gymnastics. To do this, alternately raise and lower the arms and legs, cross and swap.

The last exercise is lifting the body. Put your fingers in the baby’s hands and begin to gently lift it, while the buttocks cannot be torn off the surface. The complex ends with stroking the chest.

Fitball Exercises

Each family in which there are children must have a gymnastic ball. This is an extremely useful simulator. Gymnastics for children of 3 months on a fitball is a real adventure for a little man, he will be delighted. In this case, the ball should be quite small. The bottom line is that, with the stomach on the ball, the child has the opportunity to reach the floor with his feet. For the first time, it will be difficult for the child to understand what is required of him. Put it on the ball with your tummy, and slightly swaying back and forth to show how fun it is. Soon he himself will begin to push off from the floor.

finger gymnastics for 3 months old children

Massage for joint dysplasia

Exactly gymnastics is the basis for the treatment of this disease. It is important for parents to know that its competent use will minimize the manifestation of the ailment . However, it must be remembered that gymnastics for a child (3 months) with dysplasia should be performed only with the permission of the attending orthopedic surgeon. First, you need to perform a preventive or therapeutic massage. After this, you can proceed to the gymnastic complex.

Therapeutic gymnastics technique

Put the kid on the back and distract with a suitable topic. With light movements, you can begin to rub the leg. The next step will be a foot massage. It remains to very carefully rotate the foot of the baby. And after that we proceed to delicate work.

It is very necessary to grind each toe. Your task is to make the baby open its fingers. To do this, you need to draw a foot several times or draw an “eight” on it. This helps to relax all the muscles. After you follow the steps above, you can move on.

gymnastics for a child 3 months with dysplasia

The most effective movements

  • The legs of the babies need to be pressed alternately to the tummy, while the second is kept pressed to the surface.
  • The child’s leg will need to be bent at the knee and taken a little to the side. You can do this exercise with two legs at once. At the same time, carefully monitor the reaction of the baby, at the slightest sign of anxiety, stop immediately.
  • Circular heel movements.
  • Now we perform the lifting of the legs. Raise the leg and touch the baby with his finger to his nose. This exercise is performed 5-6 times on the first day, and then increase the number of approaches by 1 every day.

We continue the exercises

The first two weeks will be enough of the above complex. However, after about two weeks, it is fully adapted to the loads and it will be possible to move on. The main thing is to start the complex with massage. After you are comfortable with this complex, you can proceed to the following exercises. Their difference lies in the fact that they are performed in a supine position:

  • The leg needs to be bent at the hip joint. To do this, pull the knee to the opposite elbow. Exercise is done in turn on both legs.
  • Both legs should be taken to the sides, after which they will touch the heels of the buttocks. The baby's pelvis should be pressed firmly to the surface. The duration of this exercise is 5-6 seconds.

Instead of a conclusion

According to pediatricians, each parent should be well aware of what gymnastics is for a child (3 months). Komarovsky, a well-known children's doctor throughout the country, notes the importance of such a procedure for all children. Moreover, it is not necessary to undergo expensive courses of massage by a nurse. Each mother can master the technique of performing simple exercises, as well as learn their sequence. As a result, you will spend many pleasant minutes together with the baby, and regular exercises will positively affect the health of the crumbs.

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