What triggered drowsiness during early pregnancy?

The long-awaited two strips bring the first joy and excitement that accompanies the expectant mother, so you need to pay great attention to each alarming bell that the body makes. If the decree is still so far away that your colleagues are not aware of your interesting situation, but strange drowsiness has begun to appear often, do not worry. Many mothers will remember how much they wanted to sleep at the very beginning of pregnancy: at work it is impossible to collect thoughts, on the weekend there is no strength for household chores. The first thought, of course, is about the disease, but this common phenomenon is not at all dangerous. Early pregnancy drowsiness occurs in 80% of women, and most often ends with the first trimester.

early pregnancy drowsiness

Natural reaction

For some, the future of motherhood is a great joy, for others it is a cause for alarm and anxiety, but in any case, the body experiences stress. Therefore, drowsiness during early pregnancy is his attempt to avoid such disorders and experiences. There is a direct pattern, so the less you worry and get nervous, the less sleepy. In such cases, you need to urgently do meditation, breathing exercises and enroll in the pool.

early pregnancy drowsiness

Main reasons

Drowsiness during pregnancy in the early stages has a number of reasons, each of which can play a role.

  • First of all, these are hormonal changes. The body is so passionate about future motherhood that it’s simply not going to be distracted by everything else. Indeed, in nine months he will have to create a real miracle: grow a viable human body from several cells. For this, it will be necessary to rebuild all biochemical processes, and then adapt to changes.
  • Drowsiness during early pregnancy can be caused by increased stress, which the expectant mother is not used to. At this time, it is better to try to change the busy and busy work schedule to a calmer one.
  • The psychological side also plays a significant role: new impressions, emotions, the flow of information from which the pregnant woman is very tired.
  • Stress and depression associated with this condition can easily provoke drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy. Before the delay, a woman can already suspect her position, which is not always perceived with Olympic calmness. The reasons for the excitement of the mass - this is the upcoming marriage or the absence of such a proposal, financial situation, the reaction of relatives and friends, the constant change of figure.
  • Finally, malnutrition, diets and high loads in the gym can also cause drowsiness. So the body tells you it's time to slow down.

drowsiness in early pregnancy with delay

The opinion of doctors

If you contact a gynecologist, he will tell you the official version of why women are haunted by drowsiness during pregnancy in the early stages. The reasons, according to doctors, lie in endocrine shifts. It is good if a woman sits at home and can afford to relax when necessary, but much more difficult for those who go to work. Frequent absenteeism can cause dismissal, especially since up to 12 weeks it is quite possible. But the efforts to boost your body with various stimulants are extremely undesirable, as this can affect the development of the child.

Try to take breaks at work. At this time, you must definitely move and do light breathing exercises. Physiological drowsiness during this period does not need medical treatment, since it will pass very soon itself.

early drowsiness during pregnancy

Hormonal adjustment: what does it mean?

First of all, all changes are associated with changes in progesterone levels. It is produced by the ovaries and performs many useful functions, in particular:

  • Progesterone forms the conditions necessary for an egg to be implanted in the uterus and pregnancy to take place.
  • It is he who stops menstruation and enables the fetus to develop normally.
  • This hormone maintains pregnancy, as it prevents muscle contraction.
  • Participates in the growth of the uterus, but stimulates an increase in blood pressure.

Normally, high progesterone levels are observed at the very beginning of pregnancy and remain so until about 12 weeks. That is, on the one hand, this is necessary to create conditions suitable for the development of the embryo, and on the other hand, a side effect is a feeling of tiredness and a persistent desire to sleep.

increased drowsiness during early pregnancy

Ways to deal with sleep

First of all, you need to remember that drowsiness during pregnancy in the early stages is not a pathology, you just need to wait a bit. In the meantime, you need to slightly adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Be sure to change the composition of the usual menu. It should have a lot of natural products, especially fresh vegetables. It will be very useful to pamper yourself with bananas, as they affect the production of endorphins, or hormones of happiness. A piece of chocolate or ice cream will not hurt.

It is very important to regularly ventilate the room, because to fight sleep, you need an increased amount of oxygen. Especially often, women experience such symptoms if the onset of pregnancy falls in the early spring. The body feels a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and therefore consult with your doctor about taking vitamin complexes.

weakness and drowsiness in early pregnancy

What should alert you?

Indeed, increased drowsiness during pregnancy in the early stages is a variant of the norm, so the symptom does not pose any threat. However, if you even get out of bed, you feel severe weakness and malaise, this may indicate the development of anemia. This is facilitated by an increasing lack of iron.

In what case can we talk about anemia?

Usually, the doctor can determine the risk of anemia, even with an external examination of the patient. Weakness and drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy can be accompanied by severe dizziness, shortness of breath, the skin turns pale and numbness of the extremities is observed. In this case, the nails become very brittle and acquire a bluish tint.

It’s not difficult to deal with these symptoms. To do this, you just need to eat right. Include red meat and liver, as well as fish. Tea, on the contrary, is better to completely exclude from the list of products. The doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes or an additional source of iron at his discretion.

Therefore, if you often want to sleep, then just review your daily routine and try to find free minutes in it for a good rest. Very soon your condition will stabilize, and you will be able to calmly prepare for a meeting with your baby.

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