Is it possible to give birth with uterine myoma: features and risks

Uterine fibroids - a benign tumor of the muscle layer of the uterus (myometrium) It appears due to sudden active cell division. Doctors have not yet fully studied the reasons for the beginning of such a process. But it was precisely revealed that the main provocateur of the disease is the accelerated production of estrogen in the body. It is such a hormone that provokes the active growth of uterine fibroids, while progesterone has the opposite effect. Nevertheless, even if the blood contains a normal amount of estrogen and progesterone, one cannot be sure that a woman does not have uterine fibroids.

Can cause infertility

Can I give birth with uterine myoma? Uterine fibroids and childbirth are two compatible definitions. But for the labor activity to go well, it is important for a woman to undergo an additional ultrasound scan before giving birth. This will help to accurately determine the location of the tumor and its overall size.

Most often, uterine fibroids are not so dangerous and do not interfere with the conception and birth of a child. In medical practice, there are many cases where a woman with this diagnosis was able to become pregnant normally and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

Can it lead to infertility?

But there are cases when uterine fibroids nevertheless increase the risk of infertility in a woman. The main reasons for this process are not precisely established. But if you start an effective and comprehensive treatment of uterine fibroids in a woman, then the chance that she will successfully become pregnant in the future increases.

What to do with the disease

Is it possible to give birth to a baby with uterine myoma? If a woman wants to get pregnant, but she has uterine fibroids, then for starters it is important to conduct an ultrasound of the organ, and show the result of the examination to the doctor. Before conceiving a child, in order to avoid all possible risks and complications, it is important to determine the total size of the formation and its location, as well as whether there are other dangerous formations in the uterus.

What to do with uterine myoma?

The type and location of fibroids in the uterus is the main factor that can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and labor. The presence of intramural or subserous fibroids does not affect pregnancy and the success of the birth of a child. But it is important to remember that submucous (submucous) myoma is a rather serious formation that can provoke complete infertility or miscarriage if conception has already occurred.

The size of the uterine fibroids is also quite important. In order for a woman to be able to give birth to a healthy baby and normally endure the entire pregnancy, the formed formation should not deform the uterine cavity, that is, change its initial structure and appearance.

Woman actions

Can I give birth with uterine myoma? If a woman has uterine fibroids, then getting pregnant, as a rule, is not a problem for her. Most often, conception occurs involuntarily, without taking medications and providing medical care. But it is important to note that a woman should become pregnant within 12 months after detecting an ailment.

Otherwise, it is important for her to see a doctor so that he determines the size and form of education, and also prescribes an effective treatment for uterine fibroids. The older the woman’s age, the shorter the amount of time that is devoted to conceiving a child. For example, if a woman is already 35 years old, then the time of conception is reduced to 6 months.

If a woman has already had a miscarriage several times or the uterine fibroids have reached too large a size and does not allow the sperm to reach the egg normally or pass through the fallopian tubes, then the treating specialist prescribes her a complex treatment. Without a full treatment of fibroids on the wall of the uterus, a woman’s pregnancy simply won’t come.

How to get rid of infertility?

If the main cause of infertility in a woman is uterine fibroids, and she could not become pregnant over the next 12 months, it is important to begin a full-fledged treatment of education. The course of treatment will be prescribed depending on the type of education and its overall size. Most often, drugs and surgical intervention are used to eliminate fibroids.

Carrying out the removal of fibroids

According to many doctors, conception has a positive effect on fibroids. For this reason, many attending physicians recommend that a woman become pregnant and have a baby as soon as possible.

Can an increase in education occur?

Most often, uterine fibroids throughout pregnancy does not change its size and only in 20-30% of cases it becomes larger. Active growth in education can begin in the first trimester of bearing a child.

But it is important to remember that education increases only by a little - myoma becomes most of all by 6-12 percent. But sometimes it happens that education increases by 25 percent or more. In this case, it is important for the woman to carry out urgent treatment. Most often in the third trimester and after the baby is born, the fibroids begin to decrease sharply.

Risk of miscarriage

The risk that a woman will have a miscarriage, or the pregnancy will slow down in development, increases dramatically if a patient has a fibroid. In this case, the size of education does not play a special role. It is very important to determine their number. If the myoma is in the uterus in a single amount, then the risk of miscarriage is much lower.

Risk of miscarriage

It is also very important to determine the location of the formed fibroids. Miscarriage most often occurs in cases where the neoplasm is located in the uterus, under the mucous membrane (submucous myoma). If it is located in the lower region of the uterus, then the risk of miscarriage is not so high. Also, a woman with uterine fibroids often appears bleeding.

Danger to a developing child

In most cases, a neoplasm in the uterus does not affect the condition of the child and its development. But sometimes it happens that myoma provokes the appearance of some deviations in the baby.

A large fibroid can load some organs or parts of the child’s body, which leads to a violation in the structure of the limbs and skull of the child. But such processes are extremely rare and are more likely to be exceptions.

