Pregnancy for all women is a definite burden on the body. Of course, this is not a disease and do not worry, but it is worth protecting yourself from unnecessary troubles. Since the fetus is constantly growing and developing, the internal organs begin to work in a stressful mode. Tachycardia during pregnancy is a fairly common problem.
The causes of this disease can be many. Scientists have not yet fully figured out this issue. It is known that during pregnancy in the female body there is an increased amount of hormones, which is why the heart begins to beat more often, and, therefore, tachycardia occurs during pregnancy.
As with all overweight people, this disease can occur in women in an interesting position. Especially common are cases of tachycardia in multiple pregnancies or polyhydramnios. In addition, oligohydramnios can also adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as anemia and severe toxicosis. There have been cases when tachycardia during pregnancy was the result of an increase in the uterus and its displacement. Do not be surprised at heart rhythm problems if, after conception, a woman did not give up such bad habits as drinking alcohol and smoking, not to mention narcotic drugs.
Due to the presence of a huge list of possible causes, tachycardia during pregnancy requires an individual approach. The limiting norm of the heart rhythm, that is, the number of beats per minute, is 90 and not more. This indicator should be measured at rest. All results that exceed the established standard are classified as tachycardia. Moreover, the rhythm range from 90 to 115 is considered moderate. But if the number of beats per minute exceeds 120, then this will certainly affect the general well-being of the woman. She may experience slight dizziness, fatigue, weakness in the legs, and even nausea and loss of consciousness. This is the so-called sinus tachycardia during pregnancy. In such cases, some experts consider it necessary to prescribe a minimum treatment that will not harm the child, but may save his life. With such an active work of the heart muscle, a woman in an interesting position needs to protect herself as much as possible from all stresses and worries and in no case should she engage in physical labor.
But you should know that tachycardia during pregnancy always occurs. For example, by the third trimester, the heart rate on average increases by fifteen units. Such an increase is considered absolutely normal and does not require intervention from specialists.
Symptoms of tachycardia dangerous to the fetus are a strong feeling of nausea, and even vomiting. If you feel strong and rapid heartbeats, then you need to put aside all things and lie down so as not to overload the body and the cardiovascular system. And of course, regular examinations should be the main task during pregnancy.
In some cases, fetal tachycardia is detected during pregnancy. This situation is more serious than the rapid heartbeat in the mother, as it may indicate fetal hypoxia, that is, the occurrence of pathologies. Most often, the forming pathological processes are associated with certain problems with the woman’s health, for example, when the unborn baby experiences a lack of oxygen when the placenta is detached.
In any case, a competent specialist conducts a thorough examination of the state of the cardiovascular system, identifying pathologies and abnormalities. After all, the problem can be hidden in an unstable hormonal background, which has a great effect on the embryo and can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is not worthwhile to ignore the tachycardia that has arisen.