The jaco parrot is a recognized favorite among bird lovers. A fairly large bird with a spectacular appearance is very talkative, for which she deserved special popularity among indoor feathered pets. How to keep these birds at home, how to feed them, how to increase its vocabulary, and their many interesting features will be discussed in this material.
The jaco parrot is a species belonging to the genus Paittacuss. Specialists identify two subspecies. The first, red-tailed, is a native of Central Africa north of the equator. This is a medium-sized bird: body length is 35 cm with a weight of about 400 g. Tail - 9 cm, wing - 24 cm, tail - about 9 cm.
This zhako parrot, whose photo we posted below, has a large black beak and gray paws. In adult birds, ash-gray plumage, feathers on the chest and neck have a darker or lighter edging, creating the effect of ripples. The tail and the back are colored red, which gave the name to the subspecies. Until the age of three, the birds have a dark iris, it gradually turns gray, then it brightens and by the age of four it turns yellow.
Interesting fact: parrots make all sounds using their tongue and beak, because they do not have vocal cords.
The second subspecies (brown-tailed) naturally lives on the coast of Africa (Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, the western regions of Côte d'Ivoire). The body length of these birds does not exceed 34 cm, the wing is 21 cm, the tail is 8 cm. The weight of the representatives of this subspecies is about 350 g. The beak of the brown-tailed parrot is slightly smaller and lighter than that of the fellow, at the base you can see a pink spot turning into gray-yellow and black at the very tip. In addition, there is a difference in the color of the tail - it is painted in maroon.
A group of scientists is also inclined to single out the third subspecies to which they attribute royal jaco. In vivo, it is found only on the islands of Principe and Bioko. It is larger than its relatives, painted more brightly due to the presence of a large number of red feathers. However, most experts consider this bird a variety of the Jacques red-tailed parrot. There is heated debate on this issue today, but the bird is not officially singled out as a separate subspecies.
Life span
It is not easy to answer the question of how many zhako parrots live. This is due to the fact that the age of an adult is difficult to determine even for a specialist, and most birds get to their owners, as a rule, already in adulthood. However, there is evidence that this species of parrot at home lives up to 60 years.
Basic content rules
Judging by the reviews, the Jacques parrot needs quite comfortable conditions of detention. The cage is not recommended to be installed next to heating appliances, a TV set, in a draft. Lighting is very important for the state of your pet. If the apartment is not too bright, an additional light source should be installed next to the cage. The cage should be placed against the wall. This will provide the bird with a rest zone. Jaco needs at least 10 hours of darkness and silence.
Cell selection
The main part of their time is being spent in the cages by zhako domestic parrots, so you should carefully choose a home for your pet.
The main parameter when choosing a cell is its size. The house for the parrot should be quite spacious so that the jaco can spread its wings, while not touching the grilles. The minimum cell size is 65x45x80 cm. Undoubtedly, the larger the cell, the better. The dignity of such a dwelling will be undoubted if the excess of the length of the cage over its height, since under natural conditions these birds move in a horizontal plane.
This type of parrot has a very powerful beak, so when choosing a cage for a parrot, pay attention to the reliability of the locks and the strength of the rods.
The cage should be positioned so that the perch is at the level of your eyes - this will allow you to communicate more comfortably with your pet. The feeders in the cage must be securely fastened and made of durable plastic. There will be no superfluous lattice that will separate the living space from the retractable pallet. We advise you to additionally purchase debris protection - panels made of plexiglass, which are placed around the pallet.
The acquired cage should be thoroughly washed with soapy water, and then doused with boiling water. If poles come with the cage, then it is better to replace them with natural driftwood and branches. These parts are handled similarly. Do not use branches that were cut from trees near busy roads, as well as within the city, to equip the house. Coniferous species should not be used, since they have a high tar content.
Care Features
This is an unpretentious bird to care for. The contents of the Jaco parrot is reduced to observing simple hygiene rules and good nutrition.
Under natural conditions, Jaco parrots feed mainly on fruits and nuts. When keeping the house, their diet changes somewhat: the parrot is fed with mixtures of grain, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Of vegetables, give preference to carrots and potatoes, any fruits are allowed. Very useful for greasy greens - lettuce, spinach.
