How does a puppy behave in the heat? How to help a dog in the heat?

The heat comes, everyone wants to leave the stuffy apartment, hide in a cool supermarket or lie on the beach. However, if you have a pet, then you need to think about him, because he, most likely, will have to while away his time at home, waiting for your return. Let's look at how a puppy behaves in the heat together, because this can be the key to understanding whether he feels normal. The dog can not say anything, which means you have to be more observant.

how a puppy behaves in the heat

Disease or normal body reaction?

Speaking about how a puppy behaves in the heat, it should be remembered that any animal reacts to heat in approximately the same way. In the wild and zoos, the entire biological rhythm obeys one rule: during the day, in intense heat, animals move little, hide from the sun, do not hunt and do not eat. This also applies to our pets. If you have a good conditioner at home, then you will not notice the difference, the only advice from veterinarians is to postpone your walks in the early morning and late evening.

They are very worried about the behavior of the puppy in the heat, those who decided to take it with them on vacation, where 24 hours a day will have to be outdoors. In this case, you will need to find him a reliable shelter from the sun (in the shade of the trees) so that he can rest in peace there. Be sure to ask your veterinarian for advice, he will tell you how the puppy behaves in the heat, and what moments can be considered normal.

Signs that the puppy is suffering

A small miracle stops playing. A puppy is most often hammered under a bed, into the bathroom, pantry, where it is less hot. If your pet also refuses a favorite treat, then there is a reason to be seriously worried. Not knowing how the puppy behaves in the heat, you will most likely assume that he is dangerously ill and will begin independent treatment or be taken to the veterinarian. In this case, it will be better to wait until the evening: the heat will subside, and your pet will definitely have a good dinner. But if by night he refused food and water, then urgent need to take action.

how dogs behave in the heat

Dog food in the heat

The way dogs behave in the heat is due to physiological reasons. Their body temperature is much higher than ours, about 39 degrees, while the border of 41-42 degrees is fatal, blood coagulates, and the animal dies. If a person rises one degree from the heat, it’s not scary. If the same thing happens with the dog, the consequences may be different. Therefore, taking a pet with you to an outdoor beach is not safe.

However, now we will talk about nutrition. The way dogs behave in the heat is a biological program that allows them to survive. But the owner can greatly undermine the health of the pet, trying to certainly feed her under any conditions. Veterinarians say that in the heat of the dog should receive only ready-made balanced food, that is, canned food or dry food. Heat provokes the development of intestinal infections, which means that your pet is constantly at risk. Moreover, the owners often themselves do not observe basic safety, treating the dog with raw meat, just bought in the market, without even scalding it with boiling water. Keep in mind that if a dog receives homemade feed (cereals, dairy products, meat), she should eat all this in 30 minutes. All the rest must be thrown out. The habit of the owners to leave food in a dog bowl (hungry - eat up) leads to grave consequences.

in the heat of the dog little pee

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

It is known that in the heat of the dog little pee. This is again due to biological laws: water needs to be saved, survival depends on it. However, painful and difficult urination may indicate that your pet has a problem with the genitourinary system. It is in the summer that its aggravation occurs. Therefore, you can not discount that in the heat of the dog little write, but if you see blood clots in the urine, and the animal is in severe pain, you need to see a doctor.

The first sign that you should pay attention to is a change in smell. The sharp aroma that appears is an accurate indicator that not everything is in order in the body. However, owners often think that the pet is simply sweating. A healthy animal never smells like a dog. In the heat, many hidden, chronic septic ailments worsen. These are uterine inflammation and kidney disease, chronic cystitis and heart failure. Therefore, be sure to carry out the correct treatment.

how puppies tolerate heat

How to protect your pet from heat

Since puppies tolerate the heat harder than adult dogs, you must first think about them, especially if you plan a trip to the sea. Most owners decide to take the animal to rest with them, as there is no one to leave it with. This is not bad, especially if the pet has skin diseases. Sea air and water contribute to healing. However, this applies specifically to the sea coast, but if you go to ponds and lakes located near industrial cities, it is better not to let the dog get into the water. Abscesses and dermatophytes, ticks and itching - this is what dogs are taken with then to the clinic.

In order for your baby to play calmly during the day, it is necessary to protect him from direct sunlight. To do this, still at home will have to sew some semblance of a swimsuit. It can be a booty on the back, with elastic bands, as well as a panama hat. Very often, both the panama and the bottom boot are stitched with thin foam rubber and sprayed with water. Thanks to evaporation, the animal is not so hot. Many owners ask if it is possible to douse a dog in the heat. Yes, but not with icy water, like from a garden hose, but a little settled.

the dog’s temperature may rise from the heat

Water treatments

Since we touched on the topic of pouring, let's talk how to cool a dog in extreme heat. She does not have sweat glands, which is why she can not smell in the heat due to the fact that she is sweating. The only place they are located is at the tip of the tongue. This is no coincidence, because the skin of our pets is covered with a special film that protects it from dermatitis. Frequent washing of the dog with soap destroys this shell and opens the way for infections. Therefore, a dog can be washed with various means very rarely. But rinsing with water, on the contrary, is recommended as often as possible. In addition, you need to stock up on special tools that are used when it is necessary to wash off strong contaminants. In zoo pharmacies there are herbal shampoos that cleanse much milder than those sold in household cleaning departments.

Is it possible to pour a dog in the heat

Is air conditioning a friend or an enemy?

Of course, the behavior of the dog in the heat causes sympathy, I want to help my furry friend, who, having frantically stuck out his tongue, is trying to hide in any secluded place. And many people think of turning on the air conditioner. Dogs, like children who are most often on the floor, are prone to pneumonia if a stream of cool air is directed at them. Therefore, adjust your split system so that the air flows in a diffused stream, which is directed to the curtains. In addition, do not set the temperature below +22 degrees. It is quite comfortable and your pet will not get sick.

how to cool a dog in extreme heat


We have already touched on this topic a bit, and now we will talk in more detail. Can a dog raise the temperature from the heat? Yes, if the animal received heat stroke. In this case, the dog may begin to bark, try to stick its head in the grass, it may have rapid breathing or apathy. In this case, moisten her head with cool water and take her to the doctor. The temperature usually rises to 40 degrees. This ailment is easier to prevent than to treat. Do not leave the animal in the heat unattended. If you are going on vacation, take a panama hat and more often wet the dog with water.

We will consider another frightening ailment - a dry, cracked nose. This in itself is not dangerous, but suggests a latent disease. Perhaps the dog sniffed something that is a strong irritant. It does not hurt to go to the vet.

Drinking mode

If you plan to spend several days on the coast, then do not forget that the dog should have a bowl of water with him. It must be regularly filled. Every minute the dog should have access to clean water. An excellent alternative to nutrition is kefir, because it tones up perfectly, dogs love it very much. Therefore, for hot days, store yogurt or natural yogurt. Just do not forget to throw away the unfinished product immediately so that there are no problems with the digestive system. Do not leave the dog on a leash in the hot sun. So that she does not have heat stroke, accustom the animal to a panama hat, the lining of which must be saturated with cool water.

All of these recommendations are very important. The behavior of the dog in the heat is very revealing, you only need to be able to receive information. In the summer, all these rules can save your pet from many problems, as well as give amazing days of joint outdoor recreation. Do not forget that before traveling to the sea you should visit a veterinarian so that he examines the dog and gives his recommendations. If the doctor is categorically against such a trip, then entrust the care of the pet to someone else or get together with him in a shady forest.

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