Each reputable company or organization should have address folders in its daily routine. These beautifully designed covers for papers of standard (A4) format are an important representative attribute both for presentations, conclusion of contracts, delivery of letters or insignia, and for the daily work of the office. They are no less common recently and as a way to especially solemnly congratulate someone on a holiday.
When to use the address folders
Address folders are in our country the traditional elements of various celebrations both in the service and at home. With their help, you can:
- Congratulate employees on a calendar (March 8, February 23, New Year) or professional holiday;
- to present the most sincere wishes to the hero of the day;
- congratulate your promotion on a colleague,
- demonstrate respect for the boss;
- to present in a festive atmosphere any documents or insignia;
- send a gift and congratulations to the newlyweds at the wedding.
A smartly designed, expensive-looking address folder in such cases will give what is happening both solidity and the right weight, especially emphasizing the solemnity and importance of the moment, which is confirmed by numerous customer reviews.
In what other cases do you use address folders
But not only corporate evenings, gala office events or anniversaries can be marked by presenting the described gift. Address folders are quite appropriate (and sometimes even irreplaceable) at graduation parties of any rank - in a kindergarten, school or higher educational institution.
For such events, they, of course, are drawn up outside depending on the age of the graduates, and not a congratulatory sheet is inserted inside the address folder, as in other cases, but a photo of a group or class is pasted in to forever leave a memory of wonderful years spent together. Bright congratulations are added to the photo, and sometimes they also leave a blank sheet on which you can leave signatures and warm words to each other during the celebration or after it. Agree that you will want to review such a folder more than once!
But this stationery serves not only for festive occasions. It is widely used in the daily business life of the office - after all, any company, bank or enterprise has a lot of papers requiring an urgent signature by the head. For this purpose, the “For Signature” or “With Signature” folders are used, which are also addressable, but which already have a business format.
Inexpensive material for address folders
All of these folders are usually made to order, which allows you to add individual elements to the design of each of them and make it thereby the one and only. And it should be noted that the holiday versions of these folders need to be given special attention.
Most often, A4 address folders are made of high quality binding cardboard (its thickness usually ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 mm) and are covered with faux leather or genuine leather, on top of which, in fact, the embossing is done.
For artificial cover use both domestic bumvinil and foreign materials (baladek, balacron, uniform, tango, etc.). Their prices are low, so these covers most often make out commercially available inexpensive folders. True, sometimes they are used in the manufacture of special orders, in case you need a large number of described stationery, for example, to congratulate the whole team.
More expensive folder material
For especially solemn occasions - honoring everyone the respected hero of the day, a partner of the company or the boss - they usually order more expensive address folders. In this case, bumvinil is already being replaced with recycled leather, which is more representative and, according to reviews, more solid-looking material.
And the most expensive and presentable will, of course, be a folder made of genuine leather. Moreover, its color can be not only black or brown. Such folders look great in blue, burgundy or any other design - it all depends on the desire of the customer and his ideas about beauty. In addition, to emphasize the value of the gift, the corners of the mentioned folder are often made of brass or chromed metal, which not only makes it even more presentable, but also reliably protects from possible damage.
Distinctive features of address folders
Regardless of whether we have bumvinil or leather address folders in front of us, they always differ noticeably from other office supplies of a similar purpose in their external design.
Since for the most part they are an attribute of the holiday, the design also has a corresponding - bright saturated color of the cover (golden, burgundy, red, white, etc.) and, as an addition, embossing made of gold or silver foil, which also gives the product special solemnity and solidity.
The size of address folders is usually determined by the format of standard A4 sheets (since this particular sheet size is most often used for congratulations or diplomas and diplomas), but in some cases folders of other sizes are also made by special order.
What inscriptions are made on address folders
The embossing or inscription on the cover of the product described varies depending on how it will be used. It can be an address folder: “Happy Anniversary”, “Congratulations”, “Happy Holidays”, “Happy Wedding Day”, “Goodbye, school!” etc. For those that are used in the office, embossing in the form of a coat of arms, logo or organization name will be the best solution for external design.
For ease of placement inside such a document cover, the folder is additionally equipped with special corners-pockets, as well as a transverse elastic band or braid to hold the sheets inserted into it.
How the folder is made inside
The internal design that distinguishes different address folders depends on their purpose and cost. Inexpensive economical copies are usually glued from the inside with white offset paper (its density should not be less than 100 g / m²), and for expensive folders, takni is more often used. It can be silk, bottlenose dolphin, velvet, flock and other materials that can emphasize the solidity of such a gift.
In the folders for graduates in the interior design, they mainly use different emblems and drawings, which can become a good background for photography and congratulations.
Features of the office folders “For Signature” and “With Signature”
A special place among the office supplies of any office is occupied by the “For signature” address folder. She can say a lot about the seriousness and solidity of the enterprise. If a visitor sees an expensive leather folder, then this will be evidence for him that this company aims to become successful or already occupies a fairly solid place in its field.
On such folders, as a rule, do not make jewelry. On the cover there is an inscription: “For signature”, “For signature” or “With signature”, and sometimes - the name of the organization or the name of its head. In order for the folder to have a presentable appearance longer, metal corners are made for it. Inside, these folders are often equipped with special valves to help secure sheets, as well as disc pockets and even pen compartments.