The heaviest dog in the world: description with photo, weight, breed

Today in the world there are about four hundred dog breeds. Large massive animals occupy a special place among them, especially standing out against the background of their small counterparts. They are very beautiful, hardy and reliable, because many of them are used for police, rescue and search services. Today's publication provides a brief description of the heaviest dog breeds.

Saint bernard

The homeland of these majestic giants that appeared in the XI century, are considered the Swiss Alps. And among their closest ancestors are Molossian Great Dane and Tibetan mastiffs. As a result of crossing these animals with local dogs, a new breed was bred that could find people under snow blockages. The first St. Bernards did not resemble their modern descendants, but they coped well with their duties as rescuers. Despite the long history, the first breed standard was developed in the 19th century.

the heaviest dog in the world

Saint Bernard is one of the heaviest dogs in the world. The average weight of a typical representative of this breed is about 90 kg with a height of 65-90 cm at the withers. However, the facts of the existence of larger individuals are known. For example, a St. Bernard named Heidan Dark Blue lived in the UK, weighing as much as 138 kg at the age of three. The muscular, harmoniously developed body of such a dog is covered with thick long coat of snow-white color with clearly defined brown-red or red spots.

Turkish Kangal

The first mention of these immigrants from Asia Minor is dated to the 13th century. According to one version, the blood of the Turkish greyhounds flow in their veins, manifested in a lightning reaction and the ability to develop high speed running. These animals have long been used as assistants by shepherds and for the protection of household housing.

the heaviest dog breed in the world

Of course, the Turkish Kangan cannot claim the title of the heaviest dog. But he is also considered a heavyweight. The average weight of a typical representative of this breed is 75 kg with a growth of about 80 cm. But among the Turkish Kangals there are also real giants. For example, a dog named Kapar weighs as much as 112 kg with a growth of 97 kg. Despite the rather small sizes, to put it mildly, these animals look lean and perfectly control their bodies. They calmly endure both heat and cold, adore swimming in ponds and cannot live in city apartments.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Dogs similar to the modern representatives of this breed lived back in the days of the Roman Empire. According to one version, they came from Tibetan mastiffs, praised by ancient travelers and philosophers. These massive dogs began to spread massively throughout Europe only in the 1970s. Around the same period, their appearance underwent significant changes.

the heaviest dog

Neapolitan mastiffs are one of the heaviest dogs. The photo of these massive giants allows us to form an opinion about their true dimensions. The average weight of a typical mastino is about 60-70 kg, and height can exceed 75 cm. The heaviest representative of this breed, nicknamed Hercules, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. At that time, he weighed 128 kg with a height of 96 cm at the withers. Mastiffs give the impression of calm, melancholy animals. But in the event of a real threat, they instantly transform into furious beasts.

English mastiff

The ancestors of the heaviest breed of dogs in the world lived in the era of Julius Caesar. They fearlessly participated in gladiatorial battles and hunted large animals, such as lions and bears.

The English mastiff is a large massive dog with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. His height can reach 70-82 cm, and weight is 60-100 kg. The mass of the largest mastiff named Aikam Zorb was as much as 155 kg. On a large head with a wrinkled forehead and thick fleshy lips are small triangular drooping ears and beautiful dark eyes. These are very smart, calm and balanced dogs. They are distinguished by increased obstinacy and are sure to consider each team given by the owner. Obtaining unquestioning obedience from the English mastiff is possible only after earning his respect and trust. This dog is wary of strangers, but will never pounce for no reason. It is not intended for living in urban apartments and requires regular workloads.

German dog

The ancestors of these noble dogs lived in Tibet several centuries BC. e. Local tribes used these huge animals to protect livestock. Over time, they came to South Asia, and from there spread throughout other countries.

the heaviest breed of dog

Great Dane - one of the heaviest dogs in the world. Their weight can reach 90 kg with a height of at least 74-80 cm. Until 1984, the largest dog was considered the Great Dane named Shamgret Donzas. The weight of this giant was 108 kg, and the height was 105.5 cm. Despite the impressive dimensions, it is difficult to call the dog clumsy. His stately, muscular body with a flat back and slightly arched lower back is covered with short, tight-fitting shiny hair of black, marble, fawn, blue or tiger color. This intelligent, confident, sociable dog gets along well with other animals and does not lend itself to provocation. He is very sensitive, because a long stay in solitude makes him closed.

Central asian shepherd dog

Turkestan is considered to be the birthplace of representatives of this breed, and Mongolian shepherds, Tibetan mastiffs and shepherd molosses are among the ancestors. The local population led a nomadic lifestyle and was engaged in cattle breeding. Therefore, they needed hardy dogs that could protect herds from predators. The Alabai bred by them coped well with the duties assigned to them and quickly gained popularity. Subsequently, representatives of this breed unsuccessfully tried to retrain for military service. But their inherent uncontrollability led to the failure of this experiment.

which dog is the heaviest

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a large and massive dog. The heaviest alabai in the world, living in the Stavropol Territory, weighs 125 kg. But not all representatives of this breed can boast of such an impressive size. The minimum weight of a typical CAO starts from 50 kg, and growth should not be less than 65 cm at the withers. These fearless, balanced and proud dogs have a strong protective instinct and do everything to protect the territory entrusted to them.

Tibetan mastiff

These dogs have a very long history. They are considered direct descendants of the Tibetan Great Dane. The first officially registered litter of such puppies was born in 1898 in a Berlin zoo.

The Tibetan mastiff is one of the heaviest dogs. The weight of an adult male must not be less than 65 kg. In this case, the minimum allowable growth starts at 66 cm. The whole body of such a dog is covered with straight, rather long and stiff hair of black, tan, red, golden or brown color. Representatives of this breed are characterized by natural calm. However, this does not prevent them from coping well with the protection of their territory.


Those who want to find out which dog is the heaviest will be interested to know about the existence of another breed named after the island of the same name.

photo of the heaviest dog

Newfs are large and massive dogs, whose weight can reach 60-70 with a height of 63-74 cm. Moreover, the impressive size does not affect their ability to move. They masterfully own their own bodies and are extremely rarely injured. The huge square body of these animals is covered with thick, long hair of black or brown color. Newfoundlands are endowed with a balanced, generous and very patient disposition. They have well-developed working qualities, which allows them to be successfully used for various services.


This one of the heaviest dogs in the world was bred in Germany. To obtain it, German breeders used landseers, long-haired St. Bernards and large Pyrenees. As a result of hard breeding work, a new breed, known as Leonberger, appeared.

weight of the heaviest dog

These are large enough animals growing up to 65-80 cm at the withers. As for weight, the standard does not have clear guidelines for this parameter. But according to statistics, the weight of a Leonberger can reach 60-80 kg. The proportional, harmoniously developed body of these powerful beauties is covered with thick wool of sand, red or yellow color. In addition to the rather large size, representatives of this breed are endowed with a benevolent and fearless character. They are very obedient and completely non-aggressive. Leonbergers are extremely loyal to children, smart, temperamental and immune to external stimuli. They are very smart and are great at training.

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