Decorative turtles: care, types and features of the content

Having a turtle as a pet is a great idea for people with little free time. However, note that the peculiarity of these animals is not that they do not need care, but that it takes a minimum amount of time. Indeed, there is no need to walk with turtles, they do not require complex hygienic procedures, but you will have to remember the basic rules of feeding and environmental requirements. It is advisable to pre-select the type of animal you are interested in, but if you have presented a pet, consult a specialist to determine the correct breed. Central Asian, swamp, red-eared and many others - all these are decorative turtles. Special care should be carried out for each species.

Cooking habitat

Decorative turtles care

All species of these animals can be divided into two large groups: water and land. For representatives of each of them, it is necessary to create special living conditions. It is necessary to start with the debunking of a common myth - even land decorative turtles, the care of which is considered the easiest, should be kept in a special terrarium. The mistake of many novice lovers is the release of the turtle into the wild, i.e., to the floor. This is unacceptable, since in an ordinary apartment or house the animal will be injured, do not forget about drafts and small garbage, which can be mistakenly eaten. Aquatic species require an aquarium, in which most of the "lake", and the smaller - a dry area. Land turtles require a terrarium with soil and shelter.

Temperature and special conditions

Decorative little turtles care

In addition to the glass box, you will need special equipment for keeping turtles. Like all reptiles, these animals need heating of air and water, and ultraviolet lamps (more powerful for land species) are also needed. The minimum aquarium volume for aquatic species is 100 liters. Keep in mind that even decorative small turtles require care in compliance with all the rules. And if the seller promises that the animals will not grow more than 5 cm in length - this is not true. The normal size for all "dwarf" turtles is up to 13 cm inclusive. Species growing larger are considered larger and more complex in content.

Types of food and feeding schedule

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