How to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy? Delivery at the 39th week of pregnancy

Each mother is looking forward to the birth of her baby. But sometimes it happens that patience is simply not enough. And often a woman wonders about how to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy. Is it possible to do this, is the child ready to be born, and how can everything be accelerated? I would like to talk about this now.

how to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy

What happens on week 39

At the very beginning, you need to figure out what is happening with the woman’s body at this time and whether the baby can be born. So, childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is a normal phenomenon. The baby is already formed enough to safely appear in the world. His posture in the womb is head down, legs and arms are tightened. And this means that he has already prepared for the natural process of appearance. All his internal organs are also designed to work, although while the baby receives food through the umbilical cord, and his intestines are still sterile. It is also important to remember that at this time the motor activity of the child is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the baby has little free space. A child may not move for a long time, but there is nothing to worry about.

Harbingers of Childbirth: Distant

How can you understand that childbirth begins at the 39th week of pregnancy? So, for this we can trace whether there are the first precursors of this process. What can a lady feel at this time? So, indicators can be far and close. If we talk about distant:

  1. Childbirth will be very soon when the lady’s stomach fell. A woman will definitely feel this, as it will become easier for her to breathe. However, diarrhea may occur, as the baby will put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. False contractions. Closer to the time of childbirth (however, sometimes in the second trimester of pregnancy), a lady may experience false contractions, which got their name thanks to the scientists Brexton and Hicks. Thus, the body prepares for the birth of the baby. However, the strength of these contractions is much lower, the sensations are not so painful.
  3. Change in posture. Due to the woman's belly dropping, her center of gravity shifts. Well and, of course, the posture is changing. The gait becomes a duck. Unpleasant sensations, discomfort in the pubic joint and sacrum may occur.

39 weeks pregnancy harbingers of childbirth

Harbingers of Childbirth: Close

However, there are more obvious signs that childbirth is about to begin. If the lady has a 39-week pregnancy, the precursors of childbirth will be as follows:

  1. Vaginal discharge. Brown mucous discharge may appear before birth, possibly with streaks of blood. It's not scary, the mucous plug comes out. This may also indicate that amniotic fluid leakage occurs .
  2. Waste mucous plugs. She appears in the very first weeks of the formation of the baby. Its main function is to protect the child from infections. This cork tightly closes the entrance to the uterus, which prevents viruses and infections from penetrating into its cavity. When she leaves, this is an important indicator that the birth will soon come. However, she can go out a week before the baby is born. How can we understand what exactly happened? A woman will have thick mucous secretions, their accumulation, possibly with streaks of blood.
  3. Motor activity of the baby. Before giving birth, the babies in the abdomen are as if calming down. The fault is the lack of space for action. The child grows up, the stomach increases as much as possible, but this is not enough for the crumb. Therefore, the kids move less.
  4. Cervical changes. This woman, of course, will not feel, but the doctor can diagnose. So, it is very important to monitor the opening of the cervix, because these indicators show how close the process of active labor in the lady is.
  5. Change in body weight of a lady. Before giving birth, a woman’s weight is most often reduced. Everything happens because the body of the pregnant woman accumulates estrogen (the most important hormone for labor), which helps to reduce swelling. Excess fluid is excreted from the body, the weight of the mother is reduced.
  6. Chair relaxation. The accumulation of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman also affects the condition of the woman's stool. So, often about a week before giving birth, a woman will increasingly visit the toilet. This is a natural bowel movement before giving birth.
  7. Contractions. What else does a woman need to know if she is 39 weeks pregnant? Harbingers of childbirth that indicate their initial process are contractions. At the same time, pain will gradually increase, and the time between sensations will decrease.

Well, and, of course, the psychological changes in the pregnant woman will be an indicator that the natural birth is close. A couple of weeks before the birth of the baby, a woman becomes calm, peaceful, forgetful. Ceases to worry about trifles. This is all very important, as it contributes to the preparation of the lady for the process of labor. However, it is worth saying that all these indicators are very individual.

natural birth

Intimate relationship

If a woman wants to know how to give birth faster than the 39th week of pregnancy, she just needs to have sex. For a very long time, doctors tried to ban intimacy in the last weeks of bearing a child. And all because it is an excellent stimulation of labor. Everything happens during the lady’s orgasm, when the body can take such contractions for the onset of labor. In any case, even if this does not help to intensify labor, it certainly will not do much harm. After all, all the positive emotions that the mother experiences are transmitted to the baby. However, it is worth remembering that at this time a woman may have little lubrication. In order not to spoil the sensations during intimacy, you need to stock up on its artificial substitutes.

