Goals and objectives implemented on the day of social educator

Every year on October 2, International Day of Social Educator is celebrated. For Russia, this is a young holiday. Celebrating it began after a symposium in Copenhagen, which took place in 2009. Experts from various countries, as well as Russia, took part in it.

The functions of social pedagogy

The working day of a social educator is not easy. Very serious functions are entrusted to him, on the fulfillment of which the socialization and adaptation of man in society depends.

social educator day

The main task of a specialist is to study the child, how much he is adapted to the environment, what kind of relationship he has with his peers, teachers and parents. Usually, the need for a social educator arises when a child or group of children has conflict situations. For this reason, there must be such an employee in child care facilities on the state.

The teacher should direct the child's activities to self-education and self-education. One of the functions is to teach the emerging person to be responsible for his actions and life.

In addition, the employee of such a difficult profession is obliged to coordinate the activities of other specialists involved in childhood problems.

Where a social educator is needed

The day of a social educator is not just a holiday, but an opportunity to share experience with colleagues and gain new practical knowledge. This is due to the fact that a social work teacher is on the staff of each child care institution, regardless of its activities.

international day of social educator

Currently, such specialists are actively working in the following institutions:

  • Schools, kindergartens, higher educational institutions.
  • Children's clubs and leisure facilities.
  • Rehabilitation centers assisting families.
  • Boarding schools, orphanages and shelters.
  • Special schools and colonies for minors.
  • Narcological dispensaries.
  • Medical facilities.

A large number of events are held on the day of the social educator, during which you can gain invaluable experience. Experts with many years of experience share their skills with young, just beginning their work, employees.

Events on the Day of Social Educator in Russia

On October 2, symposiums, seminars, and conferences are held around the world to improve the skills of specialists in this field. The following topics are covered during these events:

social educator day in Russia

  • Spiritual, moral and social forms of development of the younger generation.
  • Difficulties in raising children and adolescents.
  • The role of the family and relationships in it for the harmonious development of the individual.
  • Healthy lifestyle issues.
  • Raising the level of information work with the population.
  • Conflict situations and methods for resolving them.

International Day of Social Educator for Russian specialists has become an excellent opportunity to learn and acquire new practical skills.

Distinctive features of an ordinary and social educator

The teacher or educator of a child care institution primarily works with each child, regardless of his social status or problems in public life. While the activities of the social educator are aimed at identifying and correcting difficulties in relationships and adapting to the environment. He works with children and adolescents who have problems in the family or society.

working day of a social educator

It is worth noting that these two areas in pedagogy are closely interconnected and are in constant interaction. It is teamwork that allows you to effectively solve the difficulties that a child has.

Activities on the Day of Social Educators are also aimed at training specialists in cooperation with other educators and organizations involved in issues of children and adolescents.

Pedagogy is a difficult science and requires the involvement of personnel with the ability and, most importantly, attraction to such activities. On Social Educator's Day, young people have the opportunity to receive information about this specialty. This is especially necessary for children who are thinking about choosing this profession. To test their abilities for socio-educational work, special tests and trainings are conducted. Thus, young people will be able to assess their capabilities and get a complete picture of this science.

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