The history of the country, its culture can be judged by the holidays, which are celebrated by its inhabitants. For the most part, holidays are significant dates. They carry the memory of events that happened once. And by the way we celebrate the holiday, how we honor these events, we can judge the whole people.
The Day of Reconciliation and Reconciliation appeared on our calendar in 1996. Prior to this, November 7 was the anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Almost a hundred years ago, the Russian people rebelled against the autocracy and paid dearly, bloodyly for their freedom. Not one generation of Russians treated the date of November 7 with awe. Almost more autumn holidays were expected than the New Year. Demonstrations along the central streets of cities were an indispensable attribute of the celebration. And at the same time, there was no need to “call” anyone, order, force. To go to the demonstration was considered a natural, self-evident affair, a tribute to heroic people, reverence for a great day.
On November 7, 1996, a decree was issued that changed the name of the holiday and gave it the name "Day of consent and reconciliation." Officially, this was done in order to soften the differences between representatives of different social strata. But the revolution is the merit of the entire Russian people, regardless of national characteristics. Then what were the differences?
Be that as it may, the decree was passed. A new name has appeared on the calendar, thereby crossing out everything that millions of Russians have associated with this day. But now hardly anyone will answer why this date is called "Day of Reconciliation and Consent." Most residents of our country are puzzled with whom and why they need to put up and agree.
However, the renaming dates did not end with innovations. In less than ten years, the holiday was completely abolished. At the end of 2004, the Day of Accord and Reconciliation was canceled. November 4 was appointed a new holiday. Of course, this date in itself is significant and dates back to times even more ancient than the Great October Revolution, namely in 1612. Then the militia was able to liberate Moscow from the Poles who captured it, put an end to the Time of Troubles, which lasted more than a quarter century. The Russian people believed that the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Kazan helped in this. Therefore, by order of the king, the day of November 4 was revered as a celebration of veneration of this icon. It was nationwide until 1917, when the new government abolished it. Although believers still believed and continue to consider it a holy day.
And so it turns out that our governments go around in circles. First, the official celebration of November 4 was abolished, making the national holiday the
7th of this month. Then they abolished the anniversary of the October Revolution, calling it "Day of Concord and Reconciliation," and then completely got rid of this holiday, returning to 1612.
The result of such rearrangements was a complete mess in the minds of our people. Not every adult, not to mention schoolchildren, knows how the Day of Accord and Reconciliation differs from the Day of National Unity. And this can only mean that the Russian people are losing memory of their history. And who knows, will there ever come a day in which the mighty of this world abolish Victory Day as a symbol of discord between the Russian and German peoples ?!