What can be the New Year in kindergarten

In kindergarten, children try to prepare for almost all holidays. New Year's Eve is no exception. He is awaited with special impatience. What can be the New Year in kindergarten, how to think through the morning party so as not to miss anything?

new year in kindergarten

About the script

First of all, for all the holidays you need to come up with a good quality scenario. It is better if it is invented independently, by the forces of parents and educators. So it will be possible to take into account all the wishes and preferences of children. So, how does the holiday itself go? Most often this is a journey through a certain fairy tale. There must be a host who will lead everything, as well as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - personalities thanks to whom miracles happen and all wishes come true. Along the way, you can also engage other characters - animals or cartoon heroes who can help children go all the way in search of a bearded grandfather with a bag of gifts and a granddaughter. Be sure to celebrate every child should speak, say at least a few words or tell a poem. Also, in advance with the kids, you need to learn one or more dances, learn songs - all this needs to be shown to the relatives who will be sitting in the hall at the matinee.


New Year in kindergarten should be fun. Therefore, kids should be happy to attend the holiday itself. To do this, it’s good to prepare some puzzles for the children, they must be used for various searches, ask the kids for advice. So the children will not feel like guests, but participants in the evening. It is also good to improvise if the guys choose to dance not according to the script. Competitions will also be needed, kids love to compete and receive little encouragement.

matinee new year kindergarten


What New Year in kindergarten does without festive costumes? Parents and children need to think about this in advance. Outfits can be selected according to the theme of the holiday or selected at the request of the child. It’s good not just to buy another suit, but to think through its details with the baby, to craft something yourself. So it will be not only original, but also valuable in terms of handmade work.


So, kindergarten, holidays ... New Year. What is important not to forget is gifts for children. What is the best way to present to kids? Since far from all modern mothers feed their babies with chocolate candies, it will be simply unreasonable to give gifts from them. A present from grandfather should be useful in terms of the development of the baby, as well as suitable for all children, regardless of gender and interests. You can pre-prepare albums and pencils for drawing, give finger paints or elements of a puppet theater, coloring books or useful encyclopedias. These things will definitely be useful to every child and certainly will not harm their health.

kindergarten holidays new year


What should parents do if the New Year party is coming? Kindergarten is unlikely to be opposed if relatives show activity and want to be involved in the event. An excellent option would be if moms and dads agree to take part in the concert, dress up with different fairy-tale characters and play certain roles. It will be more interesting for children, because kids always like to play with parents. Yes, and communication with their crumbs will certainly not be superfluous. In this case, the New Year in kindergarten will be held without unnecessary problems and difficulties.

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