You can make up the lack of calcium by adding crushed eggshells to the feed. If you prefer to use granular feed, then make sure that your pet does not receive excessive amounts of vitamin C, as this can cause an excess of iron in the body. Water should be used only filtered, room temperature.
An interesting fact: parrots are the only representatives in the family of birds that are able to eat, keeping food in their paws.
The main place in the care of Jaco is swimming. Any water procedures maintain the condition of the cornea of the beak and paws, feathers, skin, cleans them of dust and dirt. Most owners put the water tank in the bathtub directly into the cage. In this case, the bird is sprayed from the spray gun. And you can bathe your pet in the shower. Jaco is taught to these procedures gradually so as not to frighten the bird.
In addition, care for the jaco implies keeping the cell in perfect cleanliness: it must be washed and cleaned regularly. Jaco is an extremely sociable bird, and therefore, for their comfort, the owner must provide them with all the conditions for communication.
It is no secret that for every owner is a real pride talking Jaco. Of course, it’s much easier to teach chicks to human speech, but you can also teach an adult bird to speak, though with a little more effort.
Training should only begin after your pet has survived the period of adaptation. You will notice this by the behavior: the bird will be friendly and friendly. Jaco is extremely sensitive to the emotions of the owner, so the owner should conduct classes only in a good mood. In addition, your pet should be alert, well-fed, not distracted by games.
Classes are held no more than 10 minutes three times a day. During classes, sit in front of the jacquot and repeat the phrase that you have prepared in advance for training. Experienced owners argue that it is impossible to predict how the process will go. An important factor in its successful outcome is the fact that the bird liked the phrase proposed by the owner. Therefore, pre-prepare several options and observe the reaction of jaco. This variety of parrots perfectly remembers emotionally colored phrases. In addition, the successes of these birds should be praised.
Interesting fact: Jaco Alex took a worthy place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most intelligent bird. He mastered more than 400 words in different languages, could build sentences.
Breeding jaco
In captivity, zhakos breed quite easily. Perhaps one of the difficulties in this process is determining the gender of the bird. The problem also lies in the fact that there are practically no differences between males and females. Unless, the females have a slightly smaller head, the beak is less hooked, and the plumage on the abdomen is slightly lighter.
When mixing, one bird should be placed in a cage to another. This is best done in neutral territory, for example, in an aviary. After two to three hours of communication, the birds are resettled, and only after several such walks can you leave the Jaco couple.
If it is composed successfully, the birds spend almost all the time together. After that, it is necessary to build a nesting box in the cage, the minimum size of which is 30x30x30 cm, and the diameter of the tray should be about 11 cm.
The female lays 3 to 4 eggs that resemble pigeons in size. Their shelving occurs at intervals of three to four days, sometimes stretching to a week. The female incubates them for a month. After the chicks hatch, and for a few days the mother does not leave the nest. All this time, the male guards the nest and provides the female with food.
Chicks hatch, covered in gray fluff, in the third week of life, their eyes open. About a month later, the female spends in the nest, heating and feeding the chicks, only after this time she begins to fly out for food on her own. When the chicks turn three months old, they leave the nest, but even after that their parents train and take care of them for some time.
Jaco parrot: owner reviews
According to most owners, Jaco is not an ordinary bird. To many, she resembles a stubborn shy two-year-old child. Jaco needs a lot of attention, love and care, so if you have problems with time, you should not have such a pet. The characters of all birds are different, so it’s impossible to predict in advance whether your parrot will be bully: tearing wallpaper, spoiling furniture, littering (this is typical for many members of the family). Although many owners claim that their birds are absolutely calm and clean.
Whether your pet will be affectionate and tame, or the bird will become aggressive - depends on the time that the owner will devote to jaco. This bird is a long-lived, therefore, acquiring such a pet, you find a faithful, affectionate and good friend for life. Owners recommend purchasing jaco in nurseries as a chick, as it is difficult for an adult bird to re-educate and wean from bad habits.