Restless Jack Russell Terrier. The nature of the pet and not only

Everyone who wants to have a moving, active, bold and at the same time gentle and caring dog is recommended to pay attention to such a breed as Jack Russell Terrier. The character of the pet, although it can not be called angelic, but with the right training, it will become a faithful companion and friend. A dog of rather strong constitution, small size, has good health and a stable psyche. The animal can live both in a city apartment, and in a booth or aviary in the fresh air. But best of all, the terrier feels in a village where you can run into the yard freely.

jack russell terrier character

Jack Russell Terrier belongs to the hunting breed, so you can’t make a dog out of it. He will not be quiet and obedient, the pet needs special training and physical activity, without them he will become an uncontrollable and very stubborn animal. An active lifestyle is ideal for the Jack Russell Terrier. The dog’s character is solid, in extreme situations the animal shows courage, fearlessness, ingenuity and agility. This behavior has been forming for more than one century.

Initially, terriers were used for hunting foxes, badgers, and minks. This little nimble dog climbed into the hole to the beast and pulled him into the light. It was necessary to show unprecedented courage and devotion to the owner in order to risk his life and engage in an unequal battle with a predator. Curiosity, inexhaustible energy, love of travel - all this is inherent in such a breed as the Jack Russell Terrier. The nature (reviews of breeders confirm certain inclinations of dogs) is very difficult, therefore, such a restless pet should be acquired by people who have the time and desire to raise an animal.

jack russell terrier character reviews

The owner should be able to direct the energy of the terrier into a peaceful direction, then it will be a very devoted friend, a cheerful and inquisitive companion. His clever eyes kind of ask: "What do you want me to do?" A dog never relaxes. Being in constant tension, she is ready for the following discoveries and adventures, in case of danger she will always protect her beloved master, sometimes at the cost of her own life. Only one person is selected from the family, whom the Jack Russell Terrier considers the leader.

He shows character in childhood, so you need to do training in time. If everything is left to chance and no time is devoted to training and raising a dog, then in the end an uncontrolled and wayward animal will grow up, constantly looking for adventure on its own head. Very responsive to the manifestations of tenderness and care Jack Russell. Puppies, and even adults, love to play with children, but only if they do not torment and do not humiliate their dignity. The pet is happy to respond to all kinds of entertainment and takes an active part in them.

jack russell puppies

Never a timid, indecisive, or shy Jack Russell Terrier. He has a unique character, because it combines a huge variety of seemingly completely contradictory and incompatible qualities. The worst thing that can be done for this breed of dog is to forget about them and not pay attention. Jack will not bear if thrown and treated as an unnecessary element. Only a person who is ready to devote a lot of time to giving a pet a gift, should give it a caress, care and tenderness.

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