Any changes in the feces of the newborn baby make his inexperienced parents panic. However, it must be borne in mind that the color of the stool may vary due to a wide variety of factors. It is possible that the baby has orange feces or yellow due to the characteristics of its nutrition. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand this issue in order to understand whether it is worth the alarm or you can wait a bit.
Varieties of yellow feces in young children and the causes of its appearance
If we talk about the optimal stool in the baby, then it should be a homogeneous consistency, without impurities. The hue of bowel movements may change as the baby grows. For example, the first week after birth, the baby usually defecates in masses of dark green color. This is due to the fact that the baby's body has not yet adapted to breast milk. After a while, feces acquire a more natural shade.
However, it must be borne in mind that the entire intestinal tract in children is formed only by the 5th month of life. After 6 months, the menu of babies becomes more diverse, lures appear. During this period, babies often begin to give grated carrots, beets, as well as other vegetables and fruits. Against this background, one should not be surprised that the baby has orange feces. It can also turn red or brown. If the child is given activated carbon, then it is not surprising that black streaks will be visible in it.
To understand why the baby has orange feces, it is worth considering the types of bowel movements. Much depends on their shade and consistency.
Yellow green chair
In this case, we can talk about prolonged physiological jaundice. Doctors also primarily suspect an excess of bilirubin in the bile ducts. This may well have an effect on the bowel movement of the baby.
As a rule, when breastfeeding (HB), young mothers are advised to consume as much greenery as possible. This is another reason why a baby may have a strange greenish yellow stool. But it is better to undergo an examination in this situation, since greenish feces can be a sign of problems with the intestinal tract.
Orange-white feces
In this case, one can suspect both a violation of the intestinal microflora, and the fact that the baby's mother began to consume a large amount of fatty foods. Also, a similar shade may indicate that a woman has started taking medications. With the appearance of a whitish orange or yellow feces, many begin to suspect hepatitis. However, it must be understood that if there are no additional symptoms, then pathology is most likely absent. As a rule, with hepatitis in infants, orange feces are yellow, and with light inclusions. But in addition there will be strong pain in the abdominal cavity, vomiting. In this case, urine usually darkens quite strongly and sharply.
Mucus in the stool
If parents noted that the baby has a bright orange feces, while there is mucus in it, then in this case, do not panic ahead of time. First of all, it should be noted that a certain content of mucous masses speaks of completely healthy digestion. But if the amount of mucus has increased dramatically, then we can talk about eating disorders, and serious diseases.
It is worth paying attention to additional factors. For example, if the baby has a runny nose, then the mucus will pass into the intestinal tract and exit naturally.
Foamy feces
If the baby has yellow-orange feces with foam, then most often doctors diagnose functional disorders. Therefore, pathology can be ruled out. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the child. If the baby is quite active and does not have any other alarming symptoms, then it is worth revising the diet of the mother. Perhaps the parents began to introduce new products into lure, to which a similar reaction appeared.
If the baby has a full set, that is, a yellow-orange stool of a greenish tint with mucus and foam, then this is a sign of malnutrition. This means that fermentation processes have begun in the intestines of the child. Therefore, both the nursing mother and the baby himself should stop eating raw vegetables (especially cabbage), sodas and eggs.
Orange lumps
If parents found orange blotches in the feces of the baby, which resemble curdled lumps, then we are talking about the fact that the food is not completely digested. As a rule, this often happens in the first months of the baby's life. His body has not yet had time to adapt to breast milk, which is characterized by a high percentage of fat content.
Also, the appearance of such lumps may indicate that the child is overeating. A certain amount of food is simply not absorbed by the stomach. As a result, undigested parts come out in the form of lumps. In this case, you should pay attention to the process of feeding the baby. If he is breastfeeding, then in the process the baby loses more energy, so overeating can be eliminated. But if the peanut eats only from a bottle, then he spends less effort on this. Therefore, when feeding with artificial mixtures, you should be careful with portions. Then the baby will have a bowel movement.
Yellow and orange feces in infants with HB
In this case, the shade of feces can vary from light yellow to dark brown. In this case, the color may be bright or less saturated. If the stool has an unpleasant smell of sour milk with some sweet tint, then you should consult a doctor. If the feces also became foamy, then this may indicate a variety of disorders. It should be particularly alarming that the child began to behave very restlessly, he is constantly acting up and does not want to eat. Against this background, underweight is often diagnosed. It is possible that the child suffers from a deficiency of so-called posterior milk. It has a higher calorie content and the presence of special components that are responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar.
Fecal discoloration during artificial feeding
In this case, first of all, under the suspicion of infant formulas. It is also worth noting that with artificial feeding, the consistency of the feces of the baby changes. They become more dense. This is dangerous because it can ultimately lead to constipation. Therefore, experts do not recommend experimenting and often changing baby food. It is more difficult for a child to get used to new compositions.
Other reasons
It is possible that orange feces in infants after carrots, apricots, oranges and other food products that his mother consumes. This diet contains a large amount of betacarotene. But if the mother does not take any drugs and is not particularly fond of fruits and vegetables in bright colors, then you should consult a specialist. This is a rather alarming symptom.
Depending on the color saturation, the doctor can determine the stage of a disease. If the feces are orange, then this may indicate that metabolic processes occur in the baby's body. Therefore, it is important to undergo an examination in a timely manner. This means that you will have to pass an analysis of feces. The specialist must check its enzyme composition.
If in addition to the appearance of orange feces, the child has signs of intoxication, then you need to immediately restore the water-salt balance and take measures to normalize the intestinal microflora.