How to connect Apple Pay (Sberbank): instructions

Apple Pay is a convenient mobile service, the connection of which causes a lot of questions for modern users. But if you approach the problem correctly, there will be no problems. How to connect Apple Pay? Sberbank offers all its customers working with "apple" devices, a similar service. The instructions we studied contribute to the realization of the idea. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems initially, and therefore we will go directly to the instructions.

how to connect apple pay sberbank

Preliminary preparation

How to connect Apple Pay? Sberbank was one of the first in Russia to offer a similar option. It is on the example of this financial organization that we will consider the process.

Before connecting, you need to prepare. Need:

  • turn on the Touch ID scanner (if it is not there, Apple Pay will not work);
  • Register in iCloud and activate the cloud service;
  • MasterCard ;
  • Wallet .

, . , Apple Pay . , .

- "" . iPhone . .

Apple Pay ? :

  1. Sberbank Online. (" "-" "-" "). .
  2. .
  3. - , Apple Pay.
  4. " iPhone".
  5. . " ", . .

! , Apple Pay. " " . . . Apple Pay Wallet . .

how to connect apple pay sberbank on iphone

Apple Watch

"". " ". Apple Pay. .

, . , :

  1. iPhone Apple Watch.
  2. "Wallet ".
  3. "...".
  4. .
  5. .

. , Apple Pay " ".


Apple Pay ( Visa)? , . iPad .

, " " . . ?

Apple Pay iPad? :

  1. .
  2. "Wallet Apple Pay".
  3. " ".
  4. .
  5. .

Apple Pay iPad. . , . .

apple pay visa sberbank how to connect

, Apple Pay iPhone. ?


  1. .
  2. .
  3. Wait for a special sound signal. A slight vibration will appear with it. It means successful request processing.
  4. Remove the phone.

Thanks to this article, you now know how to connect Apple Pay from Sberbank to one or another "apple" device. Instructions work 100%.

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