Pseudomonas aeruginosa: fear or not

When a mold film was shown on TV, so many people began to be afraid of mold for no particular reason. And this is not at all about unbalanced personalities, but about completely healthy mentally people. No need to fall for the bait of those who aim to intimidate. Avoid reading and watching what is presented as a sensation. On the contrary, good material, print or video, reduces your fears and provides enough information so that you yourself can assess the risk. Some unscrupulous publications are trying to scare us with such an infectious agent as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Often mothers are especially worried about children. What you need to know about this microbe to the layman?

The most important thing to remember: these infectious agents belong to the opportunistic class. Translated from medical into Russian, this means that a person becomes ill only if his immunity is very weakened. Therefore, really worrying about infection is only to doctors in hospitals, where many people with problematic immunity are concentrated. And even then standard disinfection procedures very quickly and effectively destroy such a pathogen as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In fact, infection occurs only in cases of negligence of medical personnel. Are you afraid if the Pseudomonas aeruginosa is contained in water? Water can be infectious only if you wash the wounded surface with the same water that the infected just used. And then the infection will occur if the defenses are significantly reduced as a result of a long illness or serious injury.

Of course, there are some reasons to fear infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces very strong endo- and exotoxins, and therefore can provoke sepsis in seriously ill patients. Often, even after the sticks themselves are destroyed, the patient is still ill due to toxins. In addition, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often very resistant to most antibiotics. And for treatment, special medicines are selected that are not used to treat most infections (reserve antibiotics).

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is also dangerous for patients with cystic fibrosis, which is more common than other autosomal recessive diseases in white people. The thick mucus that is produced in such patients is ideal for propagating Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Therefore, if you know that your loved one is sick with cystic fibrosis, try so that he, if necessary, be treated in a hospital, should be treated in a hospital with better conditions.

Patients of burn departments of hospitals also get sick with a Pseudomonas infection if the hospital does not strictly observe the sanitary-hygienic regimen. It takes time for the pathogen to enter the bloodstream. After the infection, the Pseudomonas aeruginosa often gets into the genitourinary tract, where it causes inflammation. The disease can be chronic, lasting for years.

Without the right antibiotics, a Pseudomonas infection cannot be cured. Yes, and such a diagnosis can only be made by a doctor on the basis of laboratory tests, so do not believe the healers and "folk healers", who sometimes take the liberty of making a diagnosis of the symptoms. Even the doctor will not realize by symptoms that it is precisely the Pseudomonas aeruginosa that β€œsettled” in the genitourinary tract. Is treatment with folk remedies possible? The cure is no, the relief of the symptoms is yes. To do this, you can drink diuretic herbal remedies, for example, bearberry infusions. However, at the same time, at least 2.5 liters of water per day should be consumed for an adult, 1.8 for a child under 10 years old.

If your child has frequent urination and constant inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, do not immediately suspect Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Go to a good urologist who can determine the causes of the disease based on accurate data. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is not this pathogen at all.

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