It is difficult to imagine life without a computer in the modern world. These small devices can greatly facilitate part of the routine work, and sometimes do it yourself. With it, we go online, make purchases, watch movies, listen to music, chat with friends, create and edit documents, and much more. In addition to using the standard functions of the computer, we can optionally connect various equipment to it. It can be headphones, joysticks, webcams, scanners and, of course, printers. In general, regardless of the operating system, connecting a new device to a computer is quite simple. "Explorer" and "Add Printer Wizard" will help you in every way. But no matter how high quality and reliable the system is,minor problems always occur during operation and unforeseen errors appear, especially when it comes to an inexperienced user. For example, you may see the message “Failed to open the Add Printers Wizard.The local print subsystem is not running. "We will describe how to connect the printer correctly and what to do if a similar message appears.
How to connect a printer
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