The weak point in dogs is the liver. In the first stages of the disease of this organ, the animal feels great, continues to eat actively, walk and sleep soundly. It reminds the liver of itself when the disease has worsened, and the animal begins to die. Fortunately, there is an excellent prophylactic - Hepatogest for dogs. Its instruction is so simple that it is unlikely that anyone will have problems with its use.
a brief description of
Hepatosis, hepatitis and many other serious illnesses - all of them will be helped by the Hepatoject drug for dogs. The instructions indicate that he has two main areas: treatment and prevention. Most often, it is given to pets who already have liver problems. It successfully restores this organ. If you take this medicine in courses, then you can protect liver cells from various diseases and normalize its basic functions.
The drug is sold in a small bottle (100mm). It contains a solution with the main active ingredients: L-arginine, L-citrulline and L-ornithine. The medicine can be stored in unopened packaging for up to two years; after opening, the shelf life is only 21 days.
Admission Rules
In the instructions for use "Hepatodzhekt" for dogs, the dosage for all animals is described in detail. For individuals of this class, 2-5 ml of the drug is enough. The procedure can be divided into several main stages:
- Preparing a pet for an injection. A few hours before it is not recommended to feed the animal plentifully. Next, you should treat the injection site with an alcohol solution (70 percent).
- In the syringe, you need to dial the required dose of the drug and carefully inject it under the skin of the animal.
- Then he should be given a drink and left to rest in a lying position.
Just enough to do 1-2 injections per day in a small course - from 5 to 7 days. In rare cases, it becomes necessary to extend the course of treatment to 14 days.
Possible contraindications and side effects
The Hepatojection instruction for dogs indicates that it can be used on absolutely all animals, including cattle. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. It is recommended that you first test for a possible reaction in a veterinary clinic. If this is not possible, then you should first introduce the medicine in a small amount and monitor the condition of the animal. If he does not have itching, redness and diarrhea, then you can increase the dosage to the desired value.
The only side effect is an allergic reaction. If it is not possible to cancel the injection with the medicine, then it is recommended to give the dog an antiseptic in parallel.
How to store the medicine?
The Hepatoject "Instructions for Dogs" indicate that the service life is up to two years. It is worth considering that so much medicine will be stored only under the correct storage conditions. Do not allow direct sunlight and excessive moisture. The medication should be in a dry place where the temperature prevails from 5 to 25 degrees. If it became necessary to open the bottle, then after each use it must be tightly closed with a lid.
As a rule, 100 ml is too much if you need to give medicine to one animal. In this case, it is better to buy a “Hepatoject” for dogs 20 ml. Instructions for its use are similar.
Possible analogues
“Hepatojection” for dogs, the instructions for which are described above, unfortunately, is not cheap. For a bottle of 100 ml you will have to pay about 1000 rubles. About 400 rubles worth a medicine with a dosage of 20 ml.
Accordingly, each caring owner is concerned about the question of whether there are analogues to the “Hepatodzhekt” for dogs. According to experts, such a drug does not exist. If necessary, you can replace it with the medicine "Heptral", intended for people. Its cost will be several times less. It is strongly discouraged to make such a replacement yourself; you must first consult with your veterinarian. It is required to take into account that the “copy” of side effects is several times more. This can negatively affect the health of the animal.
For several years, hepatodzhekt has been successfully used for dogs (with instructions). Reviews about him are mostly positive. Mostly consumers praise the following:
- Many claim that this drug can replace a whole course of drug therapy for the liver, consisting of more than three different drugs.
- Side effects are very rare, after the injection the animal, as a rule, feels good.
- This is an excellent preventive measure that will avoid a huge number of diseases.
- The Hepojection instruction for dogs is quite simple. A person who does not have a medical education can quickly deal with it.
- The medication is very effective, it is able to restore the liver almost completely in seven days, the functioning of which has been disrupted for a long time.
There are, of course, negative comments directed towards this medicine. The owners of the animals claim that it is quite painful, the animal experiences acute discomfort. It is almost impossible to keep it during the injection. Later, at the sight of an injection, it begins to hide.
Application features
Veterinarians claim that the drug will be effective only if it is given to a pet in accordance with all the rules:
- A pet's diet should be reviewed before starting Hepatogen treatment for dogs. Food must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. You should also drink plenty of it.
- The course of treatment should be brought to an end. Otherwise, the disease may overtake again.
- In no case should you miss an injection. Otherwise, the medicine will act less effectively.
- Any other medication can be given to the animal no earlier than an hour after the injection.
- The preventive course can be repeated, but no more than once every one and a half years.
"Hepatogoject" is a fairly strong, effective drug. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it to the dog on its own, unless there are any serious indications for this. The malaise of the animal, the lack of appetite, an increase in body temperature - all this is an occasion for going to the veterinarian. Next, the necessary diagnostics will be made to the client, and if necessary, the specialist will prescribe medications, dosage and course of its use.
Dogs have long been true friends of man. The owner is very worried when his animal is sick. Fortunately, there are modern medicines that can help overcome even the most complex ailment.