Pomeranian Spitz is a small dog that can charm anyone with its charm. This fluffy lump has a provocative character and easily becomes a universal favorite. However, acquiring a puppy, it is worthwhile to competently and responsibly approach such a purchase. It is important for each owner to own information on what Pomeranian standards are. For example, these puppies differ not only in their external data, but also in their quick wit and excellent character. We consider all the features of this breed in the article.
Origin history
For the first time, the Pomeranian standard appeared in eighteenth-century English culture. At this time, Queen Charlotte brought a small cream-colored dog to her dowry. All the courtiers were delighted with her. Then the breeders began their work, trying to export their species of breed. It is known that at that time Spitzs were large, the weight of some dogs reached 9 kilograms. Most often found sand, white and cream shades of their color.
Soon the granddaughter of Queen Victoria brought a spitz named Marco from Italy, but he was very small and weighed only five kilograms. This dog became the founder of the royal line of the breed. From history it is known that Queen Victoria in 1871 organized the first club of Oranges, where the standard was adopted.
The Pomeranian Spitz, whose photo is in this article, has changed a lot over time, like the once established norms. Not only the size has changed, but the range of shades of hair of this dog has also become much wider. Beginning in 1871, German breeders were engaged in breeding Spitz. Then the Americans became interested in the breed. Already in 1909, an exhibition of Oranges of the American line was organized. This contributed to an even greater popularization of the breed.
Today, two main lines are distinguished: German and American, which has excellent external data and excellent characteristics.
Types of Oranges
Today there is a standard FCI Pomeranian German. It is sometimes called fox or bear spitz. It is known that another type is separately distinguished - puppet. This breed has long been recognized by dog breeding clubs in England, Canada and America.
These dogs are distinguished by a small torso, perfect physique, beautiful coat and amazing mind. It is known that the Pomeranian standard, the characteristics of which are of interest to many, includes the following parameters: German origin, height at the withers is approximately twenty centimeters, but can fluctuate within two centimeters. In representatives of the breed, the body weight does not exceed 2.5 kilograms, and the dog itself is most often used as a companion. Some keep the Spitz in the house as a living "bell", as the animal barks fervently if it hears suspicious sounds outside the front door.
By nature, orange is quite smart and very active. It should always be developed not only physically, but also mentally. In families, such a Spitz gets along easily, quickly begins to be friends not only with children, but also with other animals. The dog got its name from the German region of Pomerania, where long-standing fluffy white dogs of short stature, whose mass could reach fifteen kilograms, have been bred. They were used mainly to protect a person’s housing and property. Such dogs were called either "pommer" or "pommer."
Dogs had a dark color, lived in Swabia. Since they were excellent guards, people called them "spitzers." The largest individuals reached a height of sixty-three centimeters at the withers. They were called wolf spitz or wolf spitz. Many dogs were gray with spots.
The Kennel Federation of Russia created a classification of dogs. According to the standard, Spitz is assigned to the fifth group, which is divided into sections. Based on the standards of the Pomeranian breed, RKF placed in its first section. The remaining sections included varieties of orange: Spitz Japanese and German, Chow Chow and others.
The breed standards of each type of Spitz are determined by certain criteria: the nature and smoothness of movements, color and physique, trimming and density of the undercoat. You can monitor how the breed’s criteria change in dog breeders clubs or on specialized sites where the information on the standard of the Pomeranian RKF Spitz is constantly updated.
Bearish Characteristic
It is known that this type of Spitz did not find support in any of the standards. But this did not affect the popularity of animals at all. Despite the fact that the standard of the Pomeranian spitz-dog is not approved, in our time such an orange is considered the most fashionable. It is difficult to resist a dog with a small round face and button eyes, which he so closely resembles a teddy bear.
