Navigator Day of the Russian Navy: holiday history

Humanity throughout the history of its existence showed an unconscious desire for control. For example, in any primitive community there was always a leader, and the army had a commander in chief. With the advent of land transport, the need for total control has increased more than ever, because it is one thing to be responsible for the people sitting in the royal chambers, and quite another to bear responsibility, while inside the functioning mechanism. When the ship was invented to conquer the open spaces, the need for control was supplemented by the possession of knowledge in the field of spatial orientation. So the profession of "navigator" arose. In this article we will tell you about this specialty. We will also tell about how the Naval Day of the Russian Navy appeared . And in conclusion, we will give some tips on choosing gifts for representatives of this profession.


The word "navigator" came to us from Holland and literally translates as "a man at the wheel." This concept absolutely accurately reflects the meaning and features of this difficult specialty. In terms of knowledge and skills, the profession of a navigator can be put on a par with guide-captains and pilots. The control vessel has a great responsibility, because there are a lot of unforeseen circumstances and dangers in the sea. And everything can be so serious that you don’t even want to celebrate Navigator Day of the Russian Navy.

navigator day navy

Hard work

Of course, the new generation of navigation equipment greatly facilitates the work of the ship's manager, but there are situations in which electronic equipment is powerless. There are often times when an interactive map reports the coordinates of the ship, which differ greatly from the true layout. A good old paper card can help here. But for its application you need to know the geographical language. This is one example.

In fact, situations requiring the shipowner to apply their own knowledge arise on a regular basis. Therefore, in order not to disrupt the service and combat tasks facing the vessel, each navigator must be able to determine the cardinal directions without a compass, cope with the indignation of nature, navigate the vessel in "narrow" places, etc.

navigator day navy rf congratulations

The right qualities

The navy squabblers and pessimists have nothing to do. They need quick-witted, courageous, strong and strong-willed people with quick reaction. The most important qualities of a navigator are a penchant for improvisation and a creative approach to work. Well, of course, in order to become a ship's manager, you need to get a specialized education: the navigation profession.

navigator day navy rf January 25

Naval Day of the Russian Navy: history and features

For ordinary people, the sea causes such associations as splashes, swimming, white foam of waves, the cry of gulls ... For the military, the water space is a potential field of war, as well as a kind of replacement of the “earth’s firmament” under the bottom of the destroyer, cruiser and other equipment. The sea becomes the element for the navigator. Over the years of swimming, he gets used to the cold landscape, and to pitching, and even to dangerous situations.

In Russia, ship managers appeared with the advent of the navy. Only this fact is not officially documented anywhere. Yes, no one was engaged in specialized training for this profession. Navigator Day celebrations have traditionally been associated with dates when parts of the world can be determined without any compass. Usually these were the days of the equinox (spring and autumn).

navigator day navy history and features

Holiday Establishment

And only in 1997, the top management of the fleet decided to establish Navigator Day of the Russian Navy. Congratulations to ship managers came even from the farthest corners of the country. For them it was a very important event. So now every year on January 25, hard-working navigators have a well-deserved holiday.

Why was this date chosen? It's all about history. It was on this day three centuries ago that Peter the Great founded the indispensable navigational unit. His order was: "To be navigational and mathematical, that is, nautical arts to doctrine." By the way, the same Peter is the author of the "Code of Conduct for the subject controlling the ship's helm." By creating this document, the emperor wanted to convey to all ship managers that a person standing in the open sea at the head of a combat vehicle is obliged to serve as an illustrative example for all crew members.

In general, do not forget about congratulations on Navigator Day of the Russian Navy, when it arrives on January 25th. Be sure to say warm words to relatives and friends working in this area. Your support will be a powerful incentive for future work for the good of the country.

congratulations on navigator day

What to present on Navigator Day of the Russian Navy?

If in your environment there is a person of this profession, then you are faced with the logical problem of choosing a gift for a solemn event. Since the director of the vessel is closely connected with the sea, try to pick up a souvenir that will combine practicality and romance. A good option would be a magnifier, a wall-mounted barometer, an unusual compass, or a small telescope.

A miniature frigate glowing in the dark will become a gift with a twist on Navigator Day of the Russian Federation, and a globe-bar will be suitable as an original souvenir. If you don’t strain your imagination, you can give a photo album with the coat of arms of the fleet on the cover or a photo calendar made in the style of the holiday.

What should not be presented on Navigator Day of the Russian Navy? On January 25, few ship managers will want to get things that are necessary in everyday life (vacuum cleaner, iron, toaster, etc.). We must not forget that the navigator’s main home is his ship, and such gifts will not be appropriate.

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