What is a bag, almost everyone knows. For more than a hundred years, this bag has been in steady demand, sometimes falling on the top lines of ratings. If earlier this item was used only for transportation of large items, today it is an image detail of the wardrobe of owners of both sexes.
For the first time it became known what a bag was in the mid-19th century. They were made from old carpets. Americans traveled with them around the country. The owners were most often businessmen. The bag was suitable for their bulk baggage, but it was locked with only one lock. If necessary, this bag was twisted into a roll - in this form it was convenient to transport.
Classic today
What is a travel bag today? This is a stylish accessory, complementing, together with high-quality shoes, fashion watches and a suit of a well-known brand, a respectable business style.
This bag is perfect for short trips: it contains a set of accessories for caring for the appearance, a change of clothes, and other necessary gizmos. Modern models are available with a long retractable handle and transport wheels.
Today, a bag-bag is available in various sizes, remaining a classic convex shape and having a shortened carry handle.
Bag selection
On sale there is a huge assortment of travel bags. At the same time, one should not forget that this item is only a detail of style, and not its basis. Therefore, get only those models that will emphasize your image, and not distract attention from the individual.
This is a multifunctional bag, which is why you should decide why a bag is needed. Will it be trips, work needs or walks. The choice of style, size, material and texture depends on this.
What is a bag, really understand only those who have a leather model. In order not to be the owner of a poor quality product, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made, to the seams and accessories. In summer, suede, textile, tapestry bags should be purchased. Colors can be varied - from boring plain to vibrant prints.
If you have a question about taking a bag or a classic suitcase on the road, you should estimate the amount of luggage. Quite a few things - take a bag. Its appearance is distinguished by presentability and solidity. For a long vacation with children, it is better to take a suitcase. And then not one.
Buying a suitcase of a famous handmade brand is not difficult, but it will be quite expensive. Therefore, if there was an offer to buy a brand for a penny - this is a fake.