Diagnosis of AFP and hCG during pregnancy

Today, the blood of a pregnant woman is the most informative material that can give clear information not only about her health condition, but also about how the fetus is formed and developed. Moreover, blood tests can detect the presence of infections and diseases in the body of a woman, which plays an important role, as it helps to prevent the occurrence of disorders in the development of organs and systems of the fetus.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo the so-called triple test. For this, it is necessary to donate blood for the determination of AFP and hCG during pregnancy , which allow us to identify the risk of heart disease in the unborn child, as well as to exclude the presence of Down syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities and other malformations. A triple test is done on an empty stomach, it includes a study of the level of ACE, that is, a study of the serum of the developing fetus, and hCG, that is, the placenta protein.

Let us consider in detail what AFP and hCG are during pregnancy and how their indicators affect the development of the future baby.

Alpha-fetoprotein (ACE) is a protein that is produced by the fetal liver. The study of this protein helps to identify defects in the formation of the neural tube, genitourinary system and digestive organs of the embryo, as well as slowing its development. With the help of a blood test, the presence of chromosomal defects, Down, Turner or Edwards diseases , deviations in the development of internal organs, as well as placental diseases is also determined. However, a change in ACE parameters may be the result of placental insufficiency or the threat of miscarriage, and also indicate an incorrect pregnancy term or a multiple pregnancy. In some cases, low ACE rates indicate fetal death or false pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to repeat the study, as well as jointly undergo an ultrasound, examination of the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid.

It should be noted that hCG in pregnant women is a hormone that is produced by the placenta of a woman, therefore, depending on the duration of pregnancy, its level may vary. Fluctuations in the level of hCG allows you to judge a multiple pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage and placental insufficiency, and may also indicate the establishment of an incorrect gestational age, the presence of diabetes in a woman, toxicosis and pathologies in the development of the embryo.

There is a special hCG table during pregnancy, which helps to correctly determine the normal level of the hormone at each stage of pregnancy. However, the standards of hCG may vary slightly, it depends both on the laboratory that conducted the study and on the age and weight of the woman, her nationality, body characteristics, and the presence of bad habits. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist, because with the help of a blood test it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, an additional examination is necessary.

Thus, AFP and hCG during pregnancy, studies of which are included in the triple test, allow us to identify women who are at risk for the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Here you need to monitor the level of hormones in the dynamics.

It must be remembered that today there are a large number of shortcomings of laboratory research. About 80% are false results, and they are observed with an incorrectly set gestational age, deviations in weight and age of a woman, as well as in the presence of various diseases of the endocrine system. Making an assessment of AFP and hCG during pregnancy , the doctor takes into account all these nuances, and if necessary offers to undergo a second test.

Currently, the triple test is widely used to determine the risk group that includes pregnant women who have test indicators that are far from normal. But do not be upset right away, because an additional examination is required to make the correct diagnosis.

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