Hygienic haircut York at home

For decorative animals, the external image is of particular importance. Yorkshire terriers stand out from other dogs with a neatly trimmed and well-groomed hairline, so a systematic hygienic haircut of a York is not just an important, but an indispensable condition. Moreover, it is performed not so much for beauty as for the health of the animal.

Hygienic haircut York

The process of trimming the dog is quite painstaking, so experts advise to train a pet for him from an early age. The puppies' fragile ears under the weight of the coat may sag or not rise at all. Yorkshire terriers are very demanding care, and if you neglect the rules, the dog will look untidy. In addition, she may spoil the general condition of the skin and hairline. These factors will certainly affect the health of the animal. In addition, York's hygienic haircut includes ear, eye and nail care. Yorik owners know that these areas of the breed are problematic.

hygienic haircut york

Yorkshire Terrier hair care consists of daily washing under running water of medium temperature. After that, the animal is dried and thoroughly combed. Such techniques can avoid the formation of warlocks. Systematic trimming helps the animal to get used to this procedure faster. Over time, the haircut will cease to be perceived as a problem, and everything will happen quickly and painlessly.

The essence of the procedure

Hygienic haircut York for this breed is considered the most suitable. Experts recommend conducting the procedure at least once a month. The frequency depends on the rapid growth of the hairline and can vary both large and smaller. The essence of this haircut is the shortest possible removal of wool in the area of ​​the sides and on the back. On the tail, legs and head, the length of the hair is left longer to give volume. Some owners prefer to make a kind of hat with a short bang on their heads or to collect a ponytail.

hygienic haircut puppy york


So what is included in the hygienic haircut of York? The following stages are considered integral:

  1. Combing pet.
  2. Washing with a special shampoo to care for the hair of long-haired animals.
  3. Drying with a hairdryer.
  4. Cutting vegetation (typewriter) between the pads on the legs.
  5. Machine treatment of the inguinal zone, the base at the tail and the area around the anus.
  6. Shaving wool on armpits. In this place, most often worms arise.
  7. Head treatment - removal of hairs from the outside of the ears, pulling out vegetation in the auricles, shearing the hair from the bridge of the nose and around the corners of the eyes.
  8. Clipping, grinding claws.
  9. Treatment of the animal with a special wool care product. This will give a perfect look and extra shine.
  10. Combing and trimming the edges (if necessary).

The haircut of the Yorkshire Terrier has no contraindications. You can do any pet hairstyle, depending on the preferences of the owner. Most owners choose a very short haircut under the machine, and not only in the summer. It is convenient, beautiful and avoids the formation of warlocks. And for pets with skin conditions, a short cut is a must.

what is included in the hygienic haircut york

To whom to entrust your pet's haircut

The haircut of the Yorkshire Terrier can be performed:

  1. In a specialized salon.
  2. Independently. A photo of a york hygiene haircut at home with a step-by-step guide will be posted below.
  3. Specialist at home.

Let's consider each method separately.

Salon haircut

Trimming an animal in a grooming studio has several advantages. Mostly, the owner can be sure that he truly entrusts his pet to the hands of professionals. Even if it happens that the master does not have the necessary qualifications or made a mistake, you can always complain to the manager, and the money spent will be returned to the client.

In addition, specialized salons are equipped with everything important for the comfort of the animal and its owner. In studios, as a rule, there are waiting rooms, specialized rooms in which hygienic manipulations are performed and the haircut itself. Specialists have the most necessary and high-quality tools at hand.

But against the background of these obvious advantages, there is also a big drawback - the cost of the service. This amount includes rent for the premises, specialist earnings, expenses for tools, materials, etc. Accordingly, the higher the cabin service class, the more expensive the haircut will cost. For some dog owners, this amount may not be significant, but what about the rest?

hygienic haircut york at home step by step photo

Haircut at home

You can use the services of a professional at home. The cost of this service is usually lower, since there are no costs for renting a room. The master arrives at your home at a predetermined time. It is certainly convenient! But in this case, there is a drawback - it is quite difficult to find a professional. Before entrusting your pet with a stranger, you need to be completely sure that you have a qualified master who has all the necessary permissions. In addition, it is extremely important that he monitors the condition of working tools and disinfection in a timely manner.

