According to obstetric periods, 1 month of pregnancy begins on the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle, since it is on this day that the egg begins to mature, which will then ovulate and, after 14 days, will be fertilized. The idea that 1 month of pregnancy begins immediately after fertilization is false. In other words, for the first two or three weeks, the woman is actually not pregnant, but if the mature egg is successfully fertilized by the male reproductive cell (sperm), then these weeks will begin to fall within the term of the fetus.
The first 4 weeks of pregnancy bring with them significant changes in the state of the woman's body. An important period is the fusion of the sperm and the egg. In the event that this process occurs under favorable conditions on the part of the female body, the fetus will have a great chance of developing normally. As soon as the fusion has occurred, active hormonal restructuring in the body of an already pregnant woman begins.
1 month of pregnancy and hormones
During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman suffers from mood swings, changes in taste preferences, drowsiness, and increased fatigue. These changes are directly related to the active secretion of new hormones in the body of a woman. The active production of the hormone progesterone begins, which provokes the necessary blockage and complete overlap of the cervix. It also affects nervous excitability, which explains the differences in the psychological state of a woman. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone due to which a woman can determine pregnancy using a test, since the test responds to it. These two hormones lead to dizziness and nausea.
1 month of pregnancy - signs of its onset
The first 2 weeks there are practically no signs of pregnancy, despite the fact that significant changes are already taking place inside the body. However, already in the third week and later on, the following symptoms appear:
- profuse salivation;
- chest pain and tingling ;
- discoloration of the nipple, it darkens;
- dilated blue veins appear on the chest;
- frequent urination
- drowsiness and increased weakness;
- bloating;
- heartburn;
- increased appetite;
- nausea and vomiting.
If the first month of pregnancy has come, the symptoms can both appear and remain hidden. For example, in the same woman, two pregnancies may be accompanied by different symptoms.
1 month of pregnancy - when you need to see a doctor
In the first month of pregnancy, a fertilized egg is particularly sensitive to all adverse factors, therefore a pregnant woman should monitor her condition with great care and consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur:
- Below the abdomen, acute pain, pain in the genital area, severe vomiting and nausea, which cause abdominal pain.
- Discharges of any intensity with or without odor appeared.
- There was a discharge from the chest in the form of blood.
- Especially frequent and painful urination appeared.
- High body temperature, fever.
In this case, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment.
Fetus in the first month of pregnancy
The first month of pregnancy is an amazing stage in the formation of the fetus. Already in this period, all internal organs are laid, the placenta and umbilical cord are formed, the chord is the primordium of the spine. The embryo in this period grows and actively develops, its size increases, it changes its shape. Starting from the third week, the spinal cord and brain are formed, the first weak heart contractions begin. By the 21st day, the outlines of the legs and arms are formed, dimples are the future eyes. By the end of 1 month, the fetus reaches 4 mm.