Any woman who dreams of a child should take care of good genes, finding a beautiful father. In addition, she should prepare her own body. Doctors recommend starting pregnancy planning in a year or at least six months. Due to this period, you can get rid of certain diseases, stop the development of chronic foci and, if necessary, leave bad habits in the past. Also, during this time, the woman manages to mentally tune in to changes in her life. The article is devoted to how to become a mother and what to do if, for some reason, the girl is not able to bear a child on her own.
The first steps
At the very beginning, you should consult a gynecologist or family doctor. The examination of the thyroid gland and genitals, heart and gastrointestinal tract will be mandatory. The doctor should prescribe tests for sugar and hormones. Sometimes a woman does not even suspect that she has a tendency to diabetes or in her body too much testosterone.
If a girl flashed the thought “I want to become a mother!”, Then she needs to understand all responsibility. During pregnancy, she will not flutter for 9 months from happiness. Bearing is a test for the mother. Why so? The child "takes" calcium, vitamins, minerals, which are also necessary for the girl. Often during pregnancy, chronic problems manifest with renewed vigor, new ones appear. In order to bear a child without any significant problems, you should take care of your body in advance.
What tests need to be passed?
So, the girl wants to quickly become a mother. What tests does she need to pass to be sure that the baby will be born healthy?
The doctor will prescribe checks for:
- the presence of worms (almost 90% of people on Earth have them);
- toxoplasmosis (at risk are those girls who have a cat);
- sexually transmitted diseases (not all of them are sexually transmitted; there are those that can be infected during the use of hygiene items, during kisses, handshakes);
- Rhesus factor (often the cause of premature birth or miscarriage is incompatible Rhesus factors).
If one of the future parents in the family has relatives with genetic problems, it is necessary to find out what is the likelihood that they will be transmitted to the child.
Visit to the dentist
Thinking about how to become a mother, you need to visit a dentist. If there are any problems, then they must be eliminated. This is due to the fact that the enamel during pregnancy receives little calcium, and due to toxicosis it is thinned. Bacteria begin to actively develop, inflammation occurs. As a result, this can lead to pulpitis or other unpleasant diseases.
Vaccinations and medications
Rubella, measles, chickenpox and mumps pose a huge danger to both the girl and the fetus. They lead to deafness, problems with the brain, nervous system. Analyzes should be taken to understand if there is a tendency of the body to the described diseases. In addition, the presence of antibodies to these infections is checked. If they are absent, then vaccination should be done at least 3 months before conception.
To become a mother as soon as possible, you need to refuse to take some hormonal drugs, antibiotics and medicines. Because of them, a child can be born with serious pathologies.
Changes in the body
Every girl needs to be prepared for the changes that will occur during pregnancy. They are associated not only with physical health, but also with the nervous system. In the first months, toxicosis occurs, body weight increases, and the figure changes. Some women feel as attractive as possible in this state, while others become depressed.
The abdomen will grow rapidly, problems with nails and hair may occur, of course, you will have to slightly change the wardrobe. Moreover, you need to learn how to react more calmly to each relative and girlfriend who wants to touch their stomach. The future mother should treat everything with humor and understanding.
Psychological readiness
When thinking about how to become a mother, you must definitely imagine all the pros and cons. You can use the method that psychologists recommend. You should draw a table. In one column write all the minuses that the girl sees, in the second - the pros. If there are more of the latter, then, of course, we can begin to implement our plans.
Speaking about how to become a mother, you need to take care of the material base. A woman will have to constantly take tests and do an ultrasound. Do not forget about proper nutrition, buying new things, choosing a clinic and doctors. This is what will be the key to a good birth and the most careful attitude. You can use the services of free doctors in public hospitals.
Only those who decide to become a mother again can imagine how much they will have to invest in the birth of the baby and its future maintenance. Money will be needed for additional examinations. It is thanks to them that you can find out how healthy the child is. Funds are needed to repair the children's room and to purchase accessories for both childbirth and the child himself.
That is why the family should have a stable income and good savings. The only way you can not worry about conducting all the tests and buying the necessary things. If according to the testimony you have to do a cesarean section, you will have to pay the clinic for the operation.
For pregnancy, you need to accumulate a large amount. It is important to understand that healthy children are born predominantly in those women who do not worry during gestation. In addition, stress can trigger premature birth and miscarriage.
“I'll be a mom soon!” This thought is exciting for any girl. But what if a woman smoked before pregnancy? Throw or leave everything as it is? Doctors recommend getting rid of this addiction. Due to the consumption of nicotine, a child may have a heart defect. In addition, smoking provokes problems with the development of the fetus and lack of weight. To give up tobacco you need at least six months before conception. This will allow not only to recover physically, getting rid of pitches, but also mentally.