The ears of the breed are also small and slightly rounded. Paws are dense and short. With their funny appearance and small size, these Spitzs are somewhat similar to a teddy bear. Such a dog is very energetic and restless. He is constantly cheerful, but can also be quick-tempered. He needs constant communication, he is faithful and faithful. This dog loves to bark, but it makes an excellent guard. It is not easy to take care of him, since wool requires the help of professionals, and the dogs themselves often suffer from the fact that their teeth begin to fall out early.
Features of Orange
We continue to consider the features of the Pomeranian. The breed standard includes the following characteristics: growth is not more than twenty centimeters at the withers, and weight - not more than three kilograms. The larger the representative of this breed, the easier it is for her to give birth. This has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. Outwardly, the representatives of the breed seem very fragile, but at the same time they have well-developed muscles. Such dogs are distinguished by strong legs, dense hips, and a small back.
The head of oranges is medium in size, the forehead is wide. The animals have an elongated muzzle and dark lips. Their teeth are small, have a scissor bite. Ears are constantly standing and located close to each other. The slanting eyes of the Spitz make the expression on the muzzle of such a dog cunning. Despite the fact that the neck of the Spitz is proportional to the size of the body, it is not visible at all because of the thick coat. The chest in oranges is wide, and the back is straight. The tail is set high and is constantly twisted into a fluffy ring.
Wool color
If earlier Pomeranian spitz-dogs were only white or sand in color, now by breeding representatives of the breed with a red coat have appeared. It is important to know that the coat of such a dog is thick and luxurious, therefore it requires special attention and care. Currently, one can also find such a color of oranges: cream, blue, white, orange, sable, brown, saturated red and black.
Many prefer to have white dogs. However, a pure shade without spots is rather difficult to find.
But what colors does the standard allow? Pomeranian Spitz is divided into three groups by its color, according to which they are distributed at specialized exhibitions. The first is oranges, which have sable, cream or orange shades of wool. The second is individuals with a black, blue or brown color. The third group includes all dogs of this breed with acceptable coat color. The standard of breeds requires the presence of a black nose, lips and claws. An exception is those spitz whose hair color is red or light, as they have pigmentation of the lips and nose.
Dog trimming
The hair of oranges requires careful care. It must be combed regularly. This procedure should be carried out no more than four times a week, otherwise the dog will lose its undercoat. For combing, they first use the “puderka”, and then the usual comb.
Trimming is required for dogs of this breed. Without combing out dead woolen villi, the dog will not have a neat appearance. Careful care is needed to maintain normal health of the pet, and to comply with the standard. Pomeranian need to remove hair along the edges of the ears, around the anus and toes, on the hips, from the back. If you violate these rules and go beyond the permissible boundaries, then at the exhibition they can even be fined for such a haircut.
Pomeranian movements
Free, light and smooth movements should be in dogs of this breed. The pitch of the Pomeranians is always confident, but it becomes a little resilient - springy when it runs. He does not set his paws wide, and the joints should not be twisted. This must be followed at an early age by the owner of the pet.
By nature, an orange is a smart dog that understands everything perfectly. But often he is wary and suspicious. Sometimes his qualities are redundant. He easily gets along with children, as he is curious and emotional. He is so touching. Spitz always feels the child’s mood; he will be faithful and faithful to the end.
Both children and adults are captivated by the infectious and magnificent "smile" that the orange gives to his friend. If the child is less than five years old, then you should not start such a breed, since the orange does not like to be squeezed, squeezed.
Disadvantages of the breed
Oranges often have deviations that do not meet the standard. They cannot participate in dog shows. Such abnormalities may include anatomical defects, as well as a flat skull of a dog. If the oranges have too big eye size or they are too light, this is also considered a deviation from the norm.
The disadvantages include a light nose, as well as abrupt and irregular movements of the dog. If the dog has the wrong bite, this will also be a deviation from the norm. Can be observed in orange and semi-erect ears, and inversion or inversion of the eyelids.
If the Spitz is approached by all standards, then he is watched from birth. However, for friendship and love it does not matter at all whether the pet has deviations from generally recognized parameters.