For a safe and reliable connection of networks of a certain number of remote offices, you can organize a secure connection that works via the Internet. This method will enable employees of one office to quickly, and most importantly, safely send and receive data from employees of other offices.
The Windows 7 VPN server will provide the ability to create secure connections both between offices and between specific employees who are on a business trip. For the administration of enterprises this will provide an opportunity to control the work process, as well as gain access to the necessary documents. The Windows VPN server is also designed for enterprises that have more than one office, and employees need access to network services. Or, if some workers work outside the office.
VPN- Windows XP ( , «») , . , , , .
, , , , , . VPN- Windows 7, . .
VPN- Windows 7 -, - . -, - , , - . - , , VPN- Windows 7.
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Thanks to the introduction of VPN server technology, organizations and enterprises can increase the exchange rate of information, as well as effectively use the company's internal services. Many employees will appreciate the ability to access all the necessary documents and files when they are at conferences, business trips, outside the office, and so on.