Sofa cushions came to us in antiquity from Asian countries, where they were the main element of the interior.
The Slavs quickly appreciated the simplicity of manufacture, the mobility and comfort created by the pillows, and very soon enjoyed the comfort and beauty of their own products, affectionately calling them “little thoughts” and “little thoughts”. A creative person cannot pass by such a unique opportunity to express himself and not to make a unique and necessary thing in the household. Indeed, cushions can be round, square, oval, roller, in the form of a heart, toys, with applique, braid, embroidery, shreds, knitted ... But can you list everything ?!
Enough talk, it's time to get to work. We’ll check if everything is ready for making a square pillow on the sofa:
- two types of fabric for packing and a beautiful cover (it is not necessary to buy at all, you can take what you have, the remains of curtains, for example);
- filler (cotton wool, feather, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, old things cut into shreds, plastic bags) ;
- sewing machine (or thread, needle);
- iron;
- thimble, needles, threads, scissors, pins, crayon, ruler.
Let's get started
1. We measure and cut out a rectangle 52x52 centimeters and two lower parts 52x30 from the main fabric. Pay attention to the location of the pattern on your cut. Let the most beautiful part of it be in the center of the square.
2. Now overcast and stitch the side seams of each part.
3. Iron billets.
4. On the main part, we lay the lateral parts with an overlap (with the sides inward).
5. Sweep along the perimeter and grind. Turn the cover on the front side.
6. We sew the “bulk” either from a 100x50 rectangle (fold in half and make three seams around the perimeter, leaving room for a filler tab), or from two squares of fabric 50x50cm. We sew the three sides completely, and do not sew the last one before we fill it with contents. Old nylon tights, for example.
7. Put it in our beautiful cover: the sofa cushion is ready!
When everything turns out so easily and beautifully, new “exploits” will not take long. Moreover, sofa cushions can be of different shapes, and I want to do something unusual. Now we will master the rare in modern homes, but a completely simple form of "thought" - in the form of a roller, a kind of "candy." Why we will need:
- fabric for cover;
- foam or stocking with filler;
- two cords or tapes;
- sewing machine (thread, needle);
- iron;
- thimble, needles, threads, scissors, pins, crayon, ruler.
1. Roll up a roll of 50 cm long and a diameter of 16 from foam. Or, we push a filler into an old stocking so that we get the same roll 50x16.
2. Cut out a part for the cover measuring 53x88 cm. Fold the fabric rectangle in half with the front side inward and stitch the side sections. Unraveling seam allowances and twist the workpiece. Double open the edges and gently stitch them.
3. Put the roller in the case. With a decorative cord, we tighten the edges tightly to the roller and admire the product: no one has it!
And one more pleasant moment: calculate the cost of the “thought” made by yourself and purchased. The business case will surely please you!
Take pictures of your unique sofa cushions, post pictures on the Internet, enjoy reviews and be inspired by new ideas!