Why feet sweat in children: causes, symptoms and treatment methods. Ways to solve the problem

Sweat secretion is a necessary function, ridding the body of harmful substances, toxins, normalizing the temperature and hormonal balance. Too pronounced sweating can be called a pathology, however, this process is not always a deviation from the norm. Parents often wonder why their feet sweat and whether or not to worry about it. Provoking factors include poor-quality shoes, clothing that does not meet weather conditions, socks made of synthetic materials, or inadequate hygiene. If, in addition to sweating, an unpleasant odor is present, it is best to consult a doctor. However, in combination with other disorders, the problem indicates a malfunction in the work of other internal organs.

Why does the child sweat his feet

The development of sweating by age

In order to notice a deviation in sweating in children in time, it is important to understand the features of the process depending on age:

  1. Why do children sweat up to a year old? In infants, the sweating system is not yet developed, which often leads to its redundancy precisely in the area of ​​the legs. It is known that the limbs respond faster to changes in temperature. Sometimes parents play it safe and warmly dress the baby, even if the room is hot. Poor booties or socks can also be a source of trouble.
  2. Why do children sweat their feet from a year to three? At this age, the baby actively masters walking. Some even begin to attend preschool and activity increases significantly. Therefore, experts believe that during games on the street this state of affairs is natural. But if special reasons for sweating are not observed, then it is worth showing the child a doctor. After all, a similar condition at the age of two years may indicate rickets. In some cases, the disease is diagnosed in 4-5 years.
  3. Why do children sweat 4-7 years old? By school, the process is improving more and more, but the peak falls on adolescence. Preschoolers are becoming more susceptible and react sharply to external stimuli. Stress, fear, fun can cause increased sweat. Also, the cause may be poor-quality shoes and off-season clothing.

If a problem occurs, it is important to pay attention to the fluid released. In children, sweat is odorless, leaves no residue on clothes and does not stick to hands.

Why does the child sweat and smell

When to watch out

Moms are often interested in why the baby's palms and legs are sweating. The reason may be quite harmless, but there are symptoms that should not be ignored:

  • rise in temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  • the appearance of rashes, redness on the skin;
  • irritability or lethargy;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant apathy;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • pallor of the skin.

The appearance of such symptoms may indicate malfunctioning of the internal organs.

Why do children sweat

Possible problems

It is necessary to understand why the child's legs and arms are sweating. If the baby does not overheat, wears appropriate clothes and shoes, then the doctors associate this circumstance with the following problems:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • hormonal failure, which may be acquired or congenital;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease
  • excess weight;
  • thyroid disease.

It is important to understand why the child's feet are sweating, and also to eliminate the cause in a timely manner. Because hyperhidrosis in itself is not a pathology, but only indicates a possible problem. At the same time, discomfort can be associated both with diseases of the internal organs, and with purely physical defects.

Provocative factors

Having figured out why the child's feet are sweating, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provokes the problem. Often the culprit is the adverse environment or the parents themselves. Many experts believe that children's hyperhidrosis is associated with the following factors:

  • excessive wrapping of babies;
  • clothes not according to the weather;
  • clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • stuffiness in the room and lack of airing;
  • drinking too often;
  • stressful and too emotional situations;
  • heredity.

If you eliminate these causes, the problem often goes away on its own. However, the last point requires a more serious approach and medical advice.

What kind of specialists to visit

To find out why a child's legs sweat heavily, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Initially, parents should show the baby to the attending pediatrician. He examines the baby for rickets and after his exclusion will prescribe additional diagnostics. Directions to the following specialists may be given:

  1. Endocrinologist. The doctor will find out the hormonal background of the child and, in particular, the thyroid gland. For this, an ultrasound is done and blood is taken for analysis. The specialist should exclude hormonal failure, problems with the pituitary gland and diabetes.
  2. Neuropathologist. A doctor’s examination for babies is especially important. He checks the kids for the presence or absence of muscle tone, and also examines children for various neurological problems. The risk of developing vascular dystonia often causes sweating.
  3. Cardiologist. It is important to find out why a young child is sweating, because the cause may be problems in the cardiovascular system. Such diseases should be under the full supervision of a specialist.

If the baby has other problems, then referrals to a urologist, psychiatrist or nephrologist can be issued. Only a fully compiled medical history will help with the final diagnosis.

