To make interesting any activity in kindergarten or just brighten up a boring home evening will help the riddle about the fox for children. In fact, although this animal is a predator, it causes emotion, even admiration, for many people.
Fox tricks in riddles
In fact, foxes are, and indeed, extremely intelligent creatures that can find an original way out of difficult situations. Those who like to read works about animals find a lot of evidence for this. This gives food to children's mysterious poets. For example, such a riddle about a fox for children just serves as an example.
She has a fluffy tail
A little taller than a cat’s height,
This red cheat
Chickens drags very cleverly.
Anyone will answer that we are talking about cheating a fox. However, this riddle would be quite applicable to other predators, for example, to the marten or ferret, if not for the clarification about the furry tail. Any fox will envy the tricks of the marten and ferret stealing chickens in chicken coops! But her fluffy tail here gives off a red-headed hooligan, as they say, “with a tail”, indicating that this riddle is about a fox for children. So it’s appropriate to point this out to the kids, who are likely to give an answer right away. New information about other animals will expand children's horizons.
Toddler fox riddles with answers
To simplify the task for those who are just starting their acquaintance with the outside world, poems are offered in which at the very end you need to pick up the missing rhyme. For instance:
This red beauty
Oh, cunning ... (fox)!
This riddle is about the fox for the youngest children - it practically shows only two signs of the animal: color and a characteristic feature. For older children, poems are recommended that provide more detailed descriptions of the predator. For instance:
This tricky cheat
Zaitsev catches very cleverly,
How beautiful is red fur!
He will be able to deceive everyone.
And she lives in the forest.
Everyone knows kumu- ... (fox)!
Encryption riddles
Children who have already learned the basics of composing letters from words can be offered riddles for children with pictures. The simplest rebus can hide the word itself, which is made up of the first letters of the names of objects depicted in the pictures. It's like encrypting a word with images.
It is much more difficult to work with puzzles in which the riddle itself is encrypted. Only after the text is solved, you should look for the answer to the riddle. You can complicate the task. To do this, create a crossword puzzle in which you need to insert guesses on encrypted puzzles.
Now let's decode the phrase from the rebus together.
- The picture shows cancer, the letter P is crossed out, and K. stands next to it. Therefore, we write “HOW” on a piece of paper.
- The word "SICKLE" with a comma in front is read as "EPP", the arrow indicates that it should be read from right to left. We get the "PRE".
- In the picture are paints with two commas standing behind the image. So, you need to remove the last two letters. It turns out “KRAS”.
- A tape without the first one letter and without the last two will give us “EH”.
- Next in the picture we see a weapon. Having removed the first letter and the last, we get “GUNS”. But we still need to change “U” to “Y”. So, we write “RYZHY”. And still need to add J.
- Picture with fur, write “FUR”.
- It turned out "KAKPRESENRENIYMEKH!" If you look closely at this gibberish, you can divide a number of letters into words. It turns out the sentence "How beautiful is the red fur!"
- "KIT" with the replacement of K by X gives us a "HIT".
- "ROY" with the replacement of O by S will give "ROY".
- "DOOR" with the replacement of D by Z gives the word "BEAST".
- “LOB” without the first letter is “OB”.
- The last letter should be removed from the word “COIN” and replaced with O by A. It will produce “MANET”.
- The letter C is the letter E. This means that you need to write "ALL".
- From the word "EAR" after the first and last letter is removed, only one X remains.
- We read what happened: "Tricky beast of deceiving all!". After breaking down into words, the phrase should turn out: “The cunning beast will deceive everyone!”
Now you can think about a clue.
How beautiful red fur
The cunning beast will deceive everyone!
Who are we talking about? Yes, of course, about the fox!