What you should know

Can I give birth with uterine myoma? Pain in the body is the most important sign of fibroids during pregnancy, and this may also indicate complications in the body. Most often, pain occurs in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, when a woman has problems with the blood supply to the myomatous node.

During childbearing, an insufficient amount of blood enters the neoplasm, which leads to hemorrhages in the myomatous node, after which the formation cells begin to die. This process is also called red degeneration. It most often occurs with a myoma, the size of which exceeds 5 centimeters.

If, when carrying a child, a woman has sudden pain in the lower abdomen, then it is important for her not to hesitate and seek help from a doctor. To determine the condition of the body, a pregnant woman is prescribed an ultrasound to determine the degree of change in fibroids. Treatment will directly depend on the diagnostic results obtained.

Most often, the doctor advises the pregnant woman to follow bed rest and start drinking more water per day. To improve the condition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines are prescribed for a woman.

If the pain syndrome is very pronounced and does not give rest, then the patient is sent to a hospital. To reduce the severity of pain, she is given epidural anesthesia.

If the myoma becomes dangerous for the state of health of the woman and the developing child, then the doctor carries out the removal of education. It is important to remember that surgery can be quite dangerous. But in most cases, doctors manage to save both the woman and the child. If the operation to remove uterine fibroids was performed during pregnancy, labor can be performed through cesarean section.

Birth and education in the uterus

Can I give birth with uterine myoma? In most women with uterine fibroids, conception occurs quickly, and pregnancy ends positively. But it is important to remember some complications that may arise:

  • The likelihood that premature birth will begin during pregnancy with uterine fibroids greatly increases (up to 37 weeks).
  • The risk of detachment of the placenta, if the formation is at the site of attachment of the uterus, increases by 3 times.
  • The risk of placenta previa increases in women with a diagnosis of fibroids.
  • The likelihood that the baby in the placenta will lie incorrectly (across the uterus or booty down) increases in women with uterine fibroids.

Caesarean section or natural birth

Uterine fibroids, even if it is distinguished by its large size, is not considered a sign that a woman needs to undergo a caesarean section.

If the bearing of the baby is normal, and the woman feels satisfactory and the doctor does not note any problems in the development of the baby and its location in the uterus, then the patient can give birth without a cesarean section.

Natural birth or cesarean?

The need for CS occurs if the doctor has identified any diseases or placenta previa in the child, if the fibroid is not alone or is located in the cervical segment of the uterus and may not allow the child to normally pass through the birth canal.

In addition, the doctor advises that a cesarean section be performed if the woman had given birth after surgery or had the fibroid removed by surgery, after which injuries remained in the uterine cavity.

According to statistics, women with uterine fibroids perform CS more often than healthy women who have no problems with the genitals.

Conception after removal

Can I give birth after uterine fibroids? Most often, the tumor formation is located in the smooth muscle layer of the uterus, in some cases the focus of the pathology is localized in the cervix. According to medical information, pregnancy after uterine fibroids occurs and proceeds successfully in more than half of all women. So there is no need to worry too much.

Conception after removal of fibroids

Can I give birth with uterine myoma? The development of education during pregnancy can be different:

  • Sometimes myomatous nodes under the influence of the produced hormones not only decrease in size, but also completely pass without external influence.
  • In other cases, the tumor formation begins uncontrolled growth and development due to the excessive amount of hormones produced, which as a result can provoke spontaneous abortion.

Can I give birth after uterine fibroids? Is it possible to conceive a child and give birth normally after removal of fibroids, will directly depend on many factors, so no doctor can accurately answer this question without a diagnostic examination.

A chance to conceive a child

Can I give birth after removal of uterine fibroids? The ability to conceive a child after removal of the neoplasm directly depends on the features of the operation. It is also very important to pay attention to the state of the reproductive system and hormonal background of a woman both at an early stage of a child’s development and at a late stage. When treating education, it is important to follow all the instructions and recommendations of a treating specialist who will help you plan pregnancy properly and give birth to a healthy baby.

Chance of Conception

After the operation to remove myoma, the chance to conceive a child is quite high. But it is important not only to get pregnant normally, but also to bear the baby. In order for pregnancy and labor to pass without complications, experts advise planning a pregnancy no earlier than a year after the removal of fibroids, and in some cases a few years later. Pregnancy after surgery is not dangerous and in most cases ends positively, more than 50 percent of cured women give birth to healthy and healthy children.

Rehabilitation period

To ensure normal pregnancy and labor after surgery, the patient must undergo rehabilitation. For proper recovery of the body, it is important to visit a gynecologist who will closely monitor the condition of the pelvis and abdominal cavity, and also help plan pregnancy after treatment of uterine fibroids.

In the first few days after surgery, it is important to adhere to a special diet. Eat foods that are high in fiber to help prevent constipation and diarrhea.

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