How to deal with a problem

If the legs of a child who is not even a year old are sweating, then there are no special treatment methods. A similar problem, if it is not associated with a specific disease, is due to an imperfect mechanism of perspiration. Doctors may recommend the following:

  1. In the cold season, take vitamin D in drops. Well-established "Aquadetrim", which must be offered to the child two drops a day.
  2. To normalize blood circulation, it is recommended that babies regularly massage both the lower extremities and the entire body.
  3. Regularly undergo a scheduled examination with narrow specialists and your pediatrician.

Often, kids while learning to walk walk on toes. In this case, the cause may be pyramidal insufficiency. In this case, as well as with increased intracranial pressure, vitamins and nootropic drugs can be prescribed.

Shoes are very important

A common question that parents turn to doctors is why their feet sweat in their shoes. The reason is poor quality material or discrepancy with the weather and size. When choosing shoes for your beloved child, it is better to give preference to high-quality textiles or genuine leather. The following factors are important:

  • shoes should be elastic;
  • fully adapt to the child’s leg;
  • The material must be breathable.

If the baby suffers from sweating, then it is better to avoid boots made of low-quality leatherette. But if this is inevitable, it is important that the insole is leather and the inside is made of cotton.

If shoes are selected for hot and dry weather, then samples with a hole top should be preferred. They provide excellent ventilation. In summer it is better to wear open sandals. It is recommended to have at least two pairs of shoes for each season. This is necessary for complete drying of each pair and good ventilation.

Why does the child sweat feet in shoes

What else to do

Why does a child's feet sweat and smell? If medical problems are excluded, then the matter is in improper hygiene, unsuitable shoes or equipment that is not suitable for weather conditions. To eliminate sweating, you must follow these tips:

  • regularly change your baby's cotton socks;
  • choose only high-quality shoes, avoid too tight and narrow;
  • if the problem is too worrying, it is recommended to purchase shoes with a special membrane material, which removes excess moisture from the feet and provides excellent breathability;
  • You can buy special insoles that contain activated carbon (it absorbs excess moisture);
  • wash your feet regularly with cool water, paying attention to the spaces between the fingers.

The room should not be too hot. The diet of the baby is also worth reviewing. The menu must include vegetables, fruits and foods with a high content of vitamin D and calcium.

Why does the child sweat his legs and arms

Using traditional medicine

Our grandmothers knew many methods that eliminate hyperhidrosis. To find out why the feet of the child are sweating, the doctor will help, and alternative methods will ease the condition. The following methods have proven themselves well:

  1. Baths with a decoction of oak bark. Dry raw materials are also used, which are applied to the feet under the socks. Treatment consists of a course equal to 14 procedures.
  2. Soda-salt baths. This procedure eliminates the unpleasant odor, and also helps to strengthen the child's immune forces. For a greater effect, drops of various essential oils are used: eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree, menthol.
  3. If the problem has overtaken a teenager, then boric acid is used, which is applied between the fingers. Before this, the feet are washed and dried well. Socks must be changed several times a day.
  4. Foot baths of birch leaves and horsetail. The procedure can be performed twice a day for two weeks.
  5. If the problem of sweating bothers the child only while wearing shoes, then you can use burnt alum. They are evenly poured into the socks. The procedure is completely safe, therefore it is recommended even for the smallest.

In general, herbal foot baths are considered an effective, but harmless method from excessive sweating. If the child is healthy, but his legs are constantly wet, then you can use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, birch buds or a string. After the procedure, you need to wipe the legs and sprinkle the feet with talcum powder.

Why does the child sweat the feet

How to reduce the likelihood of developing hyperhidrosis

The following tips will help not only save the baby from the problem of wet legs, but also strengthen his immunity. If there are no contraindications and the pathology of internal organs is not recognized as the cause of sweating, then the following measures can be taken:

  • hardening;
  • massage;
  • herbal or salt foot baths.

It helps to reduce hyperhidrosis foot massage. It is carried out by parents on their own. You can use the technique of stroking, kneading and circular movements.

Why does a small child sweat his feet

Interesting and effective tips include the following:

  • walking on warm rice;
  • Massage with dry but slightly warmed buckwheat.

Such procedures increase blood flow and contribute to the normalization of natural thermoregulation. Of course, you shouldn’t jump on the croup. For the proper effect, you just need to stand, slightly fingering legs. If the baby is too small, then fabric bags filled with dry cereal are used for this. With their help, a gentle massage is performed.


It is important to understand that excessive sweating in children can be a symptom of the disease. If causes such as tight shoes, weather mismatch, or excessive activity are excluded, you should consult your doctor.

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