How to make a permanent IP?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to set a permanent IP address. It is in such cases that many are interested in the question: how to make a permanent IP? There is no particular secret in solving this problem, since there is a way that does not allow your address to dynamically change. Let's figure it out.

How to make your IP permanent?

Let's first deal with a simple option. In the lower right corner of your desktop, where all the hidden icons are collected, you need to find the network connection indicator. Open it with a double click. After a special window opens, several options will appear in front of you. You must write the IP address parameter to the sheet, and then go to the General tab. In the window itself, you need to find the "Properties" button, click on it. In the list of parameters you should find a line containing the inscription "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)", for this line you need to register the address that you previously wrote down. In all system queries, click OK. The Internet connection will be interrupted for a few seconds, and then resume again. After such manipulations, the IP address of the device will become permanent.

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