Nipple massage also works in a similar way. This is not only an excellent preparation for a woman to breastfeed, but also a natural stimulation of labor.

39 weeks to speed delivery

Drinking alcohol

You can often read that natural childbirth can be substantially approximated if you drink a little alcohol. So, the ladies advise each other to take a glass of wine or even an alcohol mixture. According to their version, this makes the baby quickly "get out" from the inside, since he does not like such food at all. However, this fact is not confirmed by doctors. Moreover, doctors are not tired of repeating that drinking alcohol at any time during the gestation of the baby is categorically impossible. After all, this can affect not only the state of health, but even the development of the child himself.

Special nutrition

Further we figure out how to give birth faster than 39 weeks of pregnancy. So, people say that you can eat certain foods, and they, in turn, accelerate the process of the appearance of crumbs in the world. What, then, is offered to the ladies:

  1. Spicy dishes. However, doctors have absolutely no scientific evidence for this. In addition, it is worth remembering that you can’t eat raw fish (if the lady chooses Japanese cuisine).
  2. Olive oil. Doctors do not refuse this remedy. If you take it one tablespoon three times a day, the ligaments of the uterus soften, its elasticity improves. In addition, this is not only a way to speed up childbirth, but also a method to avoid tearing at the moment a baby is born.
  3. Raspberry tea. This is a common method of accelerating childbirth in the United States. So, you need to brew a drink from raspberry leaves and drink it, starting from the 35th week. However, everything needs to know the measure, this must be remembered.
  4. Castor oil. Some women know that its use can cause contractions. However, why is this happening? The thing is that castor oil has a laxative effect. And this leads to the fact that there is early stimulation of the cervix.

When figuring out how to give birth faster than the 39th week of pregnancy, it is worth remembering that you do not need to speed up this process yourself. Experts say that it is necessary to stimulate labor activity only for medical reasons. In other cases, the baby himself knows better whether it’s time for him to be born, or else he needs to sit a little longer in his tummy.

delivery at 39 weeks

Medical stimulation

Normal, natural births can begin anytime after the 37th week of pregnancy. At this time, the baby is already fully formed and ready to see the world. However, sometimes the patient may be assigned stimulation of labor (the patient’s reviews after this are positive, because all this happens exclusively under the supervision of obstetricians). However, such a procedure should be assigned only for specific indicators.

Indices of stimulation of labor before the appointed date

In what cases can a woman at the 39th week of bearing a baby stimulate labor?

  1. Multiple pregnancy. This is necessary, because two or more children at this time are already very crowded in the mother’s stomach.
  2. Medical indicators. This may be a Rhesus conflict between the mother and the fetus, heart complications, and increased blood pressure. It is worth remembering that all this affects not only the state of the mother, but also on the little one.
  3. Failure in childbirth. Earlier than the appointed time, at the 39th week, a woman can be medically stimulated by childbirth in the event that premature discharge of water occurs, the couples are weak and short, if the cervix is ​​wide, and there are no contractions, and if the lady is tired, exhausted and not she herself can lead the process of the birth of the baby.

delivery at 39 weeks of gestation

Methods of stimulation of labor

If a lady has a 39-week pregnancy, how to expedite the birth? So, for this, doctors can choose one of the ways to stimulate labor.

  1. Act on the cervix. For this, prostaglandins, special hormones that make the neck open, are introduced to the lady.
  2. Amniotomy, i.e. opening the amniotic fluid. This procedure is painless. When the water leaves the uterus, pressure increases in it, the baby's head presses on the bones of the pelvis, which stimulates the appearance of crumbs in the light.
  3. Oxytocin. The introduction of this hormone into the body stimulates uterine contractions.

birth stimulation reviews

When is stimulation prohibited?

If a lady has a 39-week pregnancy (second birth, the first - it does not matter), the stimulation of labor can be prohibited for her according to the following indicators:

  • The child’s location is wrong; he is not ready for the normal process of birth.
  • The baby's condition is not perfect (the readings of a cardiomonitor are important).
  • The size of the baby's head does not match the size of the mother's pelvis.
  • The mother has certain health problems (for example, a suture on the uterus).

In all these cases, most often natural childbirth becomes impossible, the lady is prescribed a cesarean section.

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