How to take birth in cats? This question interests many people whose pet is in position, and soon the long-awaited moment will come - the appearance of kittens in the world. Now we will tell you all the most important points of how to give birth to cats correctly.
The first thing you need to prepare in advance is a nest for the expectant mother. In addition, a pregnant pet needs to be accustomed to it. To create a cozy nest, a large box with an exit that can be covered up is suitable. The nest should be covered with disposable diapers. They can be purchased at any human or veterinary pharmacy. In addition, a normal house for cats can become a nest , but its bottom also needs to be covered.
To give birth to a cat at home well, you need to choose a suitable place for the box. It should be quiet, without drafts. By the way, you need to make sure that there are fewer people near it. Near the nest should be fresh water and food. How to take birth in cats so that there are no consequences? You need to have a few things at hand: a pipette, a 24-hour veterinarian telephone, clean scissors, petroleum jelly, thread, sterile gloves, a small box, a kitty warmer and an antiseptic. On the day of birth, the behavior of a pregnant purr will change very much, it will become restless, her rectal temperature will drop by about two degrees.How to take birth in cats correctly? Take the following recommendations. The onset of labor is due to the following symptoms: bloody discharge and swollen vagina. The first stage can last from twelve hours to a day. During this period, you definitely need to be near your pet, it is necessary to emotionally support it, especially if it is her first birth.During the first stage, fights occur in the cat, and in the second stage, the birth of kittens. The normal position of the fetus is head first. If the baby moves forward with its hind limbs, then there is no need to panic, this is not a pathology, this is a common occurrence. Childbirth in such situations, as a rule, occurs without consequences. Then the cat itself gnaws the kitten through the umbilical cord and puts it on her chest. Following the baby comes the aftermath, his mother eats it. The third stage is due to the calm state of the uterus, in which, after a short break, childbirth continues., , , . , . , . , . . , , . , .
You need to seek help from a doctor if childbirth does not occur after 70 days, and the pet has a fever. Strong contractions, heavy discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor - this is an occasion to consult a veterinarian. Remember that most cubs may die due to the fact that you are spending time, so if you have any strange symptoms, contact a specialist. That's all, now you know how to give birth to cats, and you can easily cope with them!