Everyone knows Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte social network. In 2013, after selling the previous project, he and his team founded the Telegram messenger. Using this portal you can read books, download music, watch the weather, encrypt data and so on. Telegram has many other useful functions.
Advantages of Telegram over other messengers
What is a good project and how to make a bot in Telegram? First of all, a multi-platform social network. It is unlikely that you will find another free, high-quality messenger and even without advertising on absolutely all platforms. This is much more convenient and practical than browser portals.
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"" - -, . bot. . .
. . "" . . , , .
""? :
- manybot, .
- : « ».
- « Telegram» .
- .
- Telegram, : Chats New message. Botfather.
- . , Start, .
- /newbot, . , Nonprog.
- , bot. : Nonprogbot.
- . : 493493:AAEOrog63 ( "", ). Ctrl+C.
- manybot, /Addbot, /start.
- . , « ». , « ».
- .
- , , «».
- , . , "" . Start.
. , .
, "", , , .
Telegram , . , , . , . . ?
"" ? , , , . , .
""? , , .
, , , . "":
- Weathermen – . , , , .
- Mycoocbot . , , .
- To PDF – . PDF-. , , , .
- Pronunciationbot – . , ? , . .
- YouTube Downloader – -, YouTube. , , , . , .
"" . , :
- RussionPost - , , . , . .
- Exchange Rates bot – . , . .
- Taxigram – -, , . , . , .
- Yandeks – . , , . , .
- SberBank – . , , . , .
"" , . , Wats App, Viber . , , .
Telegram multifunctional bots have already been appreciated all over the world, and the ten listed above are only one percent of the total number of really useful add-ons, starting with games and ending with bots of large organizations that are already used by tens of millions of customers.