Is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure: the opinion of doctors

Hormonal failure is a pathological process that is characterized by the production of a small amount of female hormones by the body. For the fair sex, such a disease becomes a big problem. This pathology requires mandatory medical treatment. Many women want to know if it is possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure.

What are hormones?

Causes of hormonal failure

To date, scientists have identified several main causes of this disease.

  1. Disorders associated with the endocrine system. The cause of such disorders can be diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, as well as the adrenal gland.
    Endocrine system

  2. Heredity. These are mainly genetically transmitted diseases. For example, primary amenorrhea. With this disease, young girls over 15 years old have a complete absence of menstruation.
  3. Cold. Hormonal failure can cause diseases such as influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. Scientists have proved that women who often suffered such pathologies are prone to malfunctioning of the hormonal system.
  4. The use of inappropriate contraceptives. This reason is frequent among women of childbearing age. Its primary manifestation can be observed in the appearance of excess weight in a woman.
    Birth control pills

  5. Diets. Exhaustion of the body by hunger, lack of necessary nutrients, refusal of timely food intake - all this negatively affects the hormonal background.
  6. Surgical interventions in the internal genital organs.
  7. Depression and nervous conditions.
  8. Diseases of the female reproductive system: polycystic ovary, fibroids, cysts, etc.
  9. The presence of a large amount of excess weight.

More rare causes may be pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, menopause. Basically, in such situations, the body is able to independently balance the hormonal background.

Signs of hormonal imbalance

Many couples look forward to a long-awaited pregnancy. But this does not happen. This problem may be associated with hormonal disorders in women. This is one of the signs of insufficient hormone levels in women. Is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure? This question is asked by many women. Any specialist in the field of gynecology will give a negative answer.

Consider other features.

  1. Severe headaches.
  2. Irregular menstruation or their absence for a long time.
  3. Rapid weight gain.
  4. Pathological fatigue.
  5. Sleep disturbances.
  6. Nervous conditions, irritability.
  7. Hair loss.
  8. Sharp mood swings.
  9. Decreased or complete lack of sexual desire.
    Depression and anxiety

The appearance of such signs is an occasion for visiting a specialist. After passing the necessary tests, a course of hormones, which are not enough in the body, is prescribed.

Is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure?

Medicine knows rare cases of pregnancy in the presence of this disease. But the course of such a pregnancy was accompanied by pathological processes or did not reach its logical conclusion, and there was an interruption. There is such a pathology as hormonal failure during menstruation. Can I get pregnant in this situation? Most probably not.

Note! Sometimes with hormonal malfunction, menstruation is replaced by spotting dark discharge, and a pregnancy test shows a positive result. By mistake, a woman can take this pathology for pregnancy.

Positive result

How to get pregnant with a hormonal failure, not a single gynecologist will tell. These are unique isolated cases. But this pathology can be cured. Basically, hormonal imbalance is easily treatable. Only patience is needed. A positive course of treatment makes it possible to become pregnant after a hormonal failure.

Restoring normal hormonal levels

A decrease in hormone levels caused by natural conditions does not require any therapeutic action. But the failure caused by various kinds of pathologies requires an immediate solution. As a rule, the treatment is carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. After receiving the results of the tests, certain hormonal preparations, vitamins, etc. are prescribed. Particular attention is paid to the psychological state of the patient. It is possible to conduct a course of psychological impact.

Hormonal imbalance after abortion also requires immediate treatment. Ignoring the pathology in this case can lead to serious consequences.

Foods that help restore hormone levels

There are some foods that help establish hormone production.

  1. Products containing soy.
  2. Fish, seafood. Omega acids have a positive effect on hormones in the body.
  3. Cabbage.
  4. Spinach.
  5. Different berries.

Hormone failure prevention

Many women wondering if it is possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure, are interested in the timely prevention of this disease. Hormonal disorders can be controlled, like any other pathology. To do this, you need to regularly visit a specialist and take all the necessary tests. You also need to follow a proper diet and healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day. An important factor in the prevention of hormonal disruptions is a stable psychological state. Stressful situations and nervous conditions should be avoided.

Subject to all recommendations, the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during a hormonal failure will disappear by itself.

Pregnancy after hormonal failure

With the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a hormonal failure, we have already figured out. It turned out that such a conception is almost impossible. But what to do after the course of treatment? How to get pregnant after a hormonal failure? This question is ambiguous. The body of each patient is individual. Of course, a constant visit to the gynecologist and endocrinologist is necessary. After a malfunction, doctors advise to monitor the level of hormones for some time. This is necessary to avoid pathological situations during pregnancy. Still, the treatment of hormonal failure is a long and laborious process.

The onset of pregnancy

Planning the conception is necessary in conjunction with a specialist. He will give all the necessary recommendations and calculate the favorable time for pregnancy. Do not make a decision yourself. After all, this can lead to irreparable consequences. In any case, it is worth waiting at least six months after a hormonal failure.

This article discusses questions about what hormones and hormonal levels are, whether it is possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure, what is the treatment for disorders in this area. Also learned about the causes and signs of pathology. From all of the above, we can conclude that diseases associated with hormonal imbalances are a fixable thing. The main thing is to have patience and endurance, not to self-medicate, but to seek the timely help of a specialist. And it is important that violations in this area are not a sign of infertility.

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