Do-it-yourself haircut

Performing a hygienic haircut York at home is undoubtedly the most profitable option. In this case, it turns out to save not only money, but also time. This is due to the fact that you do not need to spend it on the road, sitting in line and waiting for a specialist. There was a need to get a haircut - they took a typewriter and did it. Everything is simple! But this is only at first glance.

Firstly, it takes some time to master the intricacies of grooming. To do everything well the first time is almost impossible. Secondly, you need to purchase the right tools, which cost a lot.

hygiene haircut york what it includes

Puppy grooming

The first hygienic haircut of a York puppy is carried out at three weeks of age - remove hairs from the ears. This is necessary so that they do not sag subsequently and take the correct position.

After the sixth week, wool is removed in the inguinal zone. After the fourth month, you can begin to conduct regular haircuts. Next, read about how to carry out a hygienic haircut York at home. Walkthrough consists of several steps.

Necessary tools

As noted earlier, special tools are required to cut a pet. These include:

  1. Scissors of various types (with an elongated straight blade, with rounded ends and curved).
  2. Electric dog clipper with different nozzles. They can be made of any materials, but in no case of plastic.
  3. Trimmer. It is required to remove wool from the fifth point and muzzle.
  4. Combs (from the standard form in one row to the furminator).
  5. Koltunorez (if necessary).
  6. Nail clipper.
  7. Anti-slip mat.
hygienic haircut york photo


After preparing all the tools, you can proceed to the hygienic haircut York. What is included in it? The process consists of the following actions:

  1. Preparing yourself. A cotton suit with panties and long sleeves is recommended. You should not choose synthetic clothing, as it will electrify the hair of the animal, and this will greatly complicate the process.
  2. Table preparation. The surface should be covered with an anti- slip rug and good lighting should be installed.
  3. Preparation of the animal. Yorika must be thoroughly combed out (remove tangles), bathe and blow dry. The latter must be done, since with the interaction of wet wool and an electric machine, the consequences can be most dire.
hygiene haircut york at home

Phased process analysis

Pet grooming is performed as follows:

  1. Trimming always starts from the bottom, namely with the paws. Each limb is taken in turn and with the help of a machine the wool between the fingers is removed. This must be done carefully, as you can injure the animal.
  2. Ear treatment. It is necessary to remove the hairs from the outside by one third. To do this, using a comb, the hair from the ears is separated from the rest of the hairs. The edge of the ear is placed on the palm of your hand, and the hairs are shaved (according to the growth of the coat) with a machine with a millimeter nozzle. The line should be as straight as possible. The hairs in the ears are removed with a trimmer or tweezers.
  3. Trimming the hair on the nose and around the eyes. Scissors with rounded ends are taken for this purpose. It is still necessary to shorten the hairs on the cheeks and chin to get a beautiful contour. Girls in York can be left with a “top note” (tail on top). This is done so - the hairs located in the corners of the eyes are selected before the beginning of the ear and collected in a ponytail.
  4. Processing the inguinal zone and the priests. The dog is set in an even position, and the hair is carefully shaved from it. You need to do this with a machine with a 3 mm nozzle. In this area, the hairs grow in different directions, so you should constantly turn the tool and make sure that the blades move against the growth of hair. To thoroughly clean the genital area, the tail and paws should be raised.
  5. Trimming the body. Movements are performed from the tail to the neck, against hair growth. First, the back and sides are shaved. After that, if desired, you can expose your stomach, neck and legs to the middle. The hairs remaining on the paws are shortened with scissors, forming “trousers”. Done!

Who and where will perform the haircut of your favorite yorik, each owner decides independently. At first, while the subtleties of grooming are not clear, you can go to the studio. Further, a hygienic haircut according to the photo can be carried out independently, there is nothing complicated in this.


A distinctive feature and advantage of Yorkshire terriers is their appearance. Properly selected daily care will make it possible to fully enjoy the beauty and elegance of this breed. Some Yorkers prefer to groom their pets on their own. Experts still advise contacting professionals, since only they possess the necessary knowledge and practical skills in processing problem areas.

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