Serengeti is a unique breed of cat. It came from Oriental and Bengal. Serengeti is a semi-wild cat, its character and many habits are inherent only to this breed. When breeding it, the breeders aimed to create a semblance of a domesticated serval. And even the breed is named after the park in Tanzania in which this predator lives.
These cats are of medium size, strong physique. The body of the animal is somewhat stretched, has the shape of a pipe. Legs unusually long, muscular and strong. Thanks to such limbs, a cat can jump from a place to a distance of two meters. The thick tail has a narrowing toward the tip. Its length can be both short and medium. The head is wedge-shaped, it seems small due to large ears. The profile of the cat is straight, forming a corner in the area of the eyebrows.
Serengeti cheeks are poorly developed, practically do not protrude. The length of the ears is the same as the length of the head. The base of the ears is wide, the shell is deep. Ears are high and straight. The eyes are set wide enough, round and large. Most cats have dark eyes, mostly copper colored. Yellowness is allowed in tone, but still it is undesirable.
Description of the breed of cats includes soft, delicate, short hair. The color is spotty. The shape of the spots is round or slightly elongated horizontally. Pulling vertically is not allowed. A special sign of the breed are tracks from the inner corners of the eyes up.
Serengeti cat breed is quite new, still not recognized by some associations of breeders. Despite its artificial origin, it has a wild character. At the same time, Serengeti is a kind cat, loving to play. For these animals it is practically indifferent with whom exactly they frolic, if only it would last a long time. An interesting feature of this breed, noticed by specialists during breeding, is the amazing talkativeness of cats. Serengeti not only meow, but also play other sounds, trying to find a common language with the owner. They are very attached to him.
If there are other animals in the house, there is no doubt that the dominant role will be played by serengeti. The fact is that the desire for leadership is inherent in the genes, so it does not matter for the cat whether others agree with its role. In any case, she will achieve her goal by punishing all opponents. Cats are very affectionate and kind to people. Often their tenderness becomes obsessive, which is also a manifestation of their leadership qualities.
Before purchasing a seerengeti, all factors must be weighed. Most of the habits remained in the cat from wild ancestors. Therefore, the nature of the serengeti is wild, they are hardy and are in good health. The breed has a genetic disease - urolithiasis, but nowadays this problem is easily solved with the help of medications. However, in order to prevent this ailment, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian after acquiring an animal, who will help you choose the right diet for your pet.
Serengeti - a cat is quite unpretentious in care, therefore, the owner does not require special skills or special knowledge. The main thing to take care of is the cleanliness of the coat. Since the hairs are quite short, combing a spotted coat does not require. But after all during this procedure not only pollution are removed. This is also a wonderful massage that positively affects the cat’s well-being and she likes it very much. Therefore, you still need to comb your pet. To do this, you should choose either brushes with rubber teeth, or suede fabric. The ears and eyes of the animal are cleaned with conventional hygiene products.
Since the Serengeti is a cat almost wild, she needs to move a lot. If this is not possible in the apartment, then the cat needs to be walked. But you can’t let her out onto the street alone, because in moments of danger the seerengeti will not run away, because she is quite belligerent. In order to protect other people's pets from her character and prevent her cat from suffering, it is necessary to monitor her during a walk or to lead her on a long leash.
It is necessary to purchase an animal from breeders, in clubs for cat lovers or in kennels. Only with such a purchase can you be absolutely sure that it will be sold to you serengeti. A cat, the price of which ranges from 18 to 60 thousand rubles, is becoming increasingly popular. The cost depends on the pedigree of the parents, their titles and regalia. Like other animals, the price of a promising female is higher than the cost of a cat of the same level.
Even if you have never had cats, this breed is suitable to become the first, as this cat does not require any special skills or knowledge from its owners. It is enough to just love her and give her the opportunity to be herself - a proud and wonderful serval in your home.