Many parents dream of the moment when their child will take the first steps. And so they carefully study all the possible information on how to teach a child to walk. There are many instructions today, ranging from the grandfather method "from the crib to the chair" and ending with whole scientifically-proven methods consisting of several stages. Summarizing all the proposed methods, it is possible to deduce a very simple but effective method, which will, however, take a long period of time.
Stage one, or how important it is to remember the individuality of each child
According to pediatric studies, a healthy baby begins to walk between 9 and 14 months. But even if this period is over, and the baby refuses to go, you don’t need to worry much, just show the heir to the children's orthopedist. It is possible that the baby is simply afraid to walk, and the doctor will tell you how to teach the child to walk independently. The main thing is not to force, but to present the process of movement as an exciting game.
Stage two, it all starts with massage and gymnastics
These actions should be carried out from the very birth of the baby. This wish is connected with the fact that a correct and beautiful gait depends on endurance and muscle tone. Doctors - orthopedists and neuropathologists - recommend conducting professional massage sessions starting from 2 to 3 months of life. And before the proposed first step, crumbs of such courses should be done at least two (the second session is carried out in six months).
In addition, do not forget about special gymnastics, which will strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child. Until the moment when the baby sits on its own, parents should practice walking, lying on their backs. The peanuts are placed on the back and neatly rearranged on the hard surface of the foot so that they are in full contact with it. Gently bend the legs at the knees alternately, simulating the process of walking.
After the baby sits, it is worth moving to the gymnastic ball. How to teach a child to walk with his help? Everything is simple. The baby is laid on the surface of the ball with the tummy and carefully rolled until its legs touch a hard surface. The foot, as in the first exercise, should completely touch the floor or the table on which the gymnastics is performed. In addition to these exercises, practice an imitation of “climbing stairs” with support and “playing soccer”.
But the most important thing in the process of how to teach a child to walk is to allow the baby to crawl freely, even in those cases when he makes attempts to move independently. This will better strengthen the crumbs muscle and accelerate the process of vertical walking.
Stage Three, or Special Support
Should I use a walker for walking training? There is no single answer to this question even among pediatricians and orthopedists. But still, if possible, it is worth abandoning them. This fact is explained simply: this device provides additional support and does not provide the right muscles to train enough.
how to teach a child to walk independently, without using a walker? Reins should be purchased, but only after parents see that their child is confidently moving in one hand with an adult. Therefore, to stimulate walking, you only need the support of "armpits", one-hand driving or reins.
Stage Four, or Shoes for First Steps
The correct gait and arch of the foot are formed with the help of one important tool - the first shoes. This situation is due to the fact that the child’s foot is like a kind of plasticine: the bones are soft and are in the process of formation. Therefore, two rules should be remembered: size and quality.
Choosing shoes for the first steps, you should correctly determine the size. The ideal option is to go shopping with your child. But here you need to prepare in advance. Parents take a piece of paper and a pencil, after putting the sheet on a hard surface, they circle the children's foot on it. Having received the sketch, you should measure its length from the tip of the thumb to the protrusion of the heel. Based on the result, it is possible to deduce the approximate size of the first shoe. Do not buy shoes an order of magnitude more, because the child’s leg will not be clearly fixed, which means it will not be convenient for him to walk.
The second parameter - quality - is based on the following components: the sole, the material from which the shoes are made, and the presence of orthopedic inserts.
The sole should not be smooth, so that when walking the child does not slip. Orthopedic inserts are a small heel (not more than 15 mm), hard arch support and a solid back. They will allow the baby to walk correctly. And finally, the material from which the shoes are made should only be natural. Otherwise, the risk of developing allergies and asthma increases (due to the sharp chemical smell).
Following these four steps will help you quickly decide how to teach your child to walk.