As for the man, he should give up cigarettes 3 months before conception. This step will improve sperm. Smoking with a pregnant girl and a small child is also not worth it, so it is advisable to throw away the pack and forget about the existence of addiction.
Alcohol is harmful to a woman’s body both during pregnancy and in a normal state. Refuse alcohol should be 4 months before conception. You can drink a glass of wine, but nothing more. The future father should, together with the girl, switch to juices and mineral water.
The health of the child depends on the diet. You can become a mother and provide the best for your baby not only with money, but also with the right diet. Every day you should consume a lot of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Already six months before pregnancy, you need to abandon starvation and strict diets. Every day, a woman should consume calcium in sufficient quantities. It will prevent the development of osteoporosis and maintain the condition of the teeth. Contained in cottage cheese, cheese, beans, almonds, figs, yoghurts and so on. It is also necessary to consume iron. It will avoid fetal anemia and oxygen starvation. This substance is contained in yolks, nuts, dark chocolate, prunes, beef liver, chicken, oatmeal. Another important vitamin is B9. Its other name is folic acid. Due to the large consumption of this substance, miscarriage can be prevented. It is contained in spinach, asparagus, peanuts, Brussels sprouts, beets.
Body mass
If a girl has extra pounds, then she should think about losing weight. During pregnancy, she will gain even more weight. This will lead to problems during gestation and childbirth.
You need to start fighting overweight a year before conception. You should adhere to the most proper nutrition or a strict diet. Be sure to consult a doctor, otherwise you can provoke gastritis or an ulcer. When the desired weight is achieved, you should record the result for six months.
If the girl has a fragile physique, then she needs to follow a diet that will allow her to gain muscle mass. Thin girls, as well as full ones, will find it difficult to bear a child.
Physical exercise
To prepare the body for pregnancy, you need to play sports. With the help of running, you can train endurance and breathing, strengthen your back and legs. Girls are recommended to go to fitness, yoga, to the pool. Strength training should not be done. Cardio workouts are great. Doctors recommend paying special attention to the abdominal muscles. If you keep the body in good shape before and during pregnancy, then after childbirth it will be easy to recover.
Courses for parents
If the question arises about how to become an independent mother, you should sign up for special courses. Here, they will not only help future dads and mothers understand how to act in certain situations, but also how to behave if the husband is constantly at work or has left the family. Any mother should remain calm and be able to cope with all situations. The courses teach how to breathe, talk with babies, change diapers. It is there that young girls become mothers who do not yet have experience.
A surrogate mother is the woman who bears a strange child. After giving birth, she must give the baby to the biological parents.
First, a woman needs to be examined in order to be admitted to the program. After this, fertilization occurs, during which embryos are transferred. From the first time, they may not take root, so you may have to do the procedure several times.
A surrogate mother receives from 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles.
How to become a surrogate mother?
You can become a surrogate mother if a woman meets the requirements prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. If you want to earn money and help people in the birth of a child, you can contact the center of reproductive medicine.
You should not look for clients yourself. If you do everything through the center, then the fee will be much more, and competent doctors will monitor the state of health. Such a center not only monitors the state of a mother with a child, but also completely controls the legal side of the program.
Before you leave a request for surrogacy, you should make sure that the woman is fully consistent with the requirements. It is allowed to become a mother after the birth of their own children. In this case, the woman should be from 20 to 35 years old. Childbirth had to take place naturally. The last birth was at least a year ago.
Who can not become a surrogate mother?
Those women who gave birth to their children using Caesarean section are not allowed to surrogate motherhood. A similar procedure can provoke a risk of uterine rupture.
When a woman goes to the center, they will definitely examine her. She must have excellent mental, reproductive and somatic health. With problems with the third aspect, pregnancy can be dangerous for a woman. Those who suffer from cancer, inflammation, infectious diseases cannot become a surrogate mother. With poor reproductive health, a woman will also not be able to become a surrogate mother.
“I became the mother of my son (daughter)” - this is what many women want to think about. After giving birth, no matter how difficult they are, usually a girl feels happy. In order for everything to go well during the birth of a child, all the rules described must be observed. The right diet, periodic examinations, a healthy lifestyle - all this will allow the baby to be born without any pathologies.
As for the recommendations, a brief overview of what is described in the article should be made.
- You need to eat right, as balanced as possible.
- You should consult a doctor.
- It is necessary to abandon bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, narcotic substances - all of them adversely affect not only the mother's body, but also the child.
- Care must be taken to take medications. Some drugs cause pathologies in the child.
- Serious physical exertion should be completely avoided. You can do yoga or other light exercises, but strength will be harmful.
- You need to walk more on the street, have a good rest, get enough sleep, drink more clean water, avoid stress and stop being nervous.
The girl needs to enjoy her condition, not to worry about overweight and enjoy life more. It is especially important to maintain a positive attitude after becoming a mother. A child is a great happiness, and there is no need to be